TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
05 August, 03:45
esusIsThe SonOfGod
21 hours ago
(3) Easy Steps to receive#covid-19 Medication:

1. Contact America's Frontline Doctors
2. Pay $90.00 for a#Telemed phone call with licensed doctor
3. 2-7 business days
contacting America's Frontline Doctors and Telemed phone call, you receive one of the doctor's prescribed#covid#medicines include:
and / or
and / or
other#COVID19 medications

#BestMedicines #AmericasFrontlineDoctors

#CovidVaccines are#bioweapons
CONTAIN#Grapheneoxide - a#deadly#TOXIC#POISON

ARREST EVERYONE "involved" with a#CovideVaccine
#CrimesAgainstHumanity under#NurembergCodes

#nurembergcode #StandAgainstEvil


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Heather Nicolson @Heather_Nic17
05 August, 04:09
In response TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us to his Publication
This is quite good too so I understand, another way to remove toxins...

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
05 August, 03:46
If you’ve taken the vaxx there is hope so do not give up. You net to start the HCQ, Zinc, Vitamine D, azithromyacin ( Z Pack) to kill all CV19 virus in your body. Starting out for 3 full days take the prescription as if you have symptomatic CV19 virus then back of on the HCQ and Z Pack and only take the HCQ twice a week thereafter. If you do get the flu or another bacterial or viral infection go back and repeat the higher dosage along with steroids like prednisone to slow the hyperimmune response to normal levels. You can and will survive just never take another jabb. Contact Americas Frontline MD’s to get scripts sent to your pharmacy and never ever give up. You will live and not die.

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
05 August, 01:30

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lolo gemini @lologemini
04 August, 04:30

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03 August, 06:50

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
03 August, 06:57
In response NEO ONE to his Publication
She has a Jenny's (adams) Apple 😅

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
03 August, 01:10
If you’ve taken the vaxx there is hope so do not give up. You net to start the HCQ, Zinc, Vitamine D, azithromyacin ( Z Pack) to kill all CV19 virus in your body. Starting out for 3 full days take the prescription as if you have symptomatic CV19 virus then back of on the HCQ and Z Pack and only take the HCQ twice a week thereafter. If you do get the flu or another bacterial or viral infection go back and repeat the higher dosage along with steroids like prednisone to slow the hyperimmune response to normal levels. You can and will survive just never take another jabb. Contact Americas Frontline MD’s to get scripts sent to your pharmacy and never ever give up. You will live and not die.

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
29 January, 09:25
Philippians 2:13- "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky, as you hold firmly to the word of life.And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain."

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
08 July, 08:53
There’s A Hero
by Billy Gilman

Matthew 24:44
“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”

King James Version (KJV)

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Warrior for Truth @Warrior_for_Truth
08 July, 08:26

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Dan Auito @DanUSCG
08 July, 08:41
Skip to the 2:00 minute mark.

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John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
03 July, 10:56

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
03 July, 11:27
U.S. Military Has Withdrawn From Largest Base In Afghanistan, Handed Over Control, immediately looters rolled in

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Veronica Wolski @ThePeoplesBridge
20 June, 07:11
You cannot have visiting Patriot sisters in Chicago, without taking them to Trump Tower 😁


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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
20 June, 10:38
This one is worthy of repetition.

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
19 June, 07:14

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Disclosure Library @DisclosureLibrary
20 June, 07:30

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
20 June, 08:02
The whole thrust of the Bible opposes reincarnation. It shows that man is the special creation of God, created in God’s image with both a material body and an immortal soul and spirit. He is presented as distinct and unique from all other creatures—angels and the animal kingdom alike. The Bible teaches that at death, while man’s body is mortal, decays and returns to dust, his soul and spirit continue on. “it is appointed unto men once to die and after that the judgment” (Heb. 9:27). This statement and the concept that mankind’s creation in God’s image is unique from the animals and even angels stand totally opposed to the idea of reincarnation—dying and coming back as another person or in the form of an animal or insect. The claim of some that they have information of past history is nothing more than some kind of encounter with demonic powers who have been present throughout history.

