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Only followers of this user (unite_worldwide) can see their posts
Jaco will pull down and put on rumble soon
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"The Western World likes to fool itself with the idea that it refuses to accept the
ancient and Eastern idea of sorcery—in other words, the misuse of the Spiritual
Powers. The worst kind of sorcery is being used in the political fields today that
has ever been known in the history of mankind through the use of mental power
—wrongly qualified."
Saint German's "I AM" Discourses, Episode 1.
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Liberals Melt After Incredible New Rap Video SPEAKS TRUTH
"Snowflakes" by rapper Tom MacDonald Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
1: Expect a big event to distract all from the results.
2: Potentially , expect the first announcement of the results saying nothing illegal was found, they are despriate now. But, also know the military have identified All involved in Election fraud, no one escapes.
3: When the true results are known all states will conduct Audits. Georgia is a definite as the military KNOW fraud was massive and all involved could be charged with attempting to Overthrow our government. Also many other crimes.
4: This whole election and Audit was a Military Sting Operation and they know all individuals who committed crimes and the real election results.
5: You can’t tell the people , you have to show it to them.
6: After this our elections will once again reflect the Will of the People. Be strong they will fight until they are all convicted and sentenced.
7: Let Freedom Ring Forever worldwide.
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I’m praying for Steve Daniels. A brave patriot. When I was taken into custody recently the officers knew me. Said they wish they didn’t have to, but we’re following orders. Steve is exactly right, he’s being assaulted. What a disgrace this is. Shame on these officers of the law.
Here’s the link to the video.
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Only followers of this user (misfire) can see their posts
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Ashton Kutcher the creator of THORN. [DS] actor/ fake tears
It's all coming back
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"It’s frustrating having to explain this over and over again to people when it comes to Trump speaking about the vaccines.
I hope this clears it up for all.
Realize how much worse it could have been. This way, we have a chance. Totally lockdown for years more would have devastated way more lives than this vaccine had it been the other way around. They would have ended up locking us down and mandating the vaccine for everyone. This way no one can be forced the jab and our country opens up.
Remember we are WAR. It won’t be all clean unfortunately."
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Remaining at 'full throttle'.
I was told that No... Military aircraft do NOT do military 'exercises' on the grounds of buildings in the DC area....
I was also told that these grounds are 'protected airspace' even for Military vehicles.
With this information, I did a bit more research.
Nope, it is something 'very strange' that happened the other day...
Yep.... it sent a 'Message' throughout the World I do believe.
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537 Murdered! 55K Tons Of Stolen Gold! This Is The Story Of MH370 - Boyd Anderson - SGT Report | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News
17 is Q. Somehow, no matter how turned, this gives me breathless pause. No, not in a good way. Yes, I believe Trump is part of this thing. It’s almost undeniable. Go back over the whole thing, beginning to end, folks. Ask the Most High God for eyes to see Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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📛 (Warning: Big RED PILL for those who don't already 'know'.)

( Looking Glass ) Follow the White Rabbit, it's a mind-bender.
Whistleblowers, ancient technologies, and the DECLASS of it ALL. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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