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[They] divide with fear❗
[They] divide for control❗
[They] divide for power❗
❗ It’s a psychological war tactic ❗
❗ It’s designed to break you down ❗
❗ Do Not Let [them] ❗
❗ #DoNotTakeTheVaccine ❗ 🚫 💉 🚫 ❗
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to all you WARRIORS out there!
😊💖Wake up sleepy head💖😊
✨✨✨Rise and SHINE✨✨✨
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“41% of DEMS now believe 2020 was a fraud. Up from 34%. This likely means the minority working class is coming awake - doubt it’s the double mask white liberals.
59% overall. Reaching near what I would consider apogee point (60-65%).
Truly an incredible number. No Republic can survive 3/5 of the electorate no longer trusting its method of determining its leaders.”
- Capt Seth Keshel
“A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 70% of Likely U.S. voters believe it was a bad thing for American democracy for Zuckerberg to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Only eight percent (8%) think Zuckerberg’s election spending was good for democracy.”
-Rasmussen Reports

Voters Against 'Zuckerbucks' Influencing Elections - Rasmussen Reports®
An overwhelming majority of American voters believe Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s multimillion-dollar effort to influence the 2020 presidential election was a bad thing for democracy, and most still think cheating influenced the election outcome. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Kirk pendergrass
Chris Hallett
Timoth Charles holmseth
David Straight
Randi Erickson
All have exposed very high level crimes, some of the top organizations on earth.
No wonder scumbags chills, troll and communicate shit talk about them.
So many do not grasp how powerful the information is they have shared.
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Charlie Freak likes freemasons.
Negative 48 likes freemasons.
Negative 48 is against Richard Citizen Journalist.
Some anons have supported freemasons.
Jordan Sather has used freemason symbology.
Anons that support Sather are against JFK Jr.
JFK Jr hated secret societies as they killed his father.
Why has a secret society controlled so much for so long?
Q is the response to those that killed JFK.
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Military Service Members With Natural Immunity File Lawsuit Against DOD, FDA, HHS Over COVID Vaccine Mandate • Children's Health Defense
Two active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces on Aug. 17 filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Food and Drug Administration and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on behalf of themselves and 220,000 active service members who are being forced to get a COVID vaccin.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
You are not alone.
Are here to help.
To love.
To share burdens.
To minister.
To encourage.
To gently lovingly correct.
To listen.
To honor.
To respect.
You are welcome here.
No judgment.
No harsh criticism.
No calling out by sins.
Just to welcome and love.
Your family here.
Your welcome here.
You are loved here.
Together, each bringing a talent given by God, will, in unity and love, overcome the wicked evil one.
This is a refuge.
A safe haven.
Free from evil and wickedness.
Is where we can unite in love, and find the true meaning of Agape.
Against it,
there is no law.
Come. Join Together in love and let us, through Jesus, be the example of what we seek.
True fellowship.
Through genuine true Agape love.
Evil knows our name,
but calls us by our sind.
God, knows our sins, yet calls unto us, by our names.
Let us call out to each other thro
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RedHatFrogs 🐸
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