Only followers of this user (misfire) can see their posts

Captain Morgan @KristinMorgan
21 July, 12:44

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
01 June, 08:41
no more anchor babies!

stop welfare to illegal aliens!

As part of my plan to Secure the Border, on day one of my new term in office — I will sign an Executive Order ending automatic citizenship for the children of illegal aliens...

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
10 May, 09:38

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Bea Benjamin @FranBea
25 March, 03:06

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
25 February, 08:27

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Just Mee @TrustinGod
25 February, 10:30
The Elite Torture Children & Drink Their Adrenalised Blood - YouTube torture children & drink their adrenalised blood.... if you can believe that...Some families "breed" children for the purpos...

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Michael American @MichaelAmerican
25 February, 02:17
In respect to the spirit of revival that is taking place at Asbury College in Wilmore, KY and is spreading, I humbly ask if everyone on my timeline who believes in the power of prayer would stop what you're doing, just take a minute, and post this... I know all won't, but I hope some will.
II Chronicles 7:14
Lord we need you !!!!!! Please sweep across this nation and heal this land. Restore our strength, renew our minds, and banish everything that is not of You.
In Jesus name we pray.

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
18 February, 01:28
* Cold on the outside? , Traitor’s Justice.
* Kennedy was an outsider [assassinated]
* Reagan was an outsider [assassination attempt]
* POTUS is an outsider [CLAS HIGH]
* Do not let personal (emotional) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over.
* Do you understand and fully appreciate the GRAVITY of the situation?
* Do you understand and fully appreciate what POTUS endures each and every singly day?
* This will be on our timetable. (….AND WE WILL DELIVER).
* There is simply no other way. [Except 1]

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
06 February, 08:03
Entheos forward on TG

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Michael American @MichaelAmerican
24 January, 02:47

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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
21 January, 09:54
#wwg1wga #TheGreatAwakening #Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #GodWins 🍿🍊

Don't miss this short 2min 47sec clip...a few things I had not heard before.
These people are SICK.

Hidden In Plain Sight
The truth behind our history of Pandemics 😒😳😡

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Daniel Anderson @Patriot_Dann
22 July, 07:23

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
18 January, 07:46

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Crumb Catcher @CrumbCatcher
12 January, 10:05
Please add me to the prayer chain tonight. I just got a call that my father has died.

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Joe Qanada @realToddEJones
12 January, 10:47

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Liberty Jennja @Jennja
10 January, 04:30
Just had a string of those powerful personal syncs @kimrunner was talking about a couple days ago. I get them all the time, almost feel like I am in a video game sometimes and signs/messages are popping up all over. Maybe it's always been happening but I see them all now? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Anyway, this morning the Drs told my dad he'd finally be going HOME and that he will be discharged tomorrow on 1/11 after almost 7 weeks in the hospital, 5 surgeries and a few very close calls. He burst into tears of joy.

Praise God!✨🙏🏼✨ After days of rain and right after this news the sun peeked thru the clouds! 😊 Then as I walked back to the hotel, was waiting to cross the street and noticed the Fox Theater in front of me and a fire engine with #37 drove past. I kept walking and when I got to the hotel it drove past me again with the lights on and sirens on! Of course, I had to check 💧37, which begins

"They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming days be remembered..."

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SFWhite GodWins @SFWhite
07 January, 09:26

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Johnny Q -Z @JohnnyQ
07 January, 06:05
Might be worth fact checking.

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Tmaga Amaga @Tag456
07 January, 07:18

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
23 December, 07:35
The Truth about 1.7 Trillion Omnibus. Habakkuk 2 12-23-22
Freedom Force Battalion

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UM EK17 Q1111 @GaDawg3
23 December, 04:17
Those in drag performing in front of children, those who target children to groom and prey on, need to be dragfed through the street, not accepted or tolerated... "police" that protect the rights of drag queens over children are not police, they protect predators.

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Dimitri Anon @Spartan
23 December, 07:39

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
10 December, 05:37
The enemy wants you demoralised, broken, and bowed out. This is the spiritual war. To carry on, no matter how much you are hurting inside and want the pain to end. Don't give them the satisfaction of your submission... either through compliance or self-harm. Make them expend their authority and ammo.

I am a very imperfect human, as any look at my "white hat surveillance file" will attest. I have plenty of my own struggles to face without taking on the world. At no point have I sought public status or monetary rewards for my work — beyond the basics of living. Nobody is really "clean" — we all sin — but I definitely am not corrupt.

What I really want is to be able to help people who need to recover from the nightmare of omni-enslavement. It is a job only the recovering slaves can do for the awakening slaves. I only care about vindication and recognition as means to legitimise doing that job.

Feeling so sad right now. How much longer?

I promise to keep fighting.

It's all I

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25 November, 10:10

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Michael American @MichaelAmerican
24 November, 12:11
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Patriots out there! Especially veterans and Anons who've given up so much for humanity. These 2 groups are what I'm thankful for! ❤️🙏🇺🇸

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
23 November, 09:34
As you go into tomorrow and the weekend, 2 good reminders...

#1955 and #3038

*2 pics

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Chris David Bell @Only1CdnPatriot
12 November, 03:10

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Aus Sco @eaglesoar5252
12 November, 03:13
In the Real World America

We now Know that the Arizonian Sheriffs are Corrupt America

FIX IS IN: Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Scan Ballot Envelopes Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS
By Jim Hoft Published November 12, 2022 at 11:05am

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
04 November, 08:57

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