Sarah Connor donated @Sarahconnor
26 August, 09:21
In response memes matter to her Publication

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Only followers of this user (MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
16 November, 11:36

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
11 August, 12:34
🔴Scavino on fakebook:

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Julie Boe @JulieB
27 July, 11:27

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
24 June, 12:51
If I come across posts that are blatant lies and I mean just out right intentional B.S. I WILL call the poster out on it.
I feel it is our duty to do so because we need to be able to trust in each other again.

I do not blindly attack because we are all entitled to our opinion but when opinion is stated as truth or people intentionally post to take advantage I can not sit idly by.
I show proof the post is untrue and ask it be corrected or removed because we can all be mislead.

I also tell them to block me if they plan to continue their deceitful ways because I will never stop trying to expose their lies.
The pic below is what they normally chose. I am sure more will follow.

Be warned shills that you no longer are welcome here. If you post to trick or deceive I or another Patriot will expose you and we will never stop until we are blocked or you are no more.

I can also fall victim so I ask every Patriot out there to do the same of me. Together we must stand for tr

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The Best Is Yet To Come! @TheBestIsYetToCome
18 June, 04:24

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Kitkat Reborn @KitkatReborn
18 June, 11:26
In response Morgan Kevins to his Publication

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Star Ravyn @StarRavyn
18 June, 01:21
KanekoaTheGreat, [18.06.21 13:18]

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Baba Milev @babamilev
18 June, 01:25
JUST IN - Crowd at the Faith and Freedom Coalition heckling Mike Pence and calling him a traitor.


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Pixie Dust @Declassifianon
18 June, 08:30
👀 👇


(Freemason Brothers?)

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Cowboy w2b @Cowboyw2b
18 June, 01:02

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
15 June, 07:20

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Rut Row its Kevin™ @kevinjbuttner
15 June, 02:50

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Detective RedPanda17News @RealPersonJedi
14 June, 06:49

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Joyce Chandler @JoyceChandler
15 June, 11:40

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
15 June, 09:14

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
12 June, 09:47

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Only followers of this user (MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
11 June, 01:43
This is the tech that they use to tell if your lying, stressed, ovulating or going to die.
It does not say that straight to your face but I'm sure by now you can read between the lines to get the truth.
Pay attention to where the device is they use to do this.


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Patriot999 DieHardTrumpsFan donated @IceAndBlades
10 June, 08:08
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
10 June, 12:06
This bad boy is a mobile weather platform.

Yes you got it, it changes the weather. While it isn't able to do what the big spread out arrays can do it still can make your day not so nice. It does a few other really nasty things I'll let you figure out yourself. I would give it a wide berth. This one is our and we have a few more in case Joe wants to go skiing. Of course they won't tell you that, Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) is just a floating radar tower. Yeah like everything we have that moves already doesn't have radar. Not to mention this will cost you between $900 million-$1.4 billion. So next time you see some crazy guy saying a ship made it rain or out of nowhere it got cold, believe him. Maybe you can be lucky enough to catch a video on youtube before they yank it down. That is if they didn't scramble all the light waves.....

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
10 June, 11:48
Ok all, time to get real again. And I do mean real.

Every piece of tech I post from here on out exists and is in use.
Most of what I am going to post is at least 10 years old.
It is Sci Fi beyond a doubt but you can find proof of it using what I have.
Some of you have seen a few of these before because I've dripped some of this before.
Are you ready? It will be super fun!

When you finally make it to the top you get punched in the eye. No, what you get is a new eyeball. Either can be installed in an office visit. Only side effect is a black eye. The bigger one lets you see incoming images as well as transmit. The smaller one just lets you transmit. The big one also allows you to hear through bone vibration. You can probably tell who got what. I will be posting more tech that shows you how this is possible without an optic nerve. This tech is over 10 years and the big one 12ish. So just imagine what they have now. Secrets never to be told. They make sure.

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
09 June, 07:11
Ok there are very few things that get me to the point where I actually get angry.
One is loud mouth blow hards that never seem to know when to shut up.
The other which maxes my anger to the roof is hurting someone innocent.

I am pissed. Very, very pissed. I have seen this B.S. story about Capital Police Officer David Baily killing Ashli Babbitt.
Have you learned nothing yet about research?
Did you know David Baily actually saved a life by taking down an armed gunman not on Jan 6th?
These people who refuse to fact check anything have now put David Baily on a hit list for something he did not do. Because they couldn't take 5 damn minutes to verify this an innocent man could be killed in a revenge murder.
I hate to tell you folks you were lied to, again. A Capital Police Officer did not shoot Babbitt, I do not believe a Federal Agent did either.
Now since I did look into this please spread this around so that a real cop doesn't have to look over his shoulder.

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
07 June, 10:29
A new land will be born again.

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Only followers of this user (unite_worldwide) can see their posts

JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
05 June, 07:21
Another source for viewing...

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Jimbo 66 ✓MAGA! @Jimbo0566
05 June, 02:20

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
05 June, 12:23
1-Year Delta - FINAL LEVEL

10 Total 1-Year Deltas -

*No 2-year or 3-year deltas for 6.5

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
05 June, 04:09
Are you waiting for something that has already happened? I bet you are.
Stop waiting. It's almost over, not just beginning.

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