P.J. 777 @HiiiPow3r
We are undoubtedly going to get out and vote Nov 8. However, @realDonaldTrump overtly reTruthing Q comms tells you everything you need to know… There’s probably a 107% chance [they] are going to steal this election too and the military is the only way. Prepare accordingly and remember we are the calm before during and after the storm. Godspeed & God bless.



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02:21 PM - Nov 01, 2022
Only people mentioned by HiiiPow3r in this post can reply
Lori Mckeon @lorirw
12 November, 11:16
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Brazil acted quickly...no delays, no extending the clock, allowing slo mo 6 more weeks for run off cheating, on and on.

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P.J. 777 @HiiiPow3r
12 November, 01:56
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

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Christine Salerno @chris1949
12 November, 07:26
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Yes only this time have the Military/N G do the counting!!!!!
How about NG recount these ballots!!

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Johnny Thunders @Lamf77
02 November, 05:11
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
So a double red pill here after November 2020? Sounds like planning excuses in advance. Why is it only the left is willing to get dirty. No excuses. Just win baby.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
02 November, 04:58
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
thank you PJ for your post I put out a beautiful meme to vote I got not one like. I don’t know what the plan is but for Patriots not to take a stand and support the Vote even if it’s energetically is beyond .

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Sneakers 359 @Sneakers359
02 November, 04:52
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
go look to Brazil!

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Kathy 273273 @kathy273273
02 November, 11:29
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
We need to vote, if we don't then they won't have any votes to say they cheated. If the only votes coming in are blue. Then they won. We all have to do our part.

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Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z @DDK
02 November, 10:36
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Anyone younsee on hear saying anything about volience or civil war you better look at them coupd be a FED. KEEP YOUR HEAD ON A SUVIEL AND QUIT CRYING. I DONT THINK ID WANT THAT SHIT IN THE FOX HOLE!!!

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ROBIN Hippiechic @AmericanHippieChic
02 November, 10:07
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
thank you for this… stuff i know in my heart but i was in need of a pep talk…😊😊😊😊

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Lenore Lahnagan donated @lee
02 November, 06:22
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Well what they are foing in Brazil will seem like a tea party compared to what is going to happen here. Perhaps the citizens military is the only way this bullshit ends.

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Lenore Lahnagan donated @lee
02 November, 06:19
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
We have been waiting since 2020 if its stolen again will the military step in? This is way too much for us to go through again. If it happens again there will be repercussions for the people who have done it. WE ARE DONE! This is America and we are taking it back.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
01 November, 10:18
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
vote, vote vote..why why why..we know it will be atolen. Really, why vote. I am truely intrigued? i have always.voted but I feel done. And not in a petulant way but in a belief I am not playing this game of the DS.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
01 November, 10:18
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
vote, vote vote..why why why..we know it will be atolen. Really, why vote. I am truely intrigued? i have always.voted but I feel done. And not in a petulant way but in a belief I am not playing this game of the DS.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
01 November, 10:18
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
vote, vote vote..why why why..we know it will be atolen. Really, why vote. I am truely intrigued? i have always.voted but I feel done. And not in a petulant way but in a belief I am not playing this game of the DS.

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Lori Mckeon @lorirw
01 November, 10:09
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
If that is our.plan, WHY? We have been there and done that. The 2020 election was stolen and the military and all watched, knowingly. why again...feels like the plan does want us all to take to the streets. I still struggle.with how you all will keep Americans.from feeling duped by their own good guys when they find out.how long this has gone on, all the while people dying, losing jobs, security, their minds, families, ...on and on.

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Bennastix Anon donated @Bennastix
01 November, 10:08
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

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Lenore Lahnagan donated @lee
02 November, 06:20
In response Bennastix Anon to her Publication
And 4 years later Americans are still screwed. This midterm is the end one way or the other.

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TBo ogg donated @tbog
01 November, 09:50
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

But still, vote vote vote!

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TBo ogg donated @tbog
01 November, 09:50
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

But still, vote vote vote!

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Lynn Case @PatriotThunder
01 November, 08:34
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
I love when a plan comes together!

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Nadire Q-Z @Nadire
01 November, 06:48
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
https://anonup.com/thread/... a post of what is happening in the Netherlands now about militairy

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some one special to some @godrus
01 November, 06:34
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Fool me once, shame on you!
Fool me twice, shame on ME!

I'm tired of believing any of the federal entities we and our parents and grandparents paid threw the nose for DECADES stands idly by and let's FOREIGNERS steal our votes!

Expect to get SHAMED on 11-8 when #DirtyDims and Foreigners steal our election a second time - which is why I AM NOT VOTING on November 8th.

Until 2020 Election Fraud is addressed, count me out!
I'm done.

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Mrs. Brown @tcbpatriot
03 November, 01:52
In response some one special to some to her Publication
You are playing right into their hand! You have to go vote, things change when people change!

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Honkler Simpson @Honkler
01 November, 06:25
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Update: Bolsonaro's speech was brief: "Thanks for the support, we put Brazil in the right tracks, the people are sovereign to protest but don't turmoil like the Left". (probably to not piss normies).
But *he didn't admit defeat*.
Not sure if truckers will unblock the roads, but my brother runs a clothing store and he sold lots of National Team shirts today; all for patriots, none for world cup. They (and we too), are going tomorrow to the militaries' HQs all over the country, demanding that order be restored.
My heart is filled with joy, seeing people won't accept an ex-criminal and the SC manouver to make him president.

