Green Hive
29 September, 11:44
In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication
Been "suspended" since the 1/8 purge
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Green Hive
29 August, 08:12
In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication
We all need the full armor of God now and always.
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Green Hive
17 August, 07:47
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
I remember watching the evacuation of Saigon. This was worse.
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Green Hive
02 August, 07:27
In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication
all-right This may help you.
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Green Hive
01 August, 01:07
In response EK17 QKraken - Z to his Publication
Problem/reaction/solution is their playbook. Always has been.
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Green Hive
31 July, 07:48
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
I sure didn't.
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Green Hive
28 July, 07:21
In response ツ Q-Fig (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Q and Anons. to his Publication
This oath never expires either.
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Green Hive
16 July, 10:27
In response NEO ONE to his Publication
Veteran of the great Twitter purge of Jan 8th with almost 10, 000 followers. My last post was POTUS's account being suspended saying "Here we go."
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Green Hive
13 July, 04:35
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
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Green Hive
12 July, 08:38
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
You're a warrior on many fronts.
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Green Hive
11 July, 09:12
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
Almost wish I was still on Twitter just to have seen this thread. It's damn perfect!
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Green Hive
15 June, 06:17
In response STL Anon to his Publication
Some info that may help.
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Green Hive
01 June, 02:07
In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication
Beautiful. Makes me cry every time. Thanks for posting.
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Green Hive
23 April, 02:54
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
Guess photosynthesis isn't important to him...or life in general.
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Green Hive
04 April, 03:06
In response William B Doyle to his Publication
Great new patriots to follow . Thanks for including me, William. We're a mighty force when united.
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Green Hive
28 March, 01:23
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I still believe it's a trial run for us. If not, wouldn't there be more MSM coverage?
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Green Hive
20 March, 02:47
In response [30] Exact to his Publication
Missile launch from Whidbey Island aimed at POTUS perhaps?
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Green Hive
16 March, 10:39
In response Rena 1776 to her Publication
All/most DUMB earthquakes are at 10 km with no P waves. Some are 3, 5 or 15 km depending on topography.
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Green Hive
13 March, 05:06
In response William B Doyle to his Publication
Thank you, William!
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Green Hive
13 March, 05:05
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
Not the same place for sure.
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Green Hive
02 March, 06:19
In response Jane Doe✔️ to her Publication
Friends don't let friends quote Snopes as a legit source.
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Green Hive
26 February, 08:06
In response Erica Villarosa to his Publication
Check out
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Green Hive
25 February, 06:05
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
The veil feels thinner of late. Careful who you comminicate with.
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Green Hive
25 February, 03:38
In response Patriot May to her Publication
Does he know about Camp Ice Worm in Greenland or the 2 prison isalnds off of European countries? He'll have to be more thorough to be safe. Too bad for them that the battle is already won.
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Green Hive
19 February, 04:31
In response Nothing IsRandom to her Publication
Amazing analysis.
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Green Hive
11 February, 08:55
In response Patriot May to her Publication
I think you did too. Keep your eyes open for those of us that miss the details. Thanks for being good at it.
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Green Hive
11 February, 08:49
In response Patriot May to her Publication
Great catch!
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Green Hive
05 February, 01:50
In response William B Doyle to his Publication
Thank you for including me!
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Green Hive
30 January, 01:11
In response inthe Matrixxx to his Publication
Really good to see you here!
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