ItalyQanons ⭐⭐⭐ @ItalyQanons
21 February, 06:48

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
28 June, 08:56
Lord we come to you in humble love together as many voices to ask Your Grace to command your mightiest warrior ArchAngel Michael & his legions of Angels to protect every child, every Patriot, all our military, & yes even the ppl still asleep to what is real from satan & his demons that have controlled this planet since time began.Lord we can not win this battle against evil without your help. Father we give you permission over our free will to join with our souls with your Armor of Grace & Sword of Strength & Wisdom to win this battle that has existed since time began & restore this country & planet to a sovereign existence that is in your will & in service to your plan for us to live in love & compassion for each other & all that you have created here for us. Devine Father please forgive us all of anything that we have ever done that is unclean in your eyes. Father if it be your will grant us our requests & manifestations & end satan's rule. In your son's precious name we pray. Amen

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
28 June, 08:57
We, many souls come together in service to our Devine God to ask the universe to honor our request to manifest a timeline that creates a future for this Terran planet Earth that will allow all souls & every living creature to live together in an individual sovereignty in this universal consciousness in peace, security,& prosperity.

1.We ask to manifest a future where every single soul on this planet receives sufficient light & wisdom to connect with our“One God of the Universe" enabling us to co-create the earth of love & compassion he intended for us & every other living creature in free will.

2.We ask to manifest the patriots & angels win this battle against evil& corruption & create a Constitutional Republic with smaller govt, a new monetary system(Nesara), new judicial & & new operational systems that allow for individual sovereignty that provides for the basic needs of every soul&creature on this planet fairly & justly.

We ask for loving communication for all

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QAnon76er WWG1WGA -Z @Qanon76er_WWG1WGA
28 June, 08:25
In response LightAngel9 ... to her Publication
Watch The Water.
Liberal Tears.

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
28 June, 07:18
In response EAGLE 777 to his Publication
SO awesome.

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27 June, 11:38

JUNE 27, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn’t see what was wrong with it. Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where’s Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration.

It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed. He and other RINOs in the Republican Party are being used in order to try to convince people that the election was legitimate when so many incredible facts have now come out to show conclusively that it wasn’t.

He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper. Earlier in his term Bill Barr went ballistic on CNN

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EyeQ Spirit @rghardy3
28 June, 12:01
In response TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us to his Publication
Q posted on a July 4 delta -

Video of "JFK - The Declaration of Independence"

"Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you"

This was said on JFK Jr.'s last interview.
Will R get his Independence on July 4th weekend ?
Freedom Day

A week to remember ?
The last BOOM will be magical ?

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
27 June, 02:34
From Lin...

We live in extraordinary times.

There are MANY wolves in sheep’s clothing. Remember, Communists and Deep State (example CIA) are masters of deceit.

MANY people are not who that appear to be.

Pray for discernment.

I also have some real world “tips” to consider and possibly use in discerning who among us are genuine and trustworthy Patriots:

1. Does the person follow the teachings of Jesus Christ? If so, that person will not lie, cheat, or steal. The person will be focused on others and rarely, if ever, make it about himself or herself. The person could care less about fame or fortune. That person would never certify or agree with a lie (example: the lie that Biden won).

2. Does the person have a good sense of humor? Hint: RINO Republicans’ (and nonbelievers’ for that matter) efforts at humor always miss the mark and usually fall flat. Good example is Drew “Biden Won” McKissick. Never heard him say anything that was remotely funny. (By the way, does

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
27 June, 02:35
Lin part 2...

...(By the way, does Mike Pence have a good sense of humor??? Asking for a friend.)

3. Is the person fighting to expose the November 2020 election fraud, including getting rid of the computer voting systems? Does the person support forensic audits in all states? If not, watch out!!!

Remember, we are ALL imperfect. Some people will fool you. When you realize you have been played, forgive yourself and commit to being better from having learned a lesson.

I have more “tips” on this subject but I think I have said enough for now. And enough is always enough!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Bonnie Brickell @beladybug777
27 June, 07:51
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
Sounds like BS

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
27 June, 09:35

If you're emotional, angry or upset about our current situation, then you've been sucked back into the Matrix and failed to realize everything you've seen happen for 4 years.

Don't let your emotions control your logical thinking, you are Watching a movie to awaken those who'll not awaken naturally, it had to be this way. The General public will only accept the truth upon the precipice of complete destruction.

Like a child being disciplined, its not about what we want, its about what this country NEEDS. To be shown is the only way

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
14 May, 11:57

You don't think this is Biblical?
You don't trust the plan, even if it's God's plan?

Trust the plan. It's like faith.
It comes from the most high.

(dominion voting systems, Israel / Palestine etc.)

Connect brethren. You are witness to the most amazing moment in human history. You just have to understand. Connect the Bible in all your ways.

You have it all!

PRAYER is the Keystone.

It is written. It's the truth.

Have Faith, not Hope!
Have Trust, not concerning!

(An angel came to Jacob and Jacob wrestled with him and said, ‘You can’t go until you bless me;’ and the man (angel/messenger) said, ‘What is your name?’ ‘Jacob,’ he answered. “…Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have wrestled with God and with men, and you have won. Your name will be Israel… (Man who wrestles with God; Gen. 32:22-).”)

The world as you know it is about to change.

And there will be no room for EGO and IGNORANCE.

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14 May, 07:38
Timestamp 7:00
09-Feb-2018 9:17:44 PM EST8ch/qresearch

[Next week]
[Next week]
[Next week]
Suicide weekend?

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Kathleen Carr @Oceanblue
14 May, 10:48

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
13 May, 06:08
Continued:Any evidence is admissible in a military court, so Pelosi's stolen laptop along with the other 11 stolen laptops can be used in military court alongside everything Pelosi did to permanently block her and others
History will show that Donald Trump has tried every legal way to solve this crisis against our Constitution. It will show that everyone else failed to address this treason act. He tried to settle this peacefully. His only recourse left was to use the military, but it will be a LEGITIMATE use of the military because these people broke their oath and committed TREASON and INSURRECTION.
President Donald J. Trump is LEGALLY ASKED to act on this because of his own oath to the Constitution to protect our Republic from enemies foreign AND INSIDE.
The crimes on their charges will be read; TREASON, SEDITION and CRIMINAL INFRACