Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
28 March, 05:58

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
28 March, 05:57

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
28 March, 05:32
100% ⤵️⤵️

What's the first thing "christians" teach their children?

There is a old bearded man in the sky that Loves All his children.
However, you must be good little girl or boy or that that old man will punish you by:
not blessing you with gifts of love & happiness,
making your life a struggle,
give you a sucky job, boss & coworkers
give you cancer,
"god's WILL"
you must love this old man with all your heart, putting him first in all things, in all ways,
you must follow all "his" rule.
If you're not perfect at this,
you must throw yourself onto your knees& repent to "him" all your wrongdoings, preferably in front of other inperfect people,
as many times as you break "his" rules!
when you die, although "he" loves All his children, if "he" deems you unworthy of being with "him" in his paradise in the sky,
he will send YOU to a dark place of burning fires FOREVER!

FYI: Sin is SUN

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Faith FreeTheChildrenQ @Faith
28 March, 02:35
In response Catherine Adelle to her Publication

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Faith FreeTheChildrenQ @Faith
28 March, 02:37
In response Catherine Adelle to her Publication
You are watching the Q posts come to life...

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 11:23

This is AI and no less than a month old!

Both grizzly and black bears don't come out of hibernation until February to mid March, depending on the weather.
The bears in this AI generated image are all black bears!

My greatest Power Animal was a golden Black Bear!
He played a huge role in helping me connect and begin the healing process with my Inner Child.
He was also instrumental in assisting me deal with an abusive relationship.

If you're interested, the best book about Power Animals is by Ted Andrews "Animal Speak"

"Animal Speak" provides techniques for recognizing and interpreting the signs and omens of nature. Meet and work with animals as totems and spirit guides by learning the language of their behaviors within the physical world.


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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 11:04

Military in Control!

IF, If this isn't just another hyped distraction,
will the Military allow these "Senators" into GITMO?

Will they have press along?
If yes to real travel and with Press,
will this be disclosure of the actual size of GITMO and the added infrastructure???

Could be anything . . . or Nothing! 🍿🍿🍿

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 10:55

If the Reader canNot see the CULT and Fear based, centuries old words
and current narcissistic / sociopathic "ministers / preachers",

the Reader is still blinded by indoctrination.

The last 2 lines state the obvious! RUN!

Link to full post & video:


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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 10:37

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 10:05

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 10:03

The veil is getting thinner.

More & more people's Soul is Awakening!

Here's the thing:
I keep hearing about how god did this or that
How someone's life changed when they "gave their life over to god"
How some miracle happened
Synchronistic events occurred
A life was saved,
Etc., Etc., Etc.

I, along with MILLIONS of others, have experienced ALL these same or quite similar events!

RELIGION = foundation of Fear

Many of Us have NEVER Been able to be Indoctrinated!
Many indoctrinated figured it out & escaped the mind control.
Many know there's something wrong & are now close to breaking free.

It's Not the prayers that work!
It's the INTENTION & SINCERITY from the Heart that works!

I've begun to wonder how many religious zealots are actually NPCs?
How many involved in christianity are there for community rather than deep held beliefs?

Beliefs are a PERSONAL Choice!

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 04:00

"ETs" have AWLAYS been on this planet!
Hundreds of thousands of years BEFORE Genesis!

Walking among us, working beside us

Some were the "Gods" that eventually became One "god" for "crowd control".

Our AMAZING DNA & Abilities were created by ETs!
ATOM, not Adam.
Not the made up stories from the Cabal control "bible".

They brought and placed the "Arks", aka the "Arks" are technologically advanced!


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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 03:49
I'm so EXCITED for the coming "apocalypse"!

Another greatly MISUSED word!

"Apocalypse" (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning "revelation", or

“An unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling.”


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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 03:45

"They continue to hide this, yet "They" never touched your "holy" books, gods and perpetual rewrites?

"They" changed history, but had nothing to do with "The bible"?

OMG! 😂😂😂


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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 03:37

Whereever You are Veronica . . . We MISS YOU! 💜


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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 03:10

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Rising Phoenix @Rising_Phoenix
27 March, 08:52

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Rising Phoenix @Rising_Phoenix
27 March, 08:54

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Rising Phoenix @Rising_Phoenix
27 March, 01:57

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 12:37

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 12:36

QUESTION: How old is Project Looking Glass?

"bible" Revelations = Project Looking Glass!

Time Travel = Highly advanced technologies
We haven't "evolved",
We were deliberately REGRESSED!

CIA "Remote Viewing" = moderately successful
most successful coming from gifted psychics in their program!
FYI - CIA Knows this!
Like "cancer", its a BIG ploy for $$$$$$$$$

Ark of the Covenant?

The REAL ARKS, yes plural, are still hidden
are FAR GREATER, MORE POWERFUL, EXTREMELY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY than the Cabal UN- holy books led the masses to believe!
Think "space ship" type structures!

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 12:26

Just when you think the Movie plot couldn't get more, more . . .


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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 12:19

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 12:08



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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 11:57

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 11:57

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 11:56

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 11:56

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 11:55

A great deal of what humans know as "love" are Soul Contracts playing out in the form of powerful attraction to others.

How does One Know if the Love we feel for others is Authentic or some level of human emotion?

Authentic LOVE has
No expectations,
No elements of fear,
No pain or suffering!
No tradeoffs!


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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
27 March, 11:49


The Cabal does!

* They want you dumbed down!
* They want YOU to worship their god(s)!
* They want ypu PowerLESS to reason & logic, let alone be able to KNOW & USE your Power to HEAL Yourself & this planet!
* They want you to BELIEVE Your own Power comes & is created by their fake god(s), while they Use their Power to conjure evil!
* They Use YOUR EMOTIONS to control you!

I frequently drive by a church with a marquee.
(They were totally taken in by covid.)
It now says "Pray for Peace"
How many DECADES have You, Your church community, friends & family been praying for Peace
as the world has seen more wars, more trafficking, abuse, incest, narcissism, etc?
WHO is Everyone praying to?

IF this is You, thank you for assisting the NWO agenda!

P.S. Please don't pray for me!
I have a direct & perpetual connection to Source.

ALL You need is Already WITHIN YOU!

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