Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
C before D. Conviction before declass. Declass introduced legally through the courts.The end will not be for everyone, you were told this. A choice. Remember this part is just theater. Movie. Everyone's alive from the Capitol. All staged. Job requirement when Trump ran for President, sign up for impeachment 2x. Slings and aarows. The great awakening. Trinubals for the wicked very real, the movie stops. Dam breaks. Ebs/Eas. Biblical.
01:45 PM - Feb 11, 2021
Only people mentioned by GhostEzra in this post can reply
Beth Nance @Gbcnance
08 March, 05:10
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Patriots know you cannot take down Satan quickly, easily, or acvording to a script people have made up jn their heads. In as much as I am tired of hearing all the negative shills and naysayers comment on uplifting posts, I know that this too is part of the movie. Patience is a tough virtue to master. It's ALWAYS been in God's hands. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ€οΈ WWG1WGA

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07 March, 05:33
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

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New Years Day @NewYearsDay
07 March, 04:59
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

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24 February, 11:14
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Can you explain why we cannot see a single DC pure trash swamp arrest? Not 1? Why? Fuck 1000's of arrests, give us 1 mother fucking arrest. Would go a LOOOOOOOOONG way in awakening the Auntie Delores and Uncle Vinny types who are no where near awake other than knowing with certainty we are ALL currently getting skull fucked by the fake Biden, the Fauci types, the Roberts types, etc. One good reason why we cannot have a SINGLE public arrest that would cause ALL patriots to prance, dance, skip and sing in the mother fucking streets? ONE GOOD REASON?

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Ulrike bulcke @Ulrikebulcke
13 February, 03:15
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
first arrest could be Trump , will SHOCK THE WORLD

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Donna Martin @Meme17
07 March, 06:44
In response Ulrike bulcke to his Publication
I have heard that before but I don't think that would happen because it would cause an uprising and war! Too many people love Trump. Trump does not want any war especially between the people.

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Cussin Christian @JamieJanon
13 February, 03:13
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

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USA DAR @buffaloalum
13 February, 02:10
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
I understand that people think there would be mass panic if there were mass arrests. I myself, don't agree with that. If it was announced via EBS that the military was in control and the military took over MSM and big tech, the miliary could control what is being broadcast. Allowing the MSM to continue their lies hurts the country and continues the divide. Announce that the military is in control, take over MSM, and let the nation know why they took control. Showing the real evidence and showing arrests by the military is the only way to open eyes. Keeping it hidden doesn't help in my opinion.

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Scooby85 *** @mrsb2005
07 March, 05:56
In response USA DAR to his Publication
I agree. I think it was supposed to be all disclosed already. I don't know what the hang up is but I also follow a very spiritual couple who are in contact with the galactic federation and things are not in sync with Earth alliance. They were in sync at one time. I just think the unawakened are getting more brainwashed instead of waking but that's just my opinion. We must be splitting timelines or something. This could be a very rocky year as well. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

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Dan Auito @DanUSCG
13 February, 12:30
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

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Girl Mama @GirlMamaQ
13 February, 10:20
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
How does this idea line up with the posts that say hes 100% insulated/safe from impeachment?

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Exploration Gematria @Gematriaexploration
13 February, 09:39
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
equivalent of Crucifixion before Declas? Then 40days/40nights! thinking out loud. may have my timeline of movie incorrect?

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Chris Waughtal @CWAFFLE9
12 February, 05:00
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
wish the truth was coming out-no one dead, who actually instigated, etc... yes, I know, a movie, just how I wish it would go because my nerves are shot watching this stupidity :(

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newbeginnings164 Discrete @newbeginnings164
12 February, 11:38
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication






#BEFORE #Declass πŸ™‚

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jennifer rennebu @Whitepicketfence1
13 February, 02:03
In response newbeginnings164 Discrete to his Publication
Children before declass makes so much more sense than conviction before declass. It has always been about the children

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newbeginnings164 Discrete @newbeginnings164
12 February, 11:33
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

also should be #STAGED

maybe al positives are fake

but the deads after are very real

also the negative effects

but the very same, colaborate in this lie

#Argentina #covid #nazi #FEMA #CONCENTRATION #CAMS

argetina goes TRY
with the #russian #SPUTNIK


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WOLF Pawnee @RMFCo1822Ltd
12 February, 10:03
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

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WOLF Pawnee @RMFCo1822Ltd
12 February, 10:06
In response WOLF Pawnee to his Publication

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jennifer rennebu @Whitepicketfence1
12 February, 09:51
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
I was laying in bed last night and sat right up. C before D. Conviction before declass. Initially I thought it was the enemy who was convicted but then the horror set in. Does this mean POTUS is going to be convicted of insurrection? Seems like I read something possibly during the last impeachment that POTUS would be arrested. That was the only thing I heard. How could the white hats keep our POTUS safe if he is incarcerated? Please say this isn't the plan.

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newbeginnings164 Discrete @newbeginnings164
12 February, 12:13
In response jennifer rennebu to her Publication





#celebrities KINDA #ELON #MUSK

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newbeginnings164 Discrete @newbeginnings164
12 February, 12:20
In response jennifer rennebu to her Publication
2 Abr 2020 !!!!!



and make sense

but not happening and now , has changed i inventing another #FAKE menaning


ALL #Comms ARE NOW #FAKE or mostly

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anon anon @Qcolorado
12 February, 09:27
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Thank you, so much, for this very helpful synopsis, Ghost! I'm so glad there are anons who understand and share. My old brain isn't as sharp, but my spirit is alight with passion for my country and for truth. I pray, I war online, I try to red pill, and I cheer on. What I'm not good at is figuring it all out. So thanks again! xxx

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
11 February, 10:03
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Movie = Fake. Not real. You go to the movies and leave the theater knowing it was just a show. When you hear movie think fake. Biden as President. Movie. Fake. Trump impeachment movie, fake. At this stage in the movie we have a ton of actors. More were added as time went on. In the beginning X amount of actors. Towards the end XYZ. Why? Many are being replaced because the real ones are gone. Pelosi in custody. She was swapped out already. You won't see her arrest but rather her tribunal. The problem with massively arresting 1000s of high profile targets publicly is that it creates mass panic.

