Cynthia Conkling
09 April, 05:39
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
PUBLISH THE NOVEMBER DATE FOR THE ELECTION. We all missed the NY primary! Nothing on Tv. No signs. The Internet on the topic? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Cynthia Conkling
09 April, 05:36
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
Going to take something like this to wake up the fence sitters and liberals in NY. I totally MISSED the PRIMARY because NOTHING here on TV or internet reminded us. MANY MISSED IT! PUBLISH THE NOVEMBER DATE GUYS!
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Cynthia Conkling
02 April, 05:55
In response Lilly May to her Publication
Selling FEAR. Watch what you follow. THIS is why I stopped watching TV AND THE INTERNET!
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Cynthia Conkling
29 March, 06:05
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
It's a book free online.....
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Cynthia Conkling
29 March, 06:02
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
old. Haven't read it yet.
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Cynthia Conkling
29 March, 05:53
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
HAARP. Maybe the chemtrails are the good guys protecting us from RADIATION?
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Cynthia Conkling
29 March, 04:15
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
29 March, 03:55
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
29 March, 03:51
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
29 March, 03:42
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
[THEY] know!
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Cynthia Conkling
29 March, 03:18
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
17 March, 10:43
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
Family will NEED blessings because they drag this out forever! It makes the ppl fighting for what is right depressed and sick. [THEY] know it too. That's why they do it. Pure evil lawyers. AND WALMART!
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Cynthia Conkling
16 March, 07:35
In response Capy to his Publication
11 3 . 113th day of 2024? https://www.calendar-365.c...
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Cynthia Conkling
16 March, 07:33
In response Capy to his Publication
May 4 2024 125th day of 2024.
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Cynthia Conkling
16 March, 07:10
In response Lilly May to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
16 March, 07:07
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
Cant wait until the election to get a new car but I will wait to build house again. Grateful. God's team > WH mil and Trump. As flawed as he may have been he has been chosen to be an effective world leader and spokes model... Too many freaking texts from them. KNOCK IT OFF! ANNOYING!
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Cynthia Conkling
16 March, 07:04
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
Never used to see NEW immigrants here. Cold. Rural... They are afraid of wild animals like bear. We see South America a lot because of farm labor..... I take care of veterans now. Why zap them w vaccines and then put a solar farm up next door? Binary weapon? I have so far gotten away w not giving or getting j@bz. OMG... The neuro issues Vietnam forward. Cancers. Pharma.... Heartbreaking.... That war was for drugs. Lots of PTSD... Human hunting. We have a few ww2. Lots of Korea. Mostly Vietnam..... News? Too much disinfo still. Uphill battle here with far too many....
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Cynthia Conkling
15 March, 03:56
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
Hold the line. THEY know they cant afford to fire all the nurses again! Dont make us GET or GIVE it!
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Cynthia Conkling
15 March, 03:55
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
Barb Bush sibling. Aleister Crowley kid.
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Cynthia Conkling
15 March, 03:53
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
07 March, 04:15
In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication
I say this all the time! RN since 1978 and Esthetician since 2002!
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Cynthia Conkling
07 March, 04:12
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
Not on here because I am working again. But when I was on it was VERY FUNKY! Yesterday I saw what appeared to be 5 immigrants going into the LIBRARY where I live w minimal clothing on.... They must be dropping them off throughout NYS (Upstate).... My village is strongly GOP. TARGETED COUNTY? Libtards here and (churches.... working for the Rockefellers)....
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Cynthia Conkling
07 March, 04:06
In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication
I realize it already. I feel chosen to address what the evil ones did to me so they won't be able to do it to someone else. IRS. UNUM. CITIBANK. FANNIE MAE. Lahey Clinic (self insurance). On my radar. It NEVER would have happened without Q and Trump....
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Cynthia Conkling
04 March, 05:46
In response Dimitri Anon to his Publication
There is no privacy any more no matter what you click.
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Cynthia Conkling
04 March, 04:05
In response Shareef Twal to his Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
04 March, 03:56
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
02 March, 08:15
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication

Trance Formation Of America ( Cathy OBrien, Mark Phillips) (z : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Trance Formation of America Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Cynthia Conkling
02 March, 08:12
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
02 March, 08:12
In response Cynthia Conkling to her Publication
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Cynthia Conkling
02 March, 08:01
In response Crystal Iannacone to her Publication
This problem in NY is trickling down to smaller cities like LATHAM, NY. It is ruining small businesses. People are leaving the state in droves. So the budget will not EVER compute! SO.... more jabs to kill off the elderly? WHY in God's name are we giving elderly veterans in a NURSING HOME TETANUS VACCINE??????? @GhostEzra17
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