Again I ask all of you to keep praying for us, and thank those who've been praying.
Victory is not guaranteed. Straussians in the US will try to sanction us to ruin, but at least we won't accept losing our sovereignty.
US patriots showed us the way, patriots worldwide are holding the line, now I feel Brazil will counterattack and soon we'll be charging together

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LanieLou _MAGADonian @LanieLou_MAGADonian
01 November, 06:36
In response Honkler Simpson to his Publication
Praying for you... I saw the truckers.
Massive demonstrations, no violence.

Like the idea to protest at military sites.
BidObama's tweet the instant they stole
the election was like a Horn of God blowing.

Evil THINKS they're in control.

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Carol Roberts @InHisHolyName
01 November, 07:08
In response Honkler Simpson to his Publication
Lord Jesus we pray for all of the brave Brazilians who are standing against corruption and standing for rheir sovereignty. Please send your warrior angels to them and protect the good citizens of Brazil from the evil ones who are trying to destroy their country. In Jesus Name, Amen. 🙏

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Awake Elf @Awake_Elf
01 November, 07:11
In response Mandy ... to her Publication
I agree and it will take what, 2 years to show proof of this election being stolen too??? Not sure many have another 2 years of hope to give before something happens.

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God Wins donated @GR2021
01 November, 07:18
In response Mandy ... to her Publication
The last two Biden years has exposed democrats and their corruption and evil. Was wondering if they steal the mid terms will it wake the people to question how is it possible? Or maybe not. But people on radio have already been reporting that Abbott votes are switched to Beto when they try to confirm. Republicans are winning the house/senate but after threat of civil war or before, am not sure.

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Adrienne Green @Itsyoadrienne
01 November, 04:23
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Its a checkmate because they are screwed if they do and screwed if they dont.

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Mary Beth Miskell @Miskell2024
01 November, 04:08
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Something major needs to happen soon, I am about to give up! 🫥

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P.J. 777 @HiiiPow3r
01 November, 04:25
In response Mary Beth Miskell to her Publication
Hang in there, Patriot! We really are on the final stretch. [They] are cornered and lose either way.

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Lynn Case @PatriotThunder
01 November, 08:38
In response Mary Beth Miskell to her Publication
Judges 7 17-22, almost there this is war time not give up time

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Wyoming Deplorable @UltraMaga
01 November, 03:58
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
So now we are back to waiting for this all to play out? How many elections do we need to go through to get out of this mess? I'm seriously asking here. I've stocked up. I've removed all cash from banks, I've literally told people, for years, "it's all good...wait and see"
How LONG is this wait?????? Brazile was stolen..WTH does that have to do with our midterms? People are dying. People are struggling financially. How much longer is this movie??


Let this go on long enough and there is going to be blood shed like never before seen...yet, we're all told HOLD THE LINE. Then the %$(*$N* LINE moves again.


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Dont Driink The KOOL AID -Z @DDK
02 November, 10:33
In response Wyoming Deplorable to her Publication

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Scorpio2022 @Scorpio2022
02 November, 10:49
In response Wyoming Deplorable to her Publication
AMEN! you've spoken for many of us. prepare to be called names, belittled and dismissed on this site for pointing out the obvious.

its all a scam, from juan o savin to glen beck, Qand derek johnson and most of these sites. the republic is gone.

the people one these sites get REALLY PISSED OFF when questioned or challenged and that proves its a scam. They scream andshout and wont admit NOTHING HAS HAPPENED THAT THEY PREDICT.

First it was september 30th through October 5th... nothing
then October 29th no arrests nothing. savin was tryi g to spin it like 45 was christ betrayed at the last supper befor the crucifixion. what a fool shilling his book.

i actually had someone on this site say that americans are the storm when they've been marketing it as some epic event that will take place.

the military is not n control. Washington DC is NOT locked down. friends visited just weeks ago and its up and running.

these people are full of crap. ignore them.

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Scorpio2022 @Scorpio2022
01 November, 03:56
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
thats EXACTLY what's going to happen. i bet my life on it. the difference is, there will be no military intervention here in america. if anything was going to happen to save the republic it would have happened by now. RIP America.

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Debby dorothy donated @Debbydorothy
01 November, 03:53
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
I don't see how using the military works with the MSM still firmly in the grip of the DS.

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Just Amom @wwg1wgaww
01 November, 05:00
In response Debby dorothy to her Publication
EM is helping with twitter, I feel that will start to crack the narrative hold, then mainstream will start to crumble... then the military...

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Michael Nobody @CMOTUS
01 November, 03:38
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
if i remember correctly vk, sometime at the beginning of this year, you said we had to win midterms for optics...

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Paula Taylor @paulamjohns
01 November, 03:22
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication
Brazil IS absolutely the spoiler alert for the us

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Kindred Spirit @OccamsRazQr
01 November, 03:18
In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

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Scorpio2022 @Scorpio2022
01 November, 03:57
In response Kindred Spirit to her Publication

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