Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
23 March, 11:12

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
23 March, 07:59

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TexasTrumpGirl Tammi @DaughterOfGod
23 March, 03:36

Father God, I am so grateful that nothing is impossible for You. Even when I feel overwhelmed by events going on around me, You show me that You can handle anything. Today, please forgive me for the times I have not trusted You with my life. Give me the courage to do Your will, and show me how I can glorify Your name. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
23 March, 01:05
Me: gunshot *sleeps*
Me: thunder *sleeps*
Me: dog barking *sleeps*
Me: someone turns my fan off *wakes up*


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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
22 March, 08:23

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
22 March, 08:32

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Carole Davis-Z @Tallyho
22 March, 08:32
In response Kay Cee to her Publication
Thought he was Judean...

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
22 March, 08:28
I still think it's hilarious people think Jesus was a Palestinian and that he wouldn't bring division because all he wanted was peace πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
22 March, 03:31
We shall see how it goes! Jaxx already likes it πŸ˜‚

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
22 March, 09:34
AU is about as dead as disco 😳

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
22 March, 09:33
@administrator We're all having issues. I can't go on the explore page on my phone or computer, and I can't access my follow list on my phone! Also, the bots. Please fix ASAP!

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Spar Hawk @Sparhawk60
22 March, 04:13

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
21 March, 09:30
Well, fuck you Teddy. I hope your death was slow & torturous πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ two can play at this game.

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
20 March, 09:25

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
20 March, 05:39

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
20 March, 04:37

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
20 March, 05:34
I just ordered some whipped beef tallow for my face πŸ™Œ I heard it works wonders!

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Laurie Sunshine @HeavenlySunshine2022
19 March, 02:42

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
19 March, 03:59
In other news. My dog is okay today. He's acting like nothing happened to his leg lol

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
19 March, 03:35
Hate Israel all you want, but it's the center of the Bible. It's where Jesus was born. It's where he preached, performed's where he called out the pharisee. And it's where he was crucified.

So tell the fuck did he do all that if Israel was founded in 1948? Seriously, you sound like a bunch of Liberals at this point.

You don't like their Government? Fine. I don't like ours, but I'm not stupid enough to think this country didn't exist before it was recognized by the world. That would invalidate the Native Americans and the Vikings, who first founded this land. And Columbus who founded it and put it on the map!

Y'all really have to stop. It's exhausting and maddening and I feel like as a Christian, I have to say something. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I don't like you spreading lies to justify your beliefs!

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
19 March, 03:12
Now I know why I don't follow many people lol too much willful ignorance and blasphemy. I'm glad I choose God over man, because y'all suck!

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Dorothea Dankowski @DorotheaTN
19 March, 11:51 (E)
Frankincense was one of the Gifts from the Wise Men.



1. Reduce Tumors

2. Contains Anti-Cancer Properties

3. Diminish Scars & Improve Skin Elasticity

4. Lift your Mood

5. Digestion

6. Reduce Arthritis Symptoms

7. Ease Respiratory Issues

8. Maintain Oral Health

9. Boost immune system activity

10. Enhance Cognitive Function

11. Sleep Aid

12. Anointing oil for meditation, prayer, inner healing.

13. Defuse it


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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
19 March, 01:19
Why would Air force one be in Dover today? Did anyone die? Someone posted it landing today but without an explanation as usual lol

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
19 March, 04:25
Now my dog hurt his leg chasing after the Amazon man in the backyard 😭 praying its nothing too serious πŸ™

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
18 March, 08:45 (E)
It's interesting. Two days ago, I was playing my Playstation and all of a sudden it overheated and shut off. It's never done that before and didn't do that tonight. What I find interesting is that the next day is when shit hit the fan with my housemate. Could it have been the Evil coming through and needing the most energy at that moment?

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
17 March, 07:16
I feel like the sky was meant for me tonight. Perhaps, a reminder that everything will be okay 🫢

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
17 March, 05:06
Does anyone have a house for sale for under $200,000 or a house to rent for under $1,100 in Delaware or just over the line in Maryland?

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
17 March, 05:05
Well, the shit hit the fan for real here. Our housemate flipped his shit because HE lost something he needed. He told us we have a month and by the weekend we have to put all our stuff in storage.

We pay rent, but apparently it doesn't matter to him.

Guess who's keeping his dog? Lol not him.

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
16 March, 12:38 (E)
I feel like the "Locust" the Bible talks about is really the Muslims & illegals invading other countries. There's a reason why we're all separated by an ocean, millions of miles, and a language barrier πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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Kay Cee @Hippychick90
15 March, 02:04 (E)
I made a comment on an Italian page I follow, basically saying that when saying Italian things I try to say it right or I don't say it at all.

Tell me why I'm getting attacked? πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« like, everything and anything I say I get attacked for. I could literally say the sky is blue and someone would argue with me.

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