Grew up not supposed to eat meat on Friday during lent. It was a big nono. I don't remember the year but one Friday during lent the church said they made an exception and you can eat meat that friday.
That began my journey of realizing Church has nothing to do with G_d.
Same with School. Felt like teachers were making up history on the fly.
The only true answers I could find were within my gut.
Trusting yourselves = Trusting G_d
That began my journey of realizing Church has nothing to do with G_d.
Same with School. Felt like teachers were making up history on the fly.
The only true answers I could find were within my gut.
Trusting yourselves = Trusting G_d
02:40 PM - Mar 20, 2023
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Queen Warrior
02 April, 07:16
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Grace. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Grace. Romans 8 says it well. "Religion" leaves out the true Heart of God: LOVE.
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Truth Hunter
02 April, 07:04
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
The picture laid out with no meat/lent
and the likes is but one of endless religious
traditions/rituals...Jesus taught against
religion---it's all about relationship/obedience
to him---the narrow gate/road
and the likes is but one of endless religious
traditions/rituals...Jesus taught against
religion---it's all about relationship/obedience
to him---the narrow gate/road
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Cnd Lu!
22 March, 09:06
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
It’s so sad that Truth is so utterly lost and/or obscured by the desperate inadequacies of flesh (human nature, carnality). The “church” is simply a house of and for broken souls. Many of which have found a beautifully perfect Savior. But we still have to contend with walking out our faith while still battling our imperfections. The church as an institution is just as broken as the humanity contained within its walls. Praise God that our Savior is not, nor is He limited to—or by it faults & and failures. We were never intended to seek a building or institution. We were created to seek Him. When you find Him... everything else simply melts away. Everything is swallowed up by His indescribable love. I pray that all who seek—find THIS love. 🙏❤️
*Church here meaning -institutions not necessarily the body or bride.
*Church here meaning -institutions not necessarily the body or bride.
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Bee Saved
21 March, 06:43
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I knew religion was fake when I couldn't figure out how people like the native Americans qualified for heaven. I started studying spirituality after that. I was 12 or 13. I know God much better because of this.
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Bee Saved
21 March, 06:47
In response Bee Saved to his Publication
I do believe the Bible is heavily edited. I suspect the Bible originally was written about love, peace, and joy. Anything that causes fear,,, edited in.
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21 March, 03:17
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

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Angela Copeland
21 March, 01:11
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
You are correct. It’s all just belies, drop it all
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... ...
21 March, 11:08
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Sorry VK but you are way off. The St Michael prayer...what and why does it have its origins? Q posts Vigano. Trump has WH exorcised by Catholic priest and places a statue of Our Lady of Fatima in said WH. A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. Be careful who you influence. Please
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21 March, 06:58
In response ... ... to his Publication
I could be wrong. Not looking to influence. Just sharing my experiences. Has to be some great church communities out there. Just not the ones I have been to.
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Eowyn 777
21 March, 09:59
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
My home church- Houston First Baptist (multiple campuses) turned their back on me as a desperate single mom 3 times for relationship support with my teen daughter- and watched when needy giver couple took her into their family.
I left the church.
reclaim my place as mom and priority interest.
I left the church.
reclaim my place as mom and priority interest.
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Angela Copeland
21 March, 08:55
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Woke up this morning, after researching for days, and something unlocked , allowing me to see and understand, the actual magnitude of what’s coming, why this show is this way, why disinformation is necessary and the fact that I can not tell anyone, what it is. Won’t write down details, in no way can I disclose this info. It’s much bigger than we thought we knew.
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Doves Fly High For Trump
21 March, 08:38
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Had a baby. 1993 Took him and my daughter to Catholic church, so i could have him baptized. I didn't have much cuz my husband left, but would put change or a dollar in the 'basket'. Then one day i received a 'bill' in the mail from them for $10.00 for tithe. I sent a letter back stating i WAS giving money, but because i don't have your envelopes, you don't know what I'm putting in. My husband left, we had no heat during blizzard of 93, no food, formula, etc. Know what the church did ? Sent me a zero balance bill. No donations, no one came to help me. Bub-bye !
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Waiting4Home Anon
21 March, 08:34
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Not everyone was raised "Catholic".......
Faith is what YOU make it......
Faith is what YOU make it......
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Lone Wolf
23 March, 11:50
In response Waiting4Home Anon to her Publication
Ukraine: The Final Piece🔥
Iran = Obama sends $150 billion in cash to Iran before leaving office in 2016.
John Kerry’s daughter is married to an Iranian national.
Ukraine = Hunter Biden/Joe Biden dealings & corruption, stealing millions from American tax payers to funnel money to Ukraine.
Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul sits on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.
Romney’s son does too.
John Kerry’s son.
Biden’s son.
Now you know why we're "helping" Ukraine & why Pelosi is still here.
Having fun yet?
The tentacles of Ukraine corruption capture Cofer Black of Bush's 9/11 cabinet, Obama, Biden, Soros, Schiff, Pelosi, Bolton, John Kerry, Romney, & the Clintons.
Iran = Obama sends $150 billion in cash to Iran before leaving office in 2016.
John Kerry’s daughter is married to an Iranian national.
Ukraine = Hunter Biden/Joe Biden dealings & corruption, stealing millions from American tax payers to funnel money to Ukraine.
Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul sits on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.
Romney’s son does too.
John Kerry’s son.
Biden’s son.
Now you know why we're "helping" Ukraine & why Pelosi is still here.
Having fun yet?
The tentacles of Ukraine corruption capture Cofer Black of Bush's 9/11 cabinet, Obama, Biden, Soros, Schiff, Pelosi, Bolton, John Kerry, Romney, & the Clintons.
