Josh Ddd
12 June, 11:37
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Ethan Willey
16 April, 01:12
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r363l l10n
25 May, 09:13
Dozens of Disney workers arrested in 'To Catch A Predator'-style child sex stings
CherokeeOwl 🦉
CherokeeOwl 🦉
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r363l l10n
25 May, 09:25
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Ghost Ezra
31 January, 02:34
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Ghost Ezra
22 May, 08:13
Israel is last for a reason folks. Hang on tight.
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Pixie Dust
10 May, 09:41
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Ethan Willey
24 April, 08:44
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Lex Kixla
20 April, 06:02

The Executed: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI -
Now that we are clear human cloning is very real, we can take a look at a few of the most obvious public figure clones/doubles. These people are merely place holders until the public has awoken enough for full disclosure and declassification of their disgusting crimes against humanity. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Ché Trust-The-Plan
20 April, 06:33
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Ethan Willey
16 April, 01:09
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Ethan Willey
16 April, 01:14
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Ethan Willey
16 April, 01:12
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Ethan Willey
16 April, 01:09
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Ethan Willey
15 April, 12:56
Just heard silly anchor lady on cnn talking about how allegedly a month before the capitol "attack" us frogs 🐸 were talking tunnels under the congress building. Q must be in cintrol of tge narrative.
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Ghost Ezra
14 April, 09:04
Jared was a bad hombre. The only question is, did Trump find out first from Ivanka or the NSA. It makes the world of a difference.
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Ghost Ezra
11 April, 03:23
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Ghost Ezra
14 April, 02:59
For those who haven't yet figured it out, you are watching a movie. A whitehat production to wake up the sheep globally. The networks are in the process of self destruction. Q controls the narratives at this point because the NSA had the dirt on all the networks. Decades of deception is being carefully unwound. You can't just pull the plug or tell people, you must show them.
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Ghost Ezra
24 March, 09:23
There's no plan B. There's only plan A. 60 years in the making. You weren't told to understand it. You were told to trust it. Save any scoffing because #NCSWIC .
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