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
20 June, 11:23
I Have a Dream
by Martin Luther King Jr.

Lets not forget we are all equal in the eyes of God. He see’s through the flesh and into your heart and soul and wants all his children to be treated equally and be free.On this Fathers Day Pray to your Father in Heaven through Christ and Thank Him as we seek Freedom for the entire human Race from those wealthy elites that enslave you with debt and interest as people and as Nations. “ I Have A Dream”.

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
20 June, 11:55
I have a dream that one day The Glory of the Lord will be seen by all people and ever mountain made lower, and ever crooked road made straight and the rough rocks on the path will be made smooth.
You are about to see this occur today right before your eyes as God will make his Glory known to all. Be prepared , for the day of the Lord and those who had a dream of Freedom, Equality and Justice for all. You chose to be here for this time and season long before you were ever born. We are approaching our “Promised Land” as the entire population of humanity on earth will see it happen. The hands of God are moving now in all things and to be clear all of the events occurring today are Gods Plans, not mans or the Fallen Ones. God does Prevail in this time and season.
IT WILL BE BIBLICAL and all will see. And that is by no means just a catchy slogan, its real Have FAITH in your Father in Heaven. And Happy Father Day.

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
20 June, 12:03
In response Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE to her Publication
Yes all are about to see the bloosoms bloom from Gods Plan for all humanity . Its happening now even if you can’t see it.

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Chonita Nigus @Chonita
20 June, 12:06
In response TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us to his Publication
This reminds me of the first video you shared that I saw. The guy from Seal team 9 who had abilities. He basically said there is only one outcome and that the bad people are going to lose! They even know they are going to lose! I was rejoicing because I knew that meant God won/wins!

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
20 June, 01:03
In response Chonita Nigus to her Publication
He is Restoring humanity free from the slavery of debt created by the very Weathy Elite Globally that have taken advantage of humanity for over 3,500 years. The 13 Elite Families are of the bloodline of Cain and Lucifer and even having very large painting of him in the entrances to their Mansion or Castles. The Tribulation hasn’t started in it entirety although the 4 horsemen of the Apocalyse are riding now. Remember, all who are of the body of Christ will be Raptured by Christ and never face the Angel of Death. This occurs before the Great 7 Year Tribulation where many will want to die but death is taken away so they suffer. There will be a 2nd Rapture towards the end of the Tribulation and those who did not take the Mark of the Beast if they believe and were Baptised will go with Christ in the final Rapture before Armeggedion the last battle on earth in the valley of Magog. So it is written and so shall it be. Amen

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
20 June, 01:07
In response Jeane Vanburen to his Publication
Anything I post is yours to do whatever you want to with it and I encourage you to share it, copy and post it or whatever you like. When I post here it then belongs to you and all here as you own it.,

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Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE donated @akalaurel
20 June, 12:07
In response TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us to his Publication
Everything is happening NOW - and will continue until the event is complete

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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
20 June, 05:18
In response Faith FreeTheChildrenQ to his Publication
Your very welcome.

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Pitter Pat @Pitterpat28
20 June, 05:44
In response TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us to his Publication
Our God is an Awesome God🙏🙏

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Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye) @i4ni2th4a2th
20 June, 04:37
It’s going to be BIBLICAL.

T = UpsideDown Pyramid = Trump Tower/hand sign

Δ = CABAL = Pyramid = Illuminati = LightRays = Δ
Jesus = Cross = UpsideDown Pyramid = Trump


One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history). Other sides falling.

Turn CABAL on its head (opposite/oppose)
Dark to LIGHT - You have so much more than you know.

+++ = House of Saud
++ = Rothschild
+ = Soros

Focus on the above (3).
Who are the puppet masters?

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SomethingAboutJohn @SomethingAboutJohn
19 June, 10:03
In response Glyn Howard to his Publication
Thank you!!

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