Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
16 October, 03:20
In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication
I have a question for ya.....How is having a monarch any different than having a parliment type government? Canada was under the rule of the ex queen on England correct? Didnt most countries get away from having monarch goverments because it took power from the people? Just curious as to why the canadian people are so ok with having another queen vs a constitutional republic

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
08 September, 01:39
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
We dont need you elected officials coming up with bans to give us our rights back! Non compliance is all we need. The government can tell us whatever it wants, they are irrelevant and dont have the authority to tell us shit! We elected yall, yall work for us, yall do what WE tell you to. That is it

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
03 August, 01:09
In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication
I have honestly not listened to any music done at 432mhz so this was my first time and what better band and so g too! Kansas is one of my favorite bands! There is such a huge difference, I could literally feel the music all over me. I felt not heard and it was beautiful

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
02 August, 07:06
In response Lil Iodine to her Publication
Wow! This info os great! Thank you! I will never cave. What makes it more difficult in Texas is Texas law requires certain vacs for children and gives the doctors the authority to decline you as a patient if not fully vaccinated

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
02 August, 06:50
In response Freedom Foxtrot to his Publication
It is very disheartning. What kimd of parent would I be if I let them pump my child full of toxic chemicals knowing they are bad?! I have been praying and all I can do is trust that God has my 6 and he will make sure my son doesnt go without future medical care

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
31 July, 02:21
In response JustAn Anon to his Publication
This is exactly what we Americans should be doing! As a country we have the most to lose

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
30 July, 05:44
In response Robert Travers to his Publication
God does define himself, many times actually. Yes he gave man dominion of the earth but also the devil who is all about me, me ,me. God created us in his image and likeness, then Adam and Eve sinned against God and he cursed them. Specifially with Adam he cursed the ground, the domain of man. God never intended us to be like Gods, he intended us to love and serve him, not ourselves. Man could never put limits on God but God definetly put limits on man starting with the 3 curses in Genesis 3. I know about Tesla, he was a genius and what the establishment did to him was horrible. All im saying is the enemy of darkness pushes man to serve himself instead of God or to praise man first and God later. When I see phrases about man being God-like in any way it goes back to what the snake said in the garden. “For you surely will not die, rather you should become like Gods.”

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
30 July, 02:50
In response Bob BIGB to his Publication
Wow talk about a quote against God and the Word of God. The serpant is the one who told Eve in the garden that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would surely Not die, she would surlely become AS A God. It is the enemy telling you that we can become as a God. That is a lie. There is only one God and we are not that God and the bright, shiney falling stars or little balls of energy are not that God!

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
29 July, 02:02
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
In the bible the angels that came for God or came with God looked like man. Its also said by Paul I beleive that you should always treat everyone like they were God himself because you have probably entertained angels and didnt even know it. God came to Abraham when he was sitting in a cool spot with 2 angels all of who had the appearance of men. God has never been shy about himself or his angels and they didnt disguise themselves as huge demons on the other hand....they presented however they wanted.

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
28 July, 04:00
In response Adolph Medina to his Publication
Just searched Texas Ranger badges and Texas law enforcement badges on duckduckgo and guess what?! Did not find a single official badge with masonic anything. fact check yourself please before posting bullshit

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
28 July, 03:42
In response STL Anon to his Publication
Interesting claim she has...I have read the books of Enoch and Jesus is talked about many , many times. The bible refrences Enoch in both old and new testaments stating that Enoch was no more because God took him and also that he walked with God.

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
26 July, 10:14
In response sercorimo ... to her Publication
They are demons period. Not aliens or whatever but demons in the flesh and blood. Tricky lil bastards those demons

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
07 July, 10:38
In response STL Anon to his Publication
I couldn’t finish watching this for fear of be oming an idiot! OMG there are some DUMB people out there but guess we got our fine education system to thank for that

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
29 June, 01:46
In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication
Stupidest shit i ever heard! I live in Texas and I can promise its hotter here than in Washington and our grocery store freezers are working just fine.....trying to start the food shortage panic.....those sneaky black hats

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
17 June, 10:17
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
The government has only the rights we give it....its time for the people to revoke any and all rights we have given them!

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
01 June, 07:15
In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication
I love my President Trump and trust him but I live in Texas, born and raised and I will never vote for a DS piece of shit like ole meals on weals Abbot

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
01 June, 07:15
In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication
I love my President Trump and trust him but I live in Texas, born and raised and I will never vote for a DS piece of shit like ole meals on weals Abbot

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
28 May, 05:03
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
Even my kid knows that bullshit lie! If carbon was so bad there wouldnt be so much green.....🤷‍♀️plants and trees need carbon.

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
28 May, 05:03
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
Even my kid knows that bullshit lie! If carbon was so bad there wouldnt be so much green.....🤷‍♀️plants and trees need carbon.

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
21 May, 10:56
In response WES4OSU !!! to his Publication
Time to start sueing the shit outta these companies! The only reason they do these things is because they can because they arent being taught the lesson that they cant!

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
19 April, 10:46
In response Lisa Hill to her Publication
You noticed that as well?! He was definatley sending a message

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
10 February, 04:25
In response Kindred Spirit to her Publication
First off if you ask parents to leave something shady is DEF up! Second, my kid tells me literally everything and would be the one kid in the back yelling out that hes gonna tell his mom!😂😂😂then he would literally tell his mom

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
10 February, 04:10
In response Lucas Warren to his Publication
OMG laughed so hard i cried! This is the best "circle back" I've seen!!!!!😂😂😂😂

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
10 February, 12:28
In response Clarity CornerStone to her Publication
If people know what the different planets in conjuction with the different stars meant.....this is actually kinda scary so hold on to your butts!

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
09 February, 01:33
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Where can i get?

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
09 February, 01:24
In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication
I would be first in line to volunteer to pull the trigger in a firing squad or to push that plunger on a syringe for lethal injection or pull the switch to an electric chair or kick a stool out from under the hanging tree! Just sayin.....

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
04 February, 01:49
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
These dumbfooks have no idea the hell about to be released upon them by Trump and his team by asking for him to testify! They once again are getting caught with their pants down and have walked into another spiderweb in which they have no escape! These people are either that cocky or that ignorant

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
04 February, 01:46
In response Angel Grace to her Publication
What an idiot! I wonder if she would feel the same way if someone broke into her house with a weapon?....🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️I promise if she had a gun in her house and I bet she does, she would use deadly force. Criminals dont bring weapons to a robbery to give their victims a chance to cooperate, they bring weappns to scare, intimidate and harm their victims! How many people have been murdered during armed robberies AFTER they have cooperated?..... just sayin

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
02 February, 09:54
In response Elizabeth Shanku to his Publication
I need this in a shirt!

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Jessica Gutierrez @TxReaper
01 February, 06:03
In response Tim Larlee to his Publication
When do tickets go on sale for the event of our lifetime?!

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