John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
21 May, 03:44

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
21 May, 04:35

Tom Kitten

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19 May, 09:41

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Only followers of this user (Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

Tucker Carlson Fans @tuckercarlsonfans
17 May, 04:30
Trump says he’s been advised Liz Cheney is coming for him like a ‘crazed lunatic…worse than any Democrat’

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Matrix Observer @MatrixObserver
18 February, 05:16
Feb 18, Ottawa


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Boooo BooBoo donated @Boooo
19 February, 02:19

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Starry Peacock @Starry_Peacock
18 February, 05:49

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Lisa Groenewoud @VictoryOfTheLight369
14 February, 01:32

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Shatter The Silence Warrior donated @ShatterTheSilenceWarrior
01 February, 09:28

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Sharon Yak @lilbaker
01 February, 08:04

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
26 January, 04:45
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

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25 January, 01:45

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Only followers of this user (carlacoelho) can see their posts

Disclosure Library @DisclosureLibrary
24 January, 02:16
The Spanish "flu" did not originate in Spain. It wasn't even a flu it was a pandemic of vaccinated Soldiers and who was behind it?? The Rockefeller institute and none other than Fredrick Gates....The past two years of this Bullshit has been funded by guess who ?? The Rockefeller institute and Fredrick's lunatic Grandson Mr Vaccine himself.. Bill ....Have a quick look at this video it's from the Lady who brought us "The fall of the cabal"👇...These absolute evil bastards have been using innocent people as lab rats for decades and decades. Literally getting away with murder! l have a simple solution. Lock them all in the Rockefeller buildings around the USA and burn them to the fucking ground🔥 Job done!


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dennis scribner @Scribe_1
20 January, 02:03
Follow the money and it leads to the US World Bank

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Emily DeFazio @Patriotism101
08 January, 03:23

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
12 January, 04:28

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
04 August, 04:21
Be ready for anything. All eyes on FEMA and the vaccine.

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Karen Browning @Kbbb
18 November, 02:07

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01 January, 06:51
#605 Twelve CT Judges Arrested for capias Mortgage Fraud in CT. - YouTube

Judge Walter Spader is the Police Commissioner, Judge, the lobbyist, and a partner in the law firm of the foreclosures he steals.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
04 January, 01:54
🇺🇸 IMO Lin Wood’s brilliant post
is required reading for EVERYONE 💕
Wood has outlined the situation perfectly
underscoring WE ARE AT WAR.
NOT COMPLYING with the VAX is ESSENTIAL for We The People.
It’s our part in this war.

To be 💯 clear—President Trump is Commander-in-Chief.

1-2-22 Q The Storm Rider
🦅 “45 is Commander-in-Chief
& over 77% of the GENERALS are riding with him!!!
Biden has no access to Cheyenne Mountain Military Base.
You still must remember—The U.S. Military
did not send an Airplane to pick up Biden for his inauguration.”

🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
"BTW, Commander-in-Chief beats President
any day of the week. Thank God."

🎖️ See Chapter 11 in the DoD LAW OF WAR MANUAL
“Military Occupation.”

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Serah Oceane ♡ @QueenEsther
04 January, 01:52
Just made it back home,
unpacking my goodies now 😊

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Lisa Groenewoud @VictoryOfTheLight369
04 January, 01:25

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
04 January, 01:31
While we wait for the fookery to commence let's talk about web 3.0.
Hate the terms 2.0 3.0 bla bla. Just going to use the term moving forward to save space. What it will mean for most people that aren't tech savvy is no more use of email, passwords, usernames, Phone etc to setup account on any platform. You will just sync your MetaMask account. MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet that is also used to verify who you are digitally. It can hold your NFT's.
This post is dedicated to help setup a MetaMask wallet and get people into crypto with ZERO investment.

Get you setup to receive 'AirDrop'. Thats code for 'Free shit'

Here is a link to MetaMask =

To add some extra fun I will be giving away an NFT of the Woopass RedPanda Below.

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
04 January, 12:06

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Lisa Groenewoud @VictoryOfTheLight369
02 January, 05:19
This is the tweet that got Dr Robert Malone banned. Let's share the sh1t out of it!💯‼️


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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
04 January, 10:06

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P.J. 777 @HiiiPow3r
30 December, 01:23
VK: Have to step away again to take care of a couple of things.

Meanwhile VK: 👇🤣

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John Q.. @_Master_Mind_
12 February, 10:46
Here's to the Crazy Ones...
The Anons.
The Rebels.
The Patriots.
The Seekers of Truth.
To those who see the world differently...

You can quote us, disagree, glorify or vilify us, but...
about the only thing you can't do, is ignore us.

...and while some may see us as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who Q.

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