The best thing you can do right now is be STRONG for others around you.
I don’t know how many tomorrows I have left in me. I have never been a fan of this so called ‘life’, and I dont see anything now that makes me trust it will get any better.
Dates come and go, new dates are promoted, rinse & repeat.
We are herded from one platform to the next new thing and the ‘Bosses’ never seem to join in the shift, leaving a vacuum in info continuity.
You also have a tendancy to be cold and condescending at times leaving many to follow in spite of yourself.
Children are still dying, being abused and end up missing every day. How many more??
What is the cut off point?? Sure, jfkjr has waited a long time, but he is also a millionaire, not an average joe who hasnt worked in a year and is waiting to burry their loved ones who died alone.
All I can say is ‘Whatever’!
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Only followers of this user (Joey) can see their posts
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Jesus preached truth all over and was received & followed by thousands, yet not believed by people in his own hometown.
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Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
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If you are hearing this or WORSE, you are saying this -
Listen to the Dan Schultz video on Steve Bannon's War Room.
--- FROM Sidney Powell: Endorsed by VK on telegram

How It's Done: Trump Voter Wins Douglas County GOP Committeeman Then Replaces ALL of the GOP Board RINOs Who Refused to Serve With Him Because He's Pr..
Dan Schultz wanted to do something for the conservative cause after the election so he ran and won his local election for precinct committeeman and now he’s showing others how to do the same. Find out how at the Precinct Project’s Blog. Dan was on the War Room where he explained his sto.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
We have to wean ourselves from big gov. We have to take up the reins, and beat the left at its own game - local community activism.
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Jason VanDerpoel
You who are balanced spiritually and able to see the wonders of this world without dependency on The System, Are so very ready to take the lead into this New World God has prepared Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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My warnings and concerns to family were rejected.
All I can do is be STRONG, be calm, Pray that the Best IS Yet to Come, for ALL.
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Looks like something my daughter would send me.
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