Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
01 May, 08:13
🦅🇺🇸🪖 President & CiC Trump, Freeland, MI

POTUS started speaking @ 5:55 😻

HE gave essentially the same speech as in Wisconsin
but he spent a long time talking about abortion

“When the Republic is restored,
we will go back to the original Constitution
where the US was designed for the STATES
to be independent
& VOTE on what the people of those states want.

We will send Joe Biden’s illegal aliens back home

We will put the cartels out of business & QUICKLY

On Day One we will launch
the biggest deportation in American history”

He also spoke several times about “execution” & “jail”
He hit those words hard:

“Biden is trying so hard to JAIL
he wants to JAIL his political opponents…”

I took those as comms meaning ‘Be ready for what’s coming’ 💥


👇🇺🇸 @ RealKarliBonne 🦅🇺🇸🪖🙏🏻 45✨46✨& 47

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
01 May, 08:54
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
Derek never fails to bring the goods!
From all the foreign military flights into the U.S. and our guys in other countries,
I believe many illegals are being snatched up and taken home.
As well as the numbers being a great deal lower with isolated locations for crossing.

And I never forget Janet Ossebaard's first video in The Fall of the Cabal,
detailing the fake migrant caravan. 😂




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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
01 May, 09:24
In response Light and LOVE to her Publication
With you 💯 L & L ✨😻
I haven't worried about the "Border"
"Alien" crisis for a long time.
I KNOW the White Hat Military Alliance
would NOT endanger America or Americans.

That said, violence & crimes ARE happening.
Two agendas: White Hat & Black Hat.
Chess moves.

But ultimately I trust The Plan & I trust QTeam
& adore Janet Ossebaard
& wish she were still here.
I dearly hope WHEREVER that brave Spirit is
she's enjoying the show
& will whoop it up at the CELEBRATION
she helped manifest for all 🙏🇺🇸🪖🌸🌎🕊️


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lonelyfarmer @lonelyfarmer
I saw Janet Oosabaard on a rumble video under Qspecialforces, titled Trump Truths and the great awakening. It was presented a couple days ago and the content looked recent and I am positive it was her.
10:50 PM - May 01, 2024
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
Only people mentioned by lonelyfarmer in this post can reply
Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
01 May, 11:33
In response lonelyfarmer to his Publication
I hope so 😻 I dearly, dearly hope so 🙏🌸❤️

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Ask Yourself @AskYourself_45
01 May, 11:50
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
I know you probably already saw this, but this just did not seem real to me when it came out… facial expressions, scripted words, level of emotion, and so forth.


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ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
02 May, 11:20
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
WITSEC is an amazing thing.

Let's hope she's there, watching the 🎥 with 😀. She did her part, that's for sure. Amazing work, impeccable research. Put the hidden Khazars, Devils & Demons on the map and into the spotlight! MEGA Hero.


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