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The Qake Lady
21 March, 08:26
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Funny you should post this in question... I recently learned that during Lent, if St Paddy's Day falls on a Friday (as it just did) you can eat Corned Beef but that's it????...OK so I have had enough of this and believe we have been lead to the lies once again.. ENOUGH!
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21 March, 07:27
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
that looks like a [g][o] ;)
can we get a greenlight ... 😎
Dec 23, 2017 3:58:14 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c No. 158439
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!
can we get a greenlight ... 😎
Dec 23, 2017 3:58:14 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c No. 158439
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!
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Christopher Gibbons
21 March, 06:57
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I was raised Catholic. Rituals never seem right to me especially in a redundant form. It started to lose meanings in my personal interpretation. I was challenged by my family why I don't practice at Church. I said why we have to go to a Church to be with God when I know God is with you all the time. They said you have to go to worship him (that word threw me off). They even tried to keep the conversation friendly that I am "non-practice Catholic." My eyes rolled so hard.
I never forget how certain family members (who gave up alcohol for lent) tell me it's okay to drink on St. Patrick's Day. I asked why. Their straight forward reply is "because the Pope said so." That's why I knew it's a complete BS. More so, that's when I realize people are not listening to God anymore.
I pray for my family everyday hoping they come to a realization when they learn the truth about the Church.
I never forget how certain family members (who gave up alcohol for lent) tell me it's okay to drink on St. Patrick's Day. I asked why. Their straight forward reply is "because the Pope said so." That's why I knew it's a complete BS. More so, that's when I realize people are not listening to God anymore.
I pray for my family everyday hoping they come to a realization when they learn the truth about the Church.
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Shawnee Feather
21 March, 06:31
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
OMG YES!! I remember this perfectly! Argued with my Dad about it. It was in the 90s when St Patricks day fell on a Friday in lent. New Jersey Priests said Catholics could eat corn beef! NY Priests said no! Told him you can still get to heaven if you take a taxi to NJ. He didnt like it. Great awakening for me that this religion is nothing more than a Man Made scam! Thought of it again this year as St Patricks again fell on a Friday in lent!
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Jane Doe✔️
21 March, 06:29
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Two commandments. Encompasses much. That's it.
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Telesia Birdwell
21 March, 06:06
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Jesus would not be happy with the Catholic church. It says so in Revelations. I think there are ways to be close to God through it though. I believe in the example of the saints (most of them) who went before us and lived their lives in a holy way. It was very comforting when my husband died the church had a mass for him and he wasn't Catholic. The church has lost its way. I don't follow all the arbitrary rules but I have seen miracles happen in adoration. I did that for 12 years. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. It's a personal relationship.
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Phillip Moore
21 March, 05:31
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I grew up in a non-religious home, my father was not happy when I came home from summer camp with a Bible when I was 10 or 11 years old. Even though I would like to immerse myself in the word, I still struggle to read the Bible now, yet I know God is within me & I listen to him speak.
I walked out of class when I was 16 when my instinct told me I was being indoctrinated, not educated.
Nice t/s VK
14:40 > 144
I walked out of class when I was 16 when my instinct told me I was being indoctrinated, not educated.
Nice t/s VK
14:40 > 144
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Love Life
21 March, 03:12
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
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Anna Earthling
21 March, 02:35
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Gut feeling is right. Does that mean our soul or God lives in our gut? Or 3-4 pounds of microbiota? The ones that disintegrate our body when we die?
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Liberty Jennja
21 March, 01:49
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Amen to that VK, amen!
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God wins1717
21 March, 01:44
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
once i found out that the Vatican change the, ((( sabbath ))) from Saturday to Sunday,= sungod-day , i knew things were wrong.
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21 March, 09:21
In response God wins1717 to his Publication
God explains that His purpose is that the Sabbath “sanctifies” those who keep it. They are set apart as belonging to—being owned by—God. Christians are told, “You are bought with a price; be not you the servants of men” (I Cor. 7:23) and “You are bought with a price: therefore glorify God” (I Cor. 6:20).
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21 March, 09:36
In response God wins1717 to his Publication
Never forget that it was the Catholic Church that also changed the calendar and time. They also made Mary the Intercessor instead of Jesus.
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Only followers of this user (KimDonaldson07) can see their posts
TxQ Vibes
21 March, 12:42
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
catholic raised, lutheran
started having conversations with my parents about how 💩church and school was. managed to convince them our time was much better spent on sundays watching the cowboys score touchdowns and dale turn to the left😂
we all found God in the mountains of colorado every winter wayyyy more often than listening to the guy in a funny hat prattle on about some stories in some book that's been changed to fit their agenda!
started having conversations with my parents about how 💩church and school was. managed to convince them our time was much better spent on sundays watching the cowboys score touchdowns and dale turn to the left😂
we all found God in the mountains of colorado every winter wayyyy more often than listening to the guy in a funny hat prattle on about some stories in some book that's been changed to fit their agenda!
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Lizard Acres
21 March, 12:03
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I remember growing up in the church where they said you cannot chew the host bread or even let it touch your teeth. It had to melt away in your mouth. Then one year everything changed. These rules are all man made & have nothing to do with God. After I made my confirmation because my parents made me, I left the church never to look back.
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Julia Bradley
21 March, 04:18
In response Lizard Acres to his Publication
So sad!
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Bootsie 1776
20 March, 11:26
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Early on catechism, we learned that they used to teach reincarnation. And, that we are surrounded by the same souls throughout our lifetimes, just different roles. Later, I disconnected, during the installation of the judging shaming control features, so pretty much quit going when I ventured out in the world.
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