Maybe it was in our best interest to be emotionally distanced from our jabbed brethren this last year or two. When The Poisoning Distress™ hits them, our empathy circuits won't instantly melt.
03:24 PM - Dec 23, 2022
Only people mentioned by martingeddes in this post can reply
Happy Days
24 December, 08:28
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
I remember back when people were looked at by status or money/ no money.
Now it is … To VaX or Not to VaX?
Now it is … To VaX or Not to VaX?
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The Intercessor
24 December, 08:12
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Literally was just thinking about my blood brother and daughter and how they would not listen to sound reasoning. The Lying forked tongue of pure evil and wickedness has robbed those of us with ears to hear and minds to research and reason, yet again.
And we must not leave unexplored, unexamined or unresearched the absolute gold standard of all truth. The one truth that leads one to examine self after coniction of ones own conscious.
I dare say, that we are not in the class of beholding the truth by accident but rather by devive ordination.
We must, no matter the self sacrifice, even in laying our lives down for our family and friends, yeah, even the stranger, continue the persuit of the truth, laying aside all pride and ego, and inviting the power of the spirit of God, truth himself, to be the strong representative of that which has no law against it, love.
We must continue in warm gentleness as we move the truth forward.
And we must not leave unexplored, unexamined or unresearched the absolute gold standard of all truth. The one truth that leads one to examine self after coniction of ones own conscious.
I dare say, that we are not in the class of beholding the truth by accident but rather by devive ordination.
We must, no matter the self sacrifice, even in laying our lives down for our family and friends, yeah, even the stranger, continue the persuit of the truth, laying aside all pride and ego, and inviting the power of the spirit of God, truth himself, to be the strong representative of that which has no law against it, love.
We must continue in warm gentleness as we move the truth forward.
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Melissa Lee
24 December, 02:10
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
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Melissa Lee
24 December, 02:07
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
whats up with the trade mark ??
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Melissa Lee
24 December, 02:06
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
male religious order
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Nikki Lynch
24 December, 01:46
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
That's what hubby and I think too.
Cancer and all sorts of ailments have arrived to them.
We said thanks but no thanks to the family invites this christmas.
Cancer and all sorts of ailments have arrived to them.
We said thanks but no thanks to the family invites this christmas.
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Maga Irish
23 December, 10:49
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Martin, go look at the earth tv live webcam on YT right now and look at the red cloud above the White House. Looks like a portal... freaky...
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Victoria Walters
23 December, 10:12
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
medical in my family so a different mindset. all vaxxed multiple times. i already knew how destructive all vaxx are. none for me, not flu, nothing. am my own doc most of time with alternative medicine. passed on info to fam but their minds not open. not sure how all this will go down. but these last years difficult for many reasons.
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Elizabeth Griff
23 December, 08:27
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
my children were all vaxxed 19-34 years of age. i could not stop them. my youngest is sick all the time. my daughter has lupus and my oldest son is an alcoholic with chronic assholism. i am no where near detatched enough.
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In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Can you elaborate on the Trademark?
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Denali 1620
23 December, 07:35
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
I have thought about this quite a bit over the past two years. Most everyone in my life participated in the experiment, yet none have reported any issues thus far. This includes older people, younger, pregnant moms, kids and so on. In fact, my Dad, who was suffering from a very serious kidney issue and who has gotten every booster they offer (contrary to all of my warnings), has seen his kidneys make an unprecedented recovery. I see the news where many are being significantly or even fatally harmed, so I'm starting to wonder if the vaccines target particular DNA types?
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Victoria Walters
23 December, 10:05
In response Denali 1620 to her Publication
yes i wonder was a particular blood type targeted. all my blood family vaxxed multiples. hey i tried. caused a rift. they never questioned or researched. no vaxx of any kind for me. known for a long time that all were bad. maybe placebos used for many. hope we find out♥️
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David Higgins
23 December, 10:34
In response Denali 1620 to her Publication
My Dad is usher at his church. He said there has never before been so many parishoners die in such a short time.
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Katz Pajamas
23 December, 07:06
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Bring us together ❤
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Katz Pajamas
23 December, 07:04
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Joel 3:21...
Love never fails ❤
Love never fails ❤
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Pink Totter
23 December, 07:00
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Not much choice physically distancing from them, I keep having allergic type reactions to whatever it is they are shedding. Had hoped most of them only got saline, but that's not always the case.
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Ann Holden
23 December, 06:59
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
I share support groups of vaccine injured strangers online. WE HAVE ALL been harmed.
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Only followers of this user (misfire) can see their posts
Blu Mason
23 December, 07:07
In response Mega Magadonian to her Publication
“forgive them Father as they know not what they do”
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Marijke Kamsma AU
23 December, 07:37
In response Mega Magadonian to her Publication
Same here. The division was/is very painfull and afterwards I think that was necessary. Why?
I am asking myself often?
It urged me for selfsearching and choosing to stand alone. I even liked to keep distance. It gave me the opportunaty to observe the fuckcin believers. With surprise! Walking and not talking about the most important event in our lives ....?
Now and after disclosure I suggest I am not the most lovely person.
I am asking myself often?
It urged me for selfsearching and choosing to stand alone. I even liked to keep distance. It gave me the opportunaty to observe the fuckcin believers. With surprise! Walking and not talking about the most important event in our lives ....?
Now and after disclosure I suggest I am not the most lovely person.
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23 December, 06:51
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Mine are already melted. I am not the same person I was 5 years ago.
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I’m no one
23 December, 06:50
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
My brother’s heart was affected in a terrible way. I am not distancing myself from him or any number of other people who made the wrong call. He realizes and regrets. How can we not stand by them? We have all made mistakes in our lives. Compassion feels right to me.
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Yvonne McNeil
23 December, 07:03
In response I’m no one to her Publication
1000%. We love them and all there is to it.
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Blu Mason
23 December, 07:10
In response I’m no one to her Publication
I agree with you, compassion is what Jesus showed us through his teachings. love is the way!
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Kelly Loeser
23 December, 06:41
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Been through it twice, one fatal one not. It’s extremely hard, especially when your alone in the belief that the VAX is the cause. I am working on strengthening my walls😔
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fuck off all
23 December, 06:19
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Compartmentalization is not always a bad thing. Works for me.
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Just Amom
23 December, 06:13
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
We've been trained, shields UP! Armed with love.
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Georgeann Adriano
23 December, 06:04
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
it still breaks my heart Martin, soo many people around me dying. Thank God not family 😔
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23 December, 06:09
In response Georgeann Adriano to her Publication
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fuck off all
23 December, 06:17
In response Georgeann Adriano to her Publication
I'm over here still trying to define "family"
5 yrs ago none of us were on AU sooo... In some folks' opinion I reckon only blood matters? WWG1WGA only counts for blood relatives to many? That is a flaw I have had in my thinking, anyway...
Tired of seein anyone suffering like this. Who knows what our military has been pumped with over the yrs. Cannot imagine not caring about those who were left with no choice other than court martial. This goes well beyond Coof vax... Personal experiences and whatnot.
Just my $0.04 (adj for inflation)
5 yrs ago none of us were on AU sooo... In some folks' opinion I reckon only blood matters? WWG1WGA only counts for blood relatives to many? That is a flaw I have had in my thinking, anyway...
Tired of seein anyone suffering like this. Who knows what our military has been pumped with over the yrs. Cannot imagine not caring about those who were left with no choice other than court martial. This goes well beyond Coof vax... Personal experiences and whatnot.
Just my $0.04 (adj for inflation)
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