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It's basically saying the same thing.
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Earth is stationary, fixed upon its foundations, and shall not be moved. There is a firmament, and we can't physically "escape" earth.
One can dismiss God's word as well as one's own senses and experience in favor of Man's fanciful explanations and pseudoscience invoking one's imagination if one wishes.

What On Earth Happened
Browse the most recent videos from channel "What On Earth Happened" uploaded to Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
With one's eyes, one sees stars retaining the same relative positions for millennia, yet one accepts that one is spinning & wobbling while hurtling through space by invoking one's imagination.
With one's eyes one can see the sun is not millions of miles away as one sees the crepuscular rays, not parallel rays, & understanding perspective one sees the sun move closer & further from oneself, yet one accepts the millions of miles by invoking the imagination.
With one's senses one experiences no motion, yet one accepts [their] claims that one is moving (even though God explicitly tells us the earth is stationary many times) by invoking the imagination.
For all one's talk of having logic and reason, one doesn't use them that much since one has allowed [them] to replace one's own senses with [their] imagination.
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U.S. Department of Justice
Official website of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). DOJ’s mission is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek j.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Dogs, just like people, vary from individuals. Upbringing, training, lifestyle etc all play a role.
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Is it not worth exposing the fact that everything [they] use as "proof", and claim "only works on a globe," actually isn't proof at all and works on another model?
Would this have mattered during the last few centuries when [they] used these to convince the people, and there were many experts still arguing against [them]?
Are these not the very things we point to and expose in [their] deceptions today?
I'm not arguing, I don't get into back-and-forths anymore. Simply trying to get others to examine where and who their beliefs came from.
It really is a choice between what civilizations have known for thousands of years coinciding with our own senses and experience...or following pseudoscience and the imaginings of those with the intent to deceive and control you.
One side deals with facts...the other w/ lies.
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If people want to leave behind what we see and experience, and instead replace it with the fantasy that's come from the imaginations of the "the experts," that is of their own free will.
As for being curious as to "what's beyond," of course we are, but that doesn't mean we can just speculate and/or go along with what the liars and deceivers have told us.
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When commiepedia pushes your belief system, you might want to get that checked.
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"We all know that whenever we're shown information that reaffirms what we believe, that means it's true, and if we're ever shown evidence that contradicts what we believe, that means that evidence is wrong or hasn't gone through the proper filters yet. That's called Science!" - Followers of Scientism
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[They] can't even debunk anything other than simply going "Nuh uh, that's not what NASA and "scientists" say."
How do supposed "truth-seekers" not care when the main sources of a theory have lied and deceived them throughout history in order to force acceptance?
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[They] still control you, [they] still dictate your beliefs. Challenge what [they] teach. Relearn the scientific method, stop accepting pseudoscience as "established fact" simply because [they] tell you it's "settled science." Stop thinking like the normies.
Scientism is probably the last major spell for most of you to break.

The Jesuit's Global Conspiracy - Explained
This is my supercut of "Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy" I really hope you enjoyed this video. Let me know below. Thank you Please remember to comment, rate and share this video with others if you'v... Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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"The four horsemen" is a fitting name for the likes of him, Richard Dawkins, Hitchens, and that other guy.
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[They] have to incorporate all these astronomical numbers in order for [their] theories to make any sense, as the only way for us to be able to accept these theories as even plausible is if we assume there have been billions of years for it all to happen the way [they] claim.
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Never taught competing theories and then allowed to make up our own minds using our discernment. Nope.
"Accept and repeat these claims until you believe them, or fail."
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(AU needs to learn to properly count characters, lol.)
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The actual "science" of heliocentrism is nonsensical and depends on one denying one's own senses and experience as well as all physics we observe in the real world, and instead replace it with contradictory beliefs from the authorities.
"We can't see the curve until we get high enough you can't get to, but we can."
"We can't detect or measure gravity, but once you get to large enough scale that only we can interact with it, that's when it's totally apparent, trust us."
There are countless examples.
What kind of "science" denies and ignores all other possibilities and contradictions? Pseudo.
Basically [they] rely on us just assuming [their] claims are true, so then when [they] come up with more theories or explanations, they're always based on the previous theories being assumed true, and since it would work in that hypothetical system, people just assume that w/e new nonsense [they] add to it, it makes sense and we continue reinforcing t
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