Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
26 June, 05:34
Cinnamon helps arthritis?

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
19 May, 08:52

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
16 May, 01:54 (E)

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
15 May, 12:31

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Dale Bradburn @Seekeroftruth1776
21 April, 07:14
It’s time again to say it...

We are all equal spirits,
in skins made of
ancient stardust,
manifested in
human form,
here on our
home, we call
Earth, all on
our unique,
back to

There are thousands,
nay, billions of us...

Everyone of you says,
“I am this “ or “I am that”

Many say “Hey that’s mine”

“My this” and “My that”

But who among you says

“I Am You” ...

Because you dont
all Realize that:

“I Am You”...


“I AM” ...



There is only

“I AM”

Awaken to That


The Light in me I see in you✨

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
11 March, 04:35

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
02 March, 10:37
* Research The Antarctic Treaty
* Research Operation Fishbowl
* Research Operation Dominic
* Research Operation Deep Freeze
* Research Operation High Jump
* Research Operation Paperclip
* Research Self Luminous Moon
* Research Michelson Morley/Sagnac
* Research Zetetic Cosmogony
* Research Zetetic Astronomy
* Research Bedford Level
* Research "Olber's Paradox"
* Research Airy's Failure
* Research Astrolabe
* Research Jarle Andhoy
* Research Tycho Brahe
* Research Freemasons
* Research Nikola Tesla
* Research Terra Firma
* Research Crisis Actors
~ Josh Kowalski

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
17 February, 07:05
Happy Q day

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Zanne Anon @Zanne63
14 February, 08:27

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12 February, 10:04
Let’s talk about Cayenne! 🌶

I’m sure you’ve heard about its ability to potentially stop a heart attack dead in its tracks. So why is that?

Well it’s a major warming stimulant for the cardiovascular system. A blood mover & vessel dilator. Cayenne increases circulation & opens the peripheral capillaries.

This is another tincture I like to have in my first aid kit! I also have it powdered in our styptic blend for its ability to stop bleeding & in our pain relief salve for things like arthritis, menstrual cramps, neuropathy & muscle/joint pain.

(So if you’re ever in the kitchen & cut yourself grab some cayenne & pack it on the wound)

I know when you think of something hot & spicy like cayenne you’d think it would agitate something like ulcers. When in fact cayenne supports the lining of our stomach.

Because it can block Substance P it actually can relieve any pain associated with ulcers & address secondary infections like the H. pylori bacterial infection.

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Serah Oceane ♡ @QueenEsther
31 January, 02:40

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
02 February, 09:52

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Shareef Twal @Hunnydrip
03 February, 07:56
Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.

That is what some of you used to be; but now you’ve had yourselves washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

1 Corinthians: 9-10

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
31 January, 07:52

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Meg Jay @HappiLove
24 January, 08:24
TERRA(IN): not just round or flat ⁉️ Antartica etc

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Coug girl7 @Couggirl7
24 January, 12:38
I think we all still deal with alot of this EVERY SINGLE DAY ...

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rQy Herman Kellerman @RoyHermanKellerman
01 November, 02:12

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Trump Girl @DownSouthScotMichelle
20 January, 11:52

BILL 1700-FN ;)

New bill to Ban cloud seeding and weather modification


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rQy Herman Kellerman @RoyHermanKellerman
12 January, 01:10
Giants Part 2 Tartarian lost history pics Hand pan Music old world - YouTube

Giants Part 2 Tartarian lost history pics Hand pan Music old world

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trueblue @trueblue
11 January, 09:30

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~sky~ kat donated @sKy3s1119
03 January, 06:11
"I’m also a firm believer in timeline deception"

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Ron The Best is Yet to Come @Ringo4maga
01 January, 02:31
1418 map by Chinese Admiral Zheng showing America 70 years before Columbus “discovered” it

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Irene Nefelli @Irene_Nefelli
01 January, 04:50
Rothchilds, Rockerfellers, Orsinis connect back to the Persian and Egyptian Dynasties?

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
31 December, 05:36

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
31 December, 06:38

Reminder . . .


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29 December, 11:08
JFK Fan 11/11

Just to remind people that are interested. The timeline we are seeing
Law of War
12/31 11-1
1/1 11-2
1/2 11-3 Start of Scare Event
1/3 11-4 Solar Flash
1/4 Rods of God by Aliens End of Scare Event
1/5 to 1/14 Ten Day Movie
Remember 1/14 is so important

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Laurie Sunshine @HeavenlySunshine2022
28 December, 09:34
Download and print, put it on windows and doors. Read it. If you do not exercise your rights, you have none.

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eva amálka k...... @AmalLikesToPlay
19 December, 08:39 (E)
In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication
magnetic field

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Laurie Sunshine @HeavenlySunshine2022
25 December, 09:08
Many are Sick Through Ignorance.

➠ 🍒 ( ( 💗

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
24 December, 11:30

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