ChrysInIowa ...
11 December, 04:39
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Robert Wakefield
07 December, 07:34
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ChrysInIowa ...
06 December, 11:29
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ChrysInIowa ...
06 December, 11:26
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ChrysInIowa ...
06 December, 11:24
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ChrysInIowa ...
06 December, 11:20
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ChrysInIowa ...
06 December, 11:13
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ChrysInIowa ...
06 December, 11:06
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ChrysInIowa ...
06 December, 10:34

Adam Schiff to resign from the House on Sunday, ahead of Senate's swearing in | Just The News
New Jersey's Democratic Rep. Andy Kim will also resign from the House on Sunday, and be sworn in on Monday. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
ChrysInIowa ...
05 September, 12:27
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ChrysInIowa ...
24 August, 10:14
Trump posted on twatter. 9:38
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ChrysInIowa ...
22 August, 04:50
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ChrysInIowa ...
22 August, 04:50
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ChrysInIowa ...
22 August, 04:50
I keep hitting post 531. The chess game queen to fox 3 interesting how this keeps popping up
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ChrysInIowa ...
30 April, 11:24
Just having a thought 🤔 I wonder how many times Elon had met with Trump...then my brain fell down a rabbit hole....hurricanes and tornados (weather manipulation) why? What is at Mara Lago they want to take out? Could it be Nicola Tesla missing trunks or actual devices? Could they be held in the sciff? Anyway, just some thoughts. Heard it's going to be a bad hurricane season from the resident bidet.
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ChrysInIowa ...
30 April, 09:30
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ChrysInIowa ...
22 April, 02:48
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ChrysInIowa ...
04 April, 11:27
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ChrysInIowa ...
04 April, 11:25
This whole obarfa Kenya thing is literally an April fool's joke. I am seeing this all over and it literally says on the bottom of the article it's an April fool's joke
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ChrysInIowa ...
04 April, 11:22
Ok let's break this down
1. Trump was not in control of his businesses at the time these supposed offenses took place.
2. Each supposed violation was:
A. Invoice from Cohen for services provided
B. A voucher number when put in the computer for a billed invoice.
C. A check for services billed from the invoice.
3. When is it against the law to receive and invoice for services provided?
4. If there was erroneous billing, would it not be on Cohen? Wasn't he already in jail for that or something like that?
5. Judge awarded Trump legal fees and 500k from the civil court judgment in this particular matter.
6. Even the democrats are saying it's bullshit charges!
7. His residence was The White House at the time of supposed offenses.
1. Trump was not in control of his businesses at the time these supposed offenses took place.
2. Each supposed violation was:
A. Invoice from Cohen for services provided
B. A voucher number when put in the computer for a billed invoice.
C. A check for services billed from the invoice.
3. When is it against the law to receive and invoice for services provided?
4. If there was erroneous billing, would it not be on Cohen? Wasn't he already in jail for that or something like that?
5. Judge awarded Trump legal fees and 500k from the civil court judgment in this particular matter.
6. Even the democrats are saying it's bullshit charges!
7. His residence was The White House at the time of supposed offenses.
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ChrysInIowa ...
28 March, 07:52
Oh boy! Here we go the resident bidet is promoting the use of "spy equipment" all the government has to do is ask and then tell themselves I have my own rules to follow and everyone else has to accept that. Not to mention oh yes just send us a report of what you used and why. We dont even care if you tell us it's for cyber security, testing or whatever.
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ChrysInIowa ...
28 March, 07:51
Ok hear me out. Nancy piglosi... Where did she go before and after landing in Taiwan? Was there a deal made? With who? And now we have this. I know several places "chip manufacturing" companies are supposedly opening factories in the USA. Now who do you think is going to benefit financially from that? 🤔 🤔
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ChrysInIowa ...
19 March, 08:42
Written protest is an affidavit. Has to be recorded in your local recorders office with a notary public. Notice sent to parties that it was filed. They have 21 days to dispute. How many can they dispute in 21 days? This simply provides protection against personal confrontation. Legally and by the rule of law. Affidavit holds up in court and contains facts like abuse of power and why it is believed to be such.
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Cowboy w2b
23 February, 10:56
“I AM the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Future PROVES PAST vibes.
Future PROVES PAST vibes.
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ChrysInIowa ...
23 February, 08:28
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ChrysInIowa ...
23 February, 07:26
This burns my biscuits! Pisseder than hell! This thing would put the resident bidet in control of all nuclear and other arms without accountability.
This burns my biscuits! Pisseder than hell! This thing would put the resident bidet in control of all nuclear and other arms without accountability.
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16 February, 06:06
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ChrysInIowa ...
10 February, 03:12
Does this seem odd to anyone else? You know where mickey came from. Also, I don't remember the small mickey mouse between his legs
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ChrysInIowa ...
01 February, 10:25
Ok just throwing this out there....not usually big on dates. Bankman fried mystery bailout persons disclosure Feb 7th. New Zealand prime minister steps down Feb 7th. Maxwell does 50+ pages of does to be turned over Feb 7th. Then hunter bidens bday Feb 4 along with these few q posts #712 was an ad on truth social 693 Feb 9. 700 Feb 9th BOOM suicide weekend?
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Cowboy w2b
29 January, 09:15
This is a reach…
Elon tweeted Ω today. Ω = the end.
Elon tweeted Chuckmate = checkmate = the end.
Delta between the tweets = 202 days = 22
Elon has 22 on his jacket.
Also, Elon’s timestamp = 2:03 = 23
Elon tweeted Ω today. Ω = the end.
Elon tweeted Chuckmate = checkmate = the end.
Delta between the tweets = 202 days = 22
Elon has 22 on his jacket.
Also, Elon’s timestamp = 2:03 = 23
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