Julie Casey @Trump2023
12 September, 07:56
In response Mrs. Brown to her Publication
Good Day Mrs. Brown thank you for your message. You are good and kind and I love you so much. 💜

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
10 September, 03:34
In response Trump Girl to her Publication
This s*** happened in 2017 when is anybody going to wake up ?

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
09 September, 01:00
In response Mrs. Brown to her Publication
I don't have proof but I believe there is an alliance all around the world, who have signed an agreement for peace and who work very closely with Trump.
The bad guys were replaced with good guys and away we go Trump 2023 🇺🇸

Sending much love to you and your family Mrs Brown. Believing that one day I can give you a great big hug thank you for being so good to me.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
08 September, 11:47
In response Kim V.. to her Publication
99.9 percentage of the treacherous traitors are gone. What makes a great movie great actors enjoy the show ! TRUMP 2023 🇺🇸

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
08 September, 11:41
In response Kim V.. to her Publication
Hollywood is selling off their property, the elites are selling off their property.
Under the Constitution of the United States of America treason is against the law imprisonment or execution
Is the penalty. People think these monsters are still walking around, guess we have to wait for the televised trials.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
08 September, 11:32
In response Felixa Unger to her Publication

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
08 September, 11:28
In response Felixa Unger to her Publication
You are so good and kind inspiring and absolutely lovely. Thank you for your message it means more than you will ever know and if you need a friend ever, I am here for you always. 💌

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
08 September, 12:54
In response Evangelina to her Publication
. :)

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
05 September, 04:40
In response Justice Peacefully . to his Publication
Thank you for my reality check and for all of your love and support it means everything and I feel all better . 😘

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
04 September, 09:39
In response Just Diana to her Publication
That's the sweetest message ever thank you. ❤️

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
04 September, 08:34
In response Sneakers 359 to his Publication
🌹 ! xo so very greatful.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
03 September, 01:30
In response Spar Hawk to his Publication
We keep saying the Military is the only way and now they are here to prove it.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
03 September, 12:40
In response Carole Parnell to her Publication
More misinformation from Becker News they too are enemies of We the People. If anyone thinks George Soros is still alive they need to think again.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
01 September, 10:09
In response Daniel Sunday to his Publication
❤️ ! xo

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
29 August, 10:20
In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication
Hello Craig ! What Up rumor has it there will be another lockdown and everyone will be so pissed off that there will be a Riot in the streets. No civil war here we be bringing in our Q Military 80% of society to DENY the MSM LIES and I'm almost for sure we are there and it is happening and together we win.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
29 August, 10:10
In response Tmaga Amaga to his Publication
hmmm. So if I don't put on a mask and social distance six feet I can't get my wine at Trader Joe's again ?

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
26 August, 06:49
In response FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT to her Publication
* Libel Laws Will End MSM " Q

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
25 August, 10:25
In response Julie Casey to her Publication

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
25 August, 12:27
In response Whites QWall to his Publication
Enjoy The Show ! 🍿

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 03:19
In response Mama Tee to her Publication
Where would David be without 107 lol !

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 03:18
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
The storm has come and gone got a shovel it's clean up time ...

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 03:10
In response Elaine Shtein to her Publication
And respond when you get a love note from a Patriot or not...

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 02:06
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
kek 🐸

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 01:55
In response FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT to her Publication
One day the truth about the moon and the structures and the inhabitants will be revealed. Musk blocked our buddy VK dam I thought he was playing the role of Elon Musk you know the 1.0 is gone 2.0 is who knows where. Good Times :)

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 01:22
In response Ask Yourself to her Publication
My only best friend used to say, hang on to your halos. 😇

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 12:54
In response ADDiQt *** to her Publication
Your thoughts and your feelings and your emotions create your reality. Wishing you the very best in everything that you do.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 12:29
In response Ask Yourself to her Publication
Ask Yourself you are good and kind and loving and inspiring and I am so grateful for you !

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 12:26
In response ADDiQt *** to her Publication
The radical left lunatics on Twitter are insane brainwashed by the MSM. If Twitter is taking your Vibé walk away, everyone will wake up in their own time at this point unless it's the 4 to 6% gone forever.

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 12:10
In response Nancy Cottrell to her Publication
💛 thank you Nancy you are good and kind !

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Julie Casey @Trump2023
22 August, 12:04
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
Thank You I am so excited !

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