Only followers of this user (Pythia) can see their posts

Bridget Lentin @Brisha
29 April, 06:27
In response Valentina Pythia to her Publication
yip they all want a fairy tale

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John Burke @johnburke
15 April, 09:19

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Only followers of this user (Pythia) can see their posts

SomethingAboutJohn @SomethingAboutJohn
06 January, 04:27
This 2018 pic is making the rounds again... And the man people say is JFK Jr. ... is not him. That man is Security Manager Gerald L. Mather (will share a closeup of him under this post). Spread the truth... 😎 (Although Mr. Mather has probably enjoyed this mixup. 😂 )

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Elle DiNardi @DinaElle
24 December, 06:39
EBS ALERT.....????
should be called E nough of the B ullshit A lert.


You have been under a SPELL.

If this was an actual emergency .... blah blah blah....

SEE - they were TESTING you all along... Pretty colors ....
How about that sound?... Irritating...
Did it continue the TRANCE everyone was in....?????

Did it keep you in?
Q SAYS if 99% knew the TRUTH they would be in the Hospital...
you know ... the ER..EMERGENCY room.
and it worked too !

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
10 December, 04:50
In response Bridget Lentin to her Publication
he tyrannical counterfeit New World Order and Great Reset is being thrown at our faces by Satan’s hand as a way to lead us into fear.
This fear is used as a mechanism to guide us forward by whip.
The Great Awakening is in Lucifer’s hand being used as the carrot 🥕.
In tandem, the Devil and Lucifer are both guiding us forward in the direction of the Beast Control System using awakening to the “matrix” as a vehicle to not only Free Will ourselves into enslavement, but to vehemently fight a revolution against the dark Cabal to make sure it doe

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
10 December, 04:49
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
The Matrix or The World is a Simulation is an occult concept, not scientific or technological in genesis.
Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, and Aleister Crowley called it “maya” borrowing off the Hindu ideas of this concept.

The “rabbit hole” is a gnostic/new age term. In the same way that the serpent’s lie teaches that Satan "freed mankind" in the Garden by giving us our “mind” and “consciousness”, he will also free us from the controllers of this age, leading the world into the false light Age of Aquarius; the age of the coming antichrist beast system.

Truthers pushing the great awakening are in fact laying the cornerstones for the Beast Control System, NOT fighting it off; unfortunately.

To “go down the rabbit hole” is to awaken yourself to the illusion around you. When you accept the world is a “matrix or simulation or lie,” you’re rejecting God and His Word.

The tyrannical counterfeit New World Order and Great Reset is being thrown at our faces by Satan’s hand as a

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Only followers of this user (HopeAlways888) can see their posts

Bridget Lentin @Brisha
08 September, 05:00
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
Exactly and 2020/2021 when countries around the world were having freedom rallies and protests USA weren’t !!!

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
26 January, 12:48
Hi, someone recently posted a video of a DR showiing happens to unvaxed blood when person has sexual intercourse with a vaxed person if anyone has video please can you repost tks

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
01 January, 05:17

…all the talk Bolsonaro getting military to be in control….

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
10 December, 01:51

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Anna Earthling @Earthling2
28 November, 12:13
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
no coasters?

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Tina Cogon @Rynnks
15 November, 03:34
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
You're not listening to the same voices I am. Try Kent Christmas, Robin D Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Timothy Dixon, Dutch and Tim Sheets, Amanda Grace, Julie Green, and many more. Those with large platforms have sold out the church in much the same way the GOP sold out the country. Look for churches that can't be contained in a building. That's where you will find faith.

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
24 September, 02:06

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Mr. Boxoffrogs @boxoffrogs
11 August, 06:27
In response Carminda Camara to her Publication
Admiral Byrd Discovered New Land in Antarctica that Nobody Ever Talks about
In 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd was summoned to Washington, D.C. and questioned extensively about his claims that he had entered a hole in the Antarctic ice and found an advanced ancient civilization. He was ordered never to mention the finding or to reveal his discovery to the public. He obeyed until days before his death. Here is part of the story...
Admiral Byrd Discovered New Land in Antarctica that Nobody Ever Talks about - YouTube

In 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd was summoned to Washington, D.C. and questioned extensively about his claims that he had entered a hole in the Antarctic ice ...

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
12 July, 12:44
Video links as mentioned in Q drop 3420. Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Cover-up - Police testimony of Child 1 (reupload)
Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Cover-up - Police testimony of Child 1 (reupload) - YouTube

This is a re-upload of the child's testimony given to the Police in the Hampstead Christ Church child abuse cover-up in England.Link to video: https://www.yo...

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
24 July, 05:22
Spotted this. is this emblem connected to space Force. If so pretty creepy 666. wasnt Space force started under DJT

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Sam Brown @sambrown
22 July, 01:07
In response Sam Brown to his Publication

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JQANNE 369 donated @JQANNE
17 July, 03:49
In response trudy Q17 to her Publication

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
13 July, 04:52
In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication
nearly 11pm here on island of Malta EU and moon looks like normal full moon

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
21 June, 04:38
$XRP (Ripple) Forms New Partnership to Build an Open MetaVerse

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
17 May, 03:43
Who Built Malta #starfort #oldworld #history #reset #falsehistory - YouTube

Full video on Syncretism Society Website Merch Storehttps://autodidactic.bigcartel.c...

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
02 April, 07:11
pope spending 2 days in malta. guess vatican is poor he flew in on a regular flight from Rome

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
01 April, 10:39

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
27 February, 11:51
How to ensure the US Dollar doesnt die:

1. Create a public blockchain where transactions are transparent
2. Develop a SWIFT killer on US soil that uses blockchain
3. Convince banks worldwide that the tech will kill SWIFT
4. Convince all countries to utilize this new service and help these countries create their own tokens using the same blockchain ledger
5. 1221 all the gold from the elitist scum to create gold-backed stable coins
6. Create a gold-backed stable coin for the United States Citizens to use worldwide with full interoperability.
7. Give all US Citizens a digital wallet with US stable coin tokens from reparations due to Covid (think trillions from China) and other deep state high jackings from the last couple hundred years.
8. US coin is backed by gold, and goes up in value worldwide and continues to help other nations “build back better” for next 1,000 years+

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
24 January, 04:29
View of Sicily from Malta

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
24 January, 04:29
people finally waking up in Malta eu

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Bridget Lentin @Brisha
25 December, 01:27
Christmas presnet in the Times of Malta EU

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