Doq Holliday @doqholliday
Someone ask Praying Medic to denounce Freemasonry.

In fact, I’ll take it a step further, and ask EVERYONE you talk to to denounce Freemasonry.

It’s a secret society controlled by satan/lucifer and there are lot of people pretending to be Patriots who are in it.

None of them have #KennedyVision
05:23 PM - Dec 07, 2021
Only people mentioned by doqholliday in this post can reply
Behold A Man @Rwchkn
11 July, 07:38
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Doesnt Praying Medic have some Charges against him Domestic Abuse ?

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
11 July, 07:34
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
As an ethos - yes, stay away; Freemasonry cannot be right as it invisibly privileges some people, encourages deceit and corruption, undermines social trust, and sustains hidden power by denying equal knowledge to all.

Just the lived reality means there are timing questions, trade-offs, and sometimes compromises you have to make to attain higher goals. Demanding every Mason in your life immediately renounces it, right now, may end up being self-sabotage.

My mother and her family are all JWs (i.e. Masonic-in-drag); I had to choose my moment to exercise my own freedom of conscience when young, and didn't ever disown anyone (as shunning is their tactic). Having had a lifetime of treading this fine line, it's not easy to get right.

"The only legitimate purpose of a secret society is to end the influence of secret societies" perhaps?

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Just Gonna Sparkle @JustGonnaSparkle
09 July, 06:07
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
There are Christians who are afraid of Q, because it is said something like Q was used in Russia before the Bolsheviks took control. The story is Q appeared as our Q appeared. Lots of people who were against "communism" joined. The Bolsheviks or enemy took over the Q group and took the list of names and slaughtered the participants one by one.

Even knowing this, I decided it was worth the risk of being an anon, because I know what Q is saying is true. Therefore, I cannot stand otherwise, no matter what happens to me in the end. I'm accountable before God, for where I stand. Q stands for everything I've fasted & prayed for more than 30 years - justice.

Having dated military men. I knew frogs were military. Hundreds of "Kennedys" appear on twitter. Vincent Kennedy. Juan O'Savin appears w/alternate JFK Jr story. Kid by the Side of the Road. Trump puts 3M on notice, cancels their license. I see Wuhan lab research & NIH "cancer therapy". I learn about emoluments clause.

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Just Gonna Sparkle @JustGonnaSparkle
09 July, 04:42
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I don't believe that Praying Medic is a Free Mason.
Why would you think that he is? (If you don't mind my asking.)
I know that there is a history of Free Masonry in our country. I have renounced it on all sides of my family lines, all the way back to Adam. Renouncing Free Masonry is required to get free of unholy "familiar" spirits, best known as demons that cause generational curses. 🧐

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IAM 8:13 donated @IAM13888
09 July, 04:39
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
IMHO and research, all religions and secret societies lead back to the Vatican.

There is only one God of love. He is accessible at anytime to develop a relationship with.

Seek God in all things. 🥰

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wht 2.0 @wht
09 July, 01:48
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
The earthly nexus of ALL secret societies.

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Peaceful Warrior @peacefulwarrior
09 July, 01:42
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
First time I saw PM, I got a bad vibe. Guess I'm a bit nontrusting, but guess I was right.

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Age of Enlightenment @Sparrows
09 July, 01:41
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
You can NOT be in GOD'S camp & be a Freemason.

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Mare Qay - WWG1WGA! @Patriot63
09 July, 12:14
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
He also poo poos Q, thinks it's all conspiracy crap, so yeah, he's to me not good

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CourtneyM *** donated @Courtm6444
09 July, 02:13
In response Mare Qay - WWG1WGA! to her Publication
Funny, he wrote a book on Q posts.

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09 July, 12:08
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
We have to stop with all the secrets.

I feel like the spell is in making the joiners of the secret societies somehow feel special and priviledged. It is the same ol same ol. Divide and Conquer duality.

Just have the guts to speak your truth if you believe in this freemasonry shit show.

Hiding makes me think you really don't beleve the doctrine you made an oath to.

Love or Fear

Which 4 letter word determines your path through this matrix insanity.

TY Doc

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... ... @Luciferlost
09 July, 11:49
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
There is no institution which has been condemned more by the Catholic Church than Freemasonry. Fact.

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Margical ONE @IAMChristlight
09 July, 02:57
In response ... ... to his Publication
The JESUITS formed and created Freemasonry. And Freemasonry was created as the Protestant arm of the Roman Catholic church unbeknown to them, beguiled – fooled – into doing the work that Rome wanted them to do so that Rome could sit in the background while Freemasonry did it for them.

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judith Kennison @JudyinAmerica
09 July, 11:44
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
i dont follow him doc. i saw him along time ago while on Coast2coast and he uses his ego in the name of God. i dont like people like that so i stay away. eventually they will dig themselves into thier own grave

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
09 July, 11:40
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
THE ONLY ALLEGIANCE that those morons have is their bs secret devil orgs. PERIOD> JFK was so fookin RIGHT> SEE>

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connie wright @cowri
09 July, 10:31
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I Denounce Freemasonry, Praying Medic, Jordan Sayer, Alex Jones, etc. I am a Child of Our Lord Jesus. I give all the Glory to our Savior in Heaven. I am His Servant.

