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Only followers of this user (Gapatriot3) can see their posts
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Mar 10, 2022
Netflix Takes on Texas: Attorneys Analyze the “Outlandish” Fight Over ‘Cuties’
A district attorney in Tyler County, Texas, claims Netflix's 'Cuties' amounts to child pornography. His labyrinthine prosecution will force a federal court to grapple with whether it should intervene to stop the criminal case.
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Biden administration unveils details of vaccine mandate covering 84 million workers
Private U.S. employers with 100 or more employees will soon tasked with ensuring that their employees are either fully vaccinated for COVID-19, or tested each week for the virus. Employers with facilities participating in Medicare or Medicaid will be limited to a fully vaccinated workforce, with no .. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Biden-Harris Administration Issues Emergency Regulation Requiring Covid-19 Vaccination for all healthcare workers. https://www.federalregiste... I think the Pres is having a tantrum after his parties loss in VA. #LJBFJB

Federal Register :: Public Inspection: Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination
Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Remember Joey B using the phrase "Dark Winter"?
Have a good look at what The Resident in Thief is going 2 try 2 enforce...👇
It is laughable.
I laughed so loud while reading the attached image from 4ch that I scared the cat - twice.
So, here is my question.
Who is going to enforce these unenforceable orders?
There are many reasons why this process is called THE GREAT AWAKENING, & not The Medium Size Awakening.
Everyone will have it shoved in their face & everyone will be given the opportunity 2 choose their fate.
If you're reading this, you made that choice a long time ago.
Good, because It's almost time now.
Pray, meditate, fast, rest & get strong in ALL areas of your life.
You're going 2 need every ounce of your strength 2 get through this.
I thank you 4 being here & I thank you 4 playing your role in this disaster/adventure movie we're living in called "The Great Awakening".
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