Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
01 March, 10:08
In response NEO ONE to his Publication
My Uncle John worked at Oak Ridge National Labs back in the day. I was able to watch my cousin with long straight hair demonstrate a Van Der Graffe Generator. I've loved and understood Science ever since that day in 1965. I was only 4 years old but remember it like yesterday.

@VincentKennedy shared this wireless rechargable 12V battery 2 or 3 years ago. There are hidden gems in this image. See what you find.

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
29 April, 12:25
In response Made In America to her Publication
Still kicking. What a movie!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
29 April, 12:15
In response Trilby Smith to her Publication

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
29 April, 12:07
In response Trilby Smith to her Publication
At some point it will become a feeding frenzy. They will all eat each other alive on MSNBC. LIVE ACTION!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
28 April, 11:31
In response Mama Tee to her Publication
It's going to be Biblical.

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
02 February, 10:13
In response Made In America to her Publication
Amen. Yes. Quora is difficult but even they deserve to have the seeds planted. My FaceCrook posts rarely get more than 2 or 3 likes/comments. Lost my 15 year account with a LOT of good memories. I fired off 25,400 truthbombs on Tweeter before I was KIA. Then Hillbilly Bob and Hillbilly Jim both got killed after that. I think they have something against Hillbillies LOL!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
01 February, 11:57
In response Made In America to her Publication
I haven't been on here much. Not used to everyone being awake. I spend a lot of my time on Quora. Absolute nest of libs. I whip the big ones and they block replies or disable comments. The little ones just keep coming at you with their 4am talking points. It's insanity but easily blown to smithereens with carefully timed memes LOL

My knowledge of the Q world is genuine but I haven't been active in over 30 years. I cannot confirm anything but my best guess is there is a world underground. Much of it manmade. Some of it definitely not.

800,000 children are the reason we fight. They are being fed to the reptiles. The humans at the top of our power pyramid in America are nothing but puppets. Mitch McConnel? Please. You or I either one would be FAR better than him.

Area 51. I believe a LOT is under A51. I have no knowledge other than putting a LOT of other pieces together that paint a pretty clear picture.

I'm tired so not gonna try to answer the rest right now. Good po

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
01 February, 11:07
In response Carole Parnell to her Publication
Who wears it better?

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
01 February, 11:06
In response Hertz SoGood to her Publication
How Ironic!

SUM TING WONG with musicians today...

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
31 January, 10:19
In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication
It'a all about to come unglued for the Dems...
2000 Mules (movie trailer) Dinesh D'Souza "Game Over" - YouTube

Dinesh D'Souza

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
27 January, 12:54
In response Patty Malek to her Publication
I would not rule out 19th POTUS. Just sayin'

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
27 January, 12:16
In response joann ferguson to her Publication
I thought of this.

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
27 January, 12:10
In response Wlim Elgof to his Publication
Imagine that. Especially Rachel!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
26 January, 10:10
In response Wlim Elgof to his Publication
Probably this one's to blame...Milley should be in prison.

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
26 January, 10:08
In response Wlim Elgof to his Publication
Jabbing the military is either the most stupid or the most evil tactic ever. Heads must roll.

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
26 January, 09:53
In response Dan Auito to his Publication
Hey Dan! Long time Brother. I've been kicking lib butt on Quora dot com. HUGE nest of 'em LOL!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
26 January, 09:45
In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication
There is a LOT to be pissed off about these days! Here, this will make you feel a little better...

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
27 October, 10:48
In response Lynn Frank to her Publication
I have a free screen capture program called "Irfanview" that I use a lot. You may be able to open the pdf and screenshot if unable to convert to .jpg or .png or whatever.

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
24 July, 12:57
In response Peacock LoveBling to her Publication
This was just put out on the McAfee Telegram...

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
24 July, 12:42
In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
20 July, 10:59
In response white light to his Publication
I think Jr. is Q.

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
06 July, 12:37
In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication
Been with him since the beginning. #FightLikeAFlynn #Qarmy #TribunalWatch #DeplorableHillbillyDave #FollowedByFlynn

We've taken a beating no doubt. So many have fallen from the constant psychological attacks by the cabal and tech giants if you "step out of line."

I say #HoldTheLine #PATRIOTSUNITED !

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
06 July, 12:21
In response Glenn Huggins to his Publication
Amen 5:5

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
06 July, 12:19
In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
05 July, 11:26
In response LIBERTY JUSTICE4ALL to her Publication
It was forecast October 2016 at the roast! Watch this, especially at 16:30. NET NET NET? NET NET? Wow sounds like +++ and ++!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
05 July, 11:18
In response [30] Exact to his Publication
He did it in October, 2016!!! Watch the roast again. Listen carefully and watch the different people. Maria in red, the Cardinal next to Hillary. His hat get's too hot to wear LOL

Then BQQM a Q proof from BEFORE the first drop. Listen carefully at 16:30 over and over a few times. The Cardinal corrected him that the Vatican/Rothschilds Central Banks are ++, NOT +++!!! Except he said Net Net Net and Net net!

Donald Trump's FULL roasts of Hillary Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner - YouTube

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump roasted his rival Hillary Clinton during the Alfred E. Smith charity dinner. Trump joked about the "nasty woma...

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
04 July, 11:57
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
Most likely given a deal to take down the whole filthy NXIVM temple.

This is what I'm talking about though!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
02 July, 02:42
In response Nothing IsRandom to her Publication
Did you use HCQ or Ivermectin? Worked great for my in-laws!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
01 July, 05:07
In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication
Go here for information on what you can do!

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Deplorable Hillbilly Dave @DeplorableHillbillyDave
01 July, 02:48
In response Spear Header3 to her Publication

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