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Doctor Precipice @DrPrecipice
09 July, 10:25
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I denounce freemasonry. Yeshua is my lord and it His Kingdom, as given by Adonai, not theirs, not trans satan, nor anyone who worships that filth. This is one nation under GOD. Cant wait for all these secret turd dwelling socieities to be completely gone.

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Happy Days @Sun2516
09 July, 10:23
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Thank you for this post.

I do not know what Kennedy Vision means.

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wht 2.0 @wht
09 July, 10:04
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
a whole lot of professing Christians as well

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Joe Q Public @joeqpublic3608
09 July, 10:02
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Add Jordan Sather IMHO too to that list.

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Whites QWall donated @QTip75
09 July, 09:53
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
This mason is running for Sheriff in Chippewa County, WI. What he stands for looks to be perfect but he didnt mention anything about his ties to Freemasonry.

Check out his pin.


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Crumb Catcher @CrumbCatcher
09 July, 10:30
In response Whites QWall to his Publication
People are not looking close enough when electing the TOP LEO of their County. We just elected the wrong candidate in our County.

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Lincoln Mom @LincolnMom
09 July, 12:05
In response Whites QWall to his Publication
Interesting we like Marc On Shooting, it’s a drive for us. I have a friend that works for him, a gun smith. You just never know.

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MATTHEW Bissanti @markerdragon
09 July, 09:50
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
i denounce freemasonry, fake royalty, governments, corporations, illuminati and all secret socities

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BreeZe45 QZQ @BreeZ45Q
09 July, 10:25
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
100% Denounce With You!

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Kathy 273273 @kathy273273
09 July, 10:26
In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication
I learnrd about freemasory and all the secret societies in the last few years from all you anons on socialmedia, I had never seen any of it in person, until driving downtown in this small town I live in of 20,000 people, there bigger than daylight is their symbol on a brick building next to the local flower shop. It scared the crap out of me. Everyone knows everyone here, I'm a transplant been here 7 years now, I put my friend making on hold. I did have the chance to meet our local sheriff, at a Trump get together (still unsure about him).

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Happy Days @Sun2516
09 July, 09:40
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I am not Freemason!!! I follow Jesus Christ Only!!

What about President Trump where is he with this Freemason denouncing? 🤔

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Joe Q Public @joeqpublic3608
09 July, 09:36
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Crumb Catcher @CrumbCatcher
09 July, 09:46
In response Joe Q Public to his Publication
I used to follow Godlewski until he continued to speak of his "Inside sources". Then he attacked Juan. I left his page. This is who Q warned us of.
I do follow Juan because he is wonderful at connecting what is happening today with the bible. Juan has been a good teacher.

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Danny James @DComposer07
09 July, 08:51
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Praying Medic always looked like someone I would cast as a C👁A agent in a Jason Bourne film. He always seemed maybe a little toooooo nice.

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Kendall Evans @CountryLove
09 July, 08:26
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
the shill always feel wrong, ive experienced a few along my journey for truth. they get easier to spot and i trust my instinks now more thab ever! Q has encouraged us to ask questions and look for truth.❤️ if the military needs help taking down the masonic lodges (8) in my area let me know. freemasons have no secrets now

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fuck off all @Patriotic1
09 July, 08:20
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I fly the bird at everyone I see with the symbol bumper stickers. Fook em all

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Amy Grahm @Amyl123
09 July, 08:07
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Everything leads back to Rome

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wht 2.0 @wht
09 July, 01:53
In response Amy Grahm to her Publication

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jennifer rennebu @Whitepicketfence1
09 July, 08:05
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I denounce freemasonry and only worship the Lord God!

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reaper myer @reapermyer
09 July, 08:04
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
king james was a flamer too

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09 July, 08:03
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Be careful who you follow.
That dude is s fraud and a charlatan.

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

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Whites QWall donated @QTip75
09 July, 01:30
In response ⚒️ULTRA NUCLEAR MAGA PATRIOT LUIS M.⚒️ to his Publication
When I saw the posed tears running down his face I couldn’t watch anymore and all trust was lost.

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Starry Peacock @Starry_Peacock
09 July, 08:29
In response ⚒️ULTRA NUCLEAR MAGA PATRIOT LUIS M.⚒️ to his Publication
This was one I had a question mark about early on
Occasionally some decent info is posted but I'm wary of this one (and quite a few more)

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Amy Grahm @Amyl123
09 July, 08:00
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I was thinking about how I should show up to our local Catholic Church we used to attend and take the service over 🤔 They should have to shut down. They knew all of this was happening . i might need bail money Patriots 😅🤣😂

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eva amálka k...... @AmalLikesToPlay
09 July, 11:42
In response Amy Grahm to her Publication
Welcome in club. 🤣😂👍 I think they will run away from you because they know it's true. Even the cops know it.

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