Modern Missy donated @ThoroughlyModernMissy
20 February, 07:18
Psyop within a psyop or real life? This is my video taken yesterday Sunday, Feb 19, 2023 at 12:37 PM. We live in the next town over from East Palestine on the PA side.
Whatever you’re seeing on the internet about dead fish, pets & livestock is A LIE. This is my husband & I driving right through the middle of town even having to wait while the train crosses ON THE TRACK WHERE THE SUPPOSED DERAILMENT HAPPENED (would be on the left side of this video).
People are going about their lives. The few things we noticed are two groups of people handing out cases of water on Market Street one of which had two state troopers helping & two TV Camera set ups with no reporters standing nearby & no news vehicles. None. I will post a photo of that in the comments.
I wasn’t even going to drive over because we lost our 14 year old pup yesterday but this insanity needs to end. The people of the area are NOT the ones freaking out on TV or social media. I don’t know who they are.
Let’s see what happ

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Sleet Sir @Sleet
21 February, 02:08
In response Modern Missy to her Publication
Give me some help here...

When was this video taken...

I live in the Plain States and nothing is green here...the grass is green...shrubs are green...🤔

Nothing is green here...

I believe this to be a spoof....

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
21 February, 03:02
In response Sleet Sir to his Publication
I live blocks from close friends, a couple of miles from other friends.

The weather conditions, greening of grass, budding of trees, snow to rain, rain to snow varies even in these short distances within the same city!

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Modern Missy donated @ThoroughlyModernMissy
21 February, 03:25
In response Light and LOVE to her Publication
Just to blow the naysayers minds a little more. Here’s a video I took of the creek that runs through our backyard last Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023 at 1:36 pm EST. We are 6 miles directly east of East Palestine.
It was 72° in Western PA when it’s typically dark & freezing this time of year. My daffodils are poking up through the ground & some shrubs have buds on them.
Turn the sound up to hear the pristine water flowing, the red tailed hawks circling above & my neighbor’s rooster crowing in the background.
Devastating eco-disaster, right?

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Wendy Werner @WeTheAnon
@VincentKennedy told us something wasn’t adding up with this so my radar is turned on. On Tucker’s show tonight he interviewed a E Palestine couple claiming they are experiencing ill health effects, as well as their dog, the dead fish in the creek, etc. “It’s very scary Tucker” Just seemed staged and odd. When you do a search on them, how many news features have they had? Many. She’s a chemical lab technician and he works for a gas company w OSHA certification and prior chemical experience, and they don’t mention their expertise? They state they became residents of E Palestine just since last May. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence!!
09:57 PM - Feb 21, 2023
In response Modern Missy to her Publication
Only people mentioned by WeTheAnon in this post can reply
George Edmiston @BIGEDWYMANZ
23 February, 09:49
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication

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chuck ross @chuckster
22 February, 08:02
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Reality is DJT claiming they have it all, caught them all, yet not ONE conviction, nor sentencing. NOT ONE!!! IN SEVEN YEARS!!! We're way past this it's all a plan bullshit. No one can justify not one election fraud protagonist having been convicted. much less arrested. If this is a scam, then DJT is up to his ears in it, and he's got a lot of explaining to do...

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Carol Roberts @InHisHolyName
22 February, 05:10
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
That was my first thought, actors. The whole " coughing up blood" thing was a give- away. C'mon Man. 🤣😅😂

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UM EK17 Q1111 @GaDawg3
22 February, 02:37 (E)
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
I sensed something weird when I watched it. Felt like crisis actors. The guy was complaining about his eyes and throat burning while the woman had a big shit eating grin on her face the whole time. Completely antithetical to what the guy was saying

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
22 February, 02:25
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Damn fookin freemasons!

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
22 February, 02:49
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
We have to rid this planet of those secret societies IMHO.
I know that Juan has mentioned that some that are Patriots are also masons, but I don't really believe that we can continue with secret societies no matter who it is.

If it has to be hidden, it can not be of God or good for humanities evolution.
That is just my opinion.

Idk about the whole Ohio thing, too much of it doesn't make sense.
The only conclusion I am left with is that we have been looped back because of it for some unknown reason possibly related to it.

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Craig Robert Steele @QuantumChristian2022
22 February, 02:23
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication

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UM EK17 Q1111 @GaDawg3
22 February, 02:39
In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication
Yep, they have them ready to go at every FF event

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Wendy Werner @WeTheAnon
22 February, 02:24
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Additionally... Very interesting tie in that Jacob Israel makes here. Elon giving us clues? Some syncing going on. Great content for many yrs. Jacob was the head writer for WWE in the day.

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reaper myer @reapermyer
22 February, 02:09
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
why would u name a town that? Not these days but historically Palestine and Israel were 1.....makes me think of saving Israel for last but i eat crayons so dont listen to me

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I am Keri @Lionessheart
22 February, 01:48
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Squirrel tribe (I think that's her YouTube name) said in a video houses go for 89,000 in east Palestine yet the rest of the state is far land grab????

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Greenstone taniwha @Greenstonetaniwha
23 February, 10:35
In response I am Keri to her Publication
yep.poison the waster,make the land infertile.animals insects people leave...they go in for the landgrab

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Kendall Evans @CountryLove
22 February, 01:39
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Could Trumps trip to Ohio possibly mean he will be exposing fake news? The train information we are getting from media is correct though, right??
This visit is going to be very helpful at revealing the truth.

