Only people mentioned by HiiiPow3r in this post can reply
Scooby85 *** @mrsb2005
22 November, 12:13 (E)
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
I’m really going to miss you VK. Hope to see you on Anon Island or Mountain Island or both! I don’t think we ever determined which 🤷🏻‍♀️ Grateful to have been a follower of yours in this movement. We will all meet in person someday and we all know that “The best is yet to come!”🥰❤️🤗😘. 🙏🏻 for you and your family on your next journey!

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Only followers of this user (Maudiemaye) can see their posts

Iam Mie @iammiele
21 November, 11:36
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Heard this yesterday and thought about @VincentKennedy

Sweet dreams of Anon Island...
Where ever you're headed - Safe Travels and Godspeed! Catch ya on the flip side! 😍
The Rolling Stones - You Can’t Always Get What You Want (Official Video) [4K] - YouTube

Please allow me to reintroduce myself...Forty Licks is back! Released on CD over 20 years ago, the definitive greatest hits collection is out officially on v...

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UM Patriot4Freedom_1776 Eddie donated @Patriot4Freedom1776
20 November, 07:10
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Ending tomorrow. Hopefully his spirit will stay!

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Robin Speakman @RobinRhea
20 November, 06:00
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Will you be back, if so when. It's gonna be difficult without your connection! 😭

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20 November, 05:38
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
So, tomorrow is it...VK's last day on social media. I'm sad; hoping to see him on AU one last time!

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Only followers of this user (17_Psalm) can see their posts

The Lord IS My Savior donated @QDuck
19 November, 09:51
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
We will miss you VK! Thank you for all the sage advice too. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Please keep the AIM dream alive (hopefully will turn into reality for us). ♥️🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸♥️

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Markus Free @IMarkusFree
17 November, 05:38
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
terresects draw today on X at 7PM

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TexasTrumpGirl Tammi @DaughterOfGod
17 November, 06:47
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
🙏❤️🤗🕊️Thank you VK for being on this journey with us. We all have become one huge family here. We love you and we will forever be grateful for your help along this path we've been on. God bless you. Until we meet again. Safe journey to where you are going.🙏❤️🤗🕊️

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Kay ThanQ @KayThanQ
17 November, 04:07
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

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Angel Grace @angelgrace_17
16 November, 09:57
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
😢It's been some wild journey. We all still have each other right?

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15 November, 06:26
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
That’s right we are in this mess together so that means you can’t leave .

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The Lord IS My Savior donated @QDuck
11 November, 09:37
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

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Glenn Huggins @RnGFab60
11 November, 03:25
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
11:11 5x5

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Michael Nobody @CMOTUS
11 November, 10:04
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Lets join in mediation at 11:11am today on November the 11th : )

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Royal Raven @Royalraven
11 November, 11:11
In response Michael Nobody to his Publication
🙏 Dear God Almighty place a hedge of protection over us in the coming storm. Guide, bless and protect us from the evil that seeks to destroy us. Allow us to be a calm in the storm guiding others to You. In Your Precious and Mighty Son Jesus Christ's Name, I pray.

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Only followers of this user (CueTee42) can see their posts

Lacy Saving The Children @DestroyingTheCabal
14 November, 10:48
In response CueTee 1776 to her Publication
Is he leaving X or all social medias??

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barry burgess - Z @BarryB
09 November, 09:10
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

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Only followers of this user (Estherfootprints777) can see their posts

The Qake Lady @QakeLady
06 November, 08:12 (E)
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Makes me sad we only have 16 more days with you VK @VincentKennedy ..TY for everything since our old twita days and the amazing soul you have been here on AU. I'm so blessed to be a little more aware of things I needed to dig more to know, a little happier with the adorable animal posts, a little stronger with each rise of APL, a little smarter on super glue use, a little teary eyed by the thot you will not be here anymore or on X and a whole lotta grateful for you my Fren. See you on AU Island? spicy margt's, and steaks.. Forever memories Lovey. God speed and HUGE HUGS🙏💕💫

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Ange Love @LoveM
03 November, 09:51
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Deepest gratitude VK for your contributions and good vibes during this storm. You are a beacon of light and learning in our blessed universe...