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Bridgett Bohlen @MomBAS123
14 March, 11:12
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Nope I use to Love Movies now one more thing I Loved has been STOLEN. All I watch now is movies on my Tablet about what ever I can tolerate or the Hallmark Channel.
It's to the point I don't believe anything put before my eyes unless I see it in physical form because, everything has been proven to be fake. So until I actually see justice being enforced I will never believe we actually have freedom anymore because, our freedom was stolen long ago. We don't even have free will anymore because, if we did the whole mask issue would be settled and over&done. IF lies about Covid-19 would stop being forced down our throat and our on Government would stop Pushing the Fake Vaccine on it's Blind Minded Citizens causing them to sign their own DEATH WARRANT and their families have NO REPRICUSHIONS WHEN THE FAKE VACCINE KILLS THEIR FAMILY MEMBER'S. THIS IS PURELY AN EVIL STRATEGY TO DEPOPULATE AND CONTROL AN UNWANTED NARRATIVE.

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Only followers of this user (Karla0109) can see their posts

Annie D-W @Annie172123
11 February, 08:35
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
We are here. They have opened the door through their pure arrogance. God will envoke this biblical storm to the perpetrators of evil. The attention is pointed to the impeachment, but i feel like something else is occurring. Prayers and God Bless

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Mike Anon @Mike314
11 February, 06:21
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
With all due respect, Ghost, without going back and looking, I believe that Q confirmed that [C] before [D] meant Coates before DECLAS. Coates as in former DNI, Dan Coates. Disinformation is necessary, I get that. But Coates is believed to be a black hat.

My belief is that this whole impeachment trial was a setup and actors are simply playing their roles now. I just don't see Trump being convicted. This is about setting precedent to impeach 0bama, W Bush, etc.

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
11 February, 09:40
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
FAKE impeachment. FAKE conviction. Movie. He can't be convicted nobody died on the 6th.

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Lady Irish @LadyIrish
12 February, 07:51
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
This has been stated numerous times by Ezra bud. Where have ya been?

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Cathy Patmore @PatriotCath
11 February, 05:43
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
I am ready. These treasonous, evil people deserve their fate.

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Angela Creel @Mollylou
11 February, 05:12
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
What is the point in posting this if you do not respond to questions?

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
11 February, 09:54
In response Angela Creel to his Publication
What's the question Angela?

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Lady Irish @LadyIrish
12 February, 07:49
In response Angela Creel to his Publication
You have a freebee here. Ask a question!

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Law & Physics @physics171
11 February, 05:02
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Down goes the BAR association, smash those ideologies to a thousand pieces, highly treasonous, criminal crime syndicate.

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Jackie Patriot @Jackie_Patriot
11 February, 04:41
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
The end will not be for everyone.....think about it Anons what's one the punishment for treason? Death. And the "choice is yours"....maybe they are going to be televised? Choose to watch or not? just a thought

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anon anon @Qcolorado
12 February, 09:24
In response Jackie Patriot to her Publication
I've been trying to figure that one out, too.

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Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE donated @akalaurel
11 February, 04:15
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
I'm confused about if there can be Mil Trib, given the constitution.
1 - Are we in a state of Emergency still with Trumps EO re: covid?
2 - Who is the legal President, if recognizing fraud or not?
3 - Are we under Martial law? (due to illegitmate election & covid)

Circumstance(s) above direct constitutional law, ie Mil Trib Courts.

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Rhonda Rinard @RhondaMom
11 February, 07:14
In response Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE to her Publication
But this is 1863, if it does infact go back to 1776 the "original" construction & "Valid United States of America" this would not technically apply.
I am of course guessing and assuming as to many posts, articles & videos I have consumed in past year or so.

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4483Q ........speedygt63 @4483Q
11 February, 04:07
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Dam event?

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Kate Taylor @Fiercekitty
11 February, 03:40
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
So Trump will be convicted of this 2nd charge and they score yet ANOTHER win?
If so, then DCLAS looks like retaliation and alienates
My control freakery aside, this sounds like a shit plan
Like, for reals

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Joe BOB @joebob
11 February, 03:40
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
remind me about the a in aarows?

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Baresi 1776 @Baresi
11 February, 03:31
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
what happened to β€œzero risk of impeachment”? or am i misreading here?

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Tammy Lee @LadyLuckNC
11 February, 03:42
In response Baresi 1776 to his Publication
my theory is that he is safe because the corporation is dead and we are now the Republic. They are impeaching him/blocking him from being president of the corporation.

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Sal Redmon @Sal_Redmon
11 February, 03:23
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
What if C = Circus?

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Sal Redmon @Sal_Redmon
11 February, 03:24
In response Sal Redmon to her Publication
...or C = Checkmate

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11 February, 03:23
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

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Rhonda Rinard @RhondaMom
11 February, 03:36
In response CSPOA JAMES to his Publication
There was Never a goal post to move. Read between the lines.
just saying

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