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Modern Missy donated @ThoroughlyModernMissy
22 February, 11:10
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Digging further on "Kelly Izotic"... her Facebook presence only goes back to the creation of her FB page in January of this year. This is her bio: "A tree, hugging environmentalist with a background in event, planning, chemistry and operations"
There is also a photo (2nd one ever posted on her page) that is a screenshot of another FB person named "Kellee Green" as seen below saying they were going to be on Fox News that night. This whole thing is rotten!

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Jackie Piddle @jax001
22 February, 11:02
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
I thought it odd the same people on almost all the interviews, you would think they are the only people in town.

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Lilly Branch @LillyM711
22 February, 10:22
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Think Trump will Spill the beans on what he really sees there?

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Red Man @2PillarPortal
22 February, 09:59
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Tuc.ker is Deeq Statte like his pops..

R.ichard W.arner C.arlson (born R.ichard B.oynton; February 10, 1941) is an American journalist, diplomat and lobbyist who was the director of the Voice of A.merica during the last six years of the C.old At the same time, he led Radio Marti broadcasting to C.uba, and was director of the U.S. Information A.gency and the U.S.I.A. Documentary Film Service.[1] C.arlson has also been a newspaper and wire service reporter, a magazine writer, a TV and radio correspondent and a documentary filmmaker. He is the father of conservative television host
T.ucker C.arlson...
and Dick r ALpha.Bet sCoup

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Kendall Evans @CountryLove
22 February, 01:43
In response Red Man to his Publication
Truth about everyone is just researching family, friends and old footage. Tucker is not a true patriot based on what I've seen
I tried telling people about DeSantis research and got pushback. So happy when other people reveal truths about the hidden DS puppets. TRUMP IN OHIO.... We need a big popcorn for this truth. Can't wait.

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Momma Bear @ur1spark
22 February, 09:34
In response Red Man to his Publication
J.ust C.urious. W.hy do you type like T.his?

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DigginG DeeP @Louisiana
22 February, 09:48
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Link to video?

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Steph Ayers @Steph3
22 February, 09:02
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Wow! Excellent dig. That's definitely some sketchy stuff.

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CourtneyM *** donated @Courtm6444
22 February, 08:41
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Great find! Well, I have to admit I fell for this fookery video. I guess I’m losing my spidey senses. The only thing I felt was odd was that the lady kept smiling while on air. If someone was worried about the air quality they would not be smiling. :)

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Kelly Loeser @stormgirl
22 February, 08:31
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Oh and that fake cough🙄Funny how the fakery jumps right out these days. Thank you Lord🙏🏻

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Raccoon 1776 @Raccoon
22 February, 08:07
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Good job Wendy!

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LaLaLo 1776 @LaLaLo1776
22 February, 07:33
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Option one. The spill is real and perhaps it’s not seen everywhere as a lot of it settles into the bottom of the creek and you have to stir up the water to get it to move. Not everybody is feeling it, seeing it, etc.
Option two: it is not real and this is a move to get people scared, in order to be able to create evacuations, control, lockdowns, get people to move, landgrab, etc.

In either scenario why does DJ T go to Ohio? First option it wouldn’t be safe. Second option he’s promoting this lie.

I am not there and so I’m just trying to take a 50,000 foot view of this.

Is there an option three?

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Caballs Kek @CaBalls
22 February, 09:56
In response LaLaLo 1776 to her Publication
Nothing feels right about this. 🤔 REAL or Staged? Part of the movie or not? Not trying to diminish or downplay this horrible event because If truly REAL, it's terrible and sickening!
Can only scratch head over it.🤔

🤔DJT going there HAS TO BE to further show Biden + admin. total incompetency as well as EPA, FEMA response (and railroad company) to normies, right?😳
So, since Trump's visit announcement, NOW suddenly they've ALL jumped into action acting as though they actually CARE about the residents there? Surely didn't notice any concern from the onset of 2/3/23 (?!) and WAY too coincidental there was a movie about air-borne toxic event in same town! 🤯😅

Were crisis actors hired in Ohio for this purpose? Also have to wonder how many NDA's were signed to play along if not in fact REAL?🤔 Event looks REAL but doesn't add up. 🤷🏼🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♀️

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Whimma Texas @Whimma
22 February, 06:58
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
I don't watch the news but walked in the room when this interview was on. They were acting 100%.
She couldn't wait to get her practiced piece out even when it didn't fit with the interview.
I also watched the facial expressions, eye movement etc.
I'm going with FAKE

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Whimma Texas @Whimma
22 February, 06:59
In response Whimma Texas to her Publication
I also don't think that is that guys real hair 🤷🏼‍♀️

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mars 1776 donated @mars_1776
22 February, 08:37 (E)
In response Whimma Texas to her Publication
👍Same here. Wife was watching Tucker when I was getting a cup of coffee.

It felt fake.

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QuickWit NitWit @QuickWitNitWit
22 February, 04:18
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication

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Paisley Park @Paisley66
21 February, 10:51
In response Wendy Werner to his Publication
Something smells fishy

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