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03 November, 04:26
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Holding the Line!! Always!!
Stay Strong VK!!

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Silver Cat @silvercat
02 November, 11:57
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Thank you, VK, and everyone! Give Classified a hug for me!

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Shannon Harding @Believer101
02 November, 11:29
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
I have been on this ride since Nov. 2020. This site helped me feel balanced in an unbalanced world. Thank you VK for all of your guidance, positivity and hopefulness. I also loved the red pandas which I had never seen before. I feel sad thinking that you will be going away - yet I feel happy for you because that means your job is done and you will be going home.

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Only followers of this user (Maudiemaye) can see their posts

Royal Raven @Royalraven
08 November, 01:09
In response Melanie Rieger to her Publication

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
02 November, 10:11
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
We are truly hoping he can spend some time here on AU before VK signs off, many here can not see posts on X and well even for those of us that can see but can't interact, it still is not the same.

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MRI Girl @MRI_Girl
02 November, 10:26
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
I miss the days when VK was here with us.

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Age of Enlightenment @Sparrows
03 November, 08:58
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

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Night Shift @kekerista
02 November, 09:09
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
You know VK, I had this wild thought.
My daughter and I had one of those weird time slip things that people describe about 2 years ago coming home late one night. No clue what they are all about, but I'm glad she was with me to witness it because I totally would have dismissed it.
Funny thing, my life changed completely after that event. So many crazy things have happened. I found you shortly after as well.
If I were to describe it, it would be like the "quickening"
It's like the universe said....nope, wrong track, you're doing this one.
Anyway, you've been a blessing to many. I've said it before and I mean it. Knowledge is truly the center of us getting back to reality and our purpose.
You are a living textbook, a great work of art....whomever you are.
Fantastic leader and a wise poker player.
God Speed my friend.
Thank you seems inadequate but my highest gratitude nonetheless.

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Miss. Messina @Messina
02 November, 10:24
In response Night Shift to her Publication
Very well spoken truth , A resonates so much with how so many of us feel Thank you for sharing 🫡

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Ultra Maga North Carolina Patriot @Godismysavior777
02 November, 11:46
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Godspeed Vincent. Much love to you and the fam

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
02 November, 11:41
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Truly, usually within a few days of the de ja vu we have something of substance happen.
Nana still wonders if they loop us back to either fix something the Black Hats have done or perhaps they can't completely change things but can make them less destructive???

Nothing is off the table over here in Nana Land with what I have seen and experienced the last 5 yrs.😳

Perhaps, PERHAPS, this is why both side saw with Project Looking Glass that no matter what Team Evil does, Trump and the White Hats end up winning and this timeline is set, because they can never completely carry out their agenda, and it keeps rolling forward until there are
SO MANY awake people that they completely lose control???

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
07 November, 09:30
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
“Donald Trump & Benjamin Netanyahu: War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness”

Freemasons, Theosophists, Kabbalists and Gnostics are the ones who call themselves "Sons of Light"

Do you see what they’re doing here?

There has always been two New World Orders; the Black Magic/Darkness and the White Magic/False light

Many do not realize they are being initiated into Lucifer's "light”

It’s a real shame is people are incapable of recognizing its two sides of the same coin—

Satan (Dark) vs. Lucifer (False Light)

God on the other hand is not the opposite side of dark

He is the only light— in Him there is no darkness at all

The world is a stage, and the corruption of the old order is being revealed and exposed by its agents on a mainstream level so that the masses can “awaken” into the Aquarian age of deception

Crazy times

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Anonymity on X @ReeeinQarnation
01 November, 10:44 (E)
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
🤔 Going through some old posts I had bookmarked and this VK post came up from 3/30, 2022

I haven't got my account back on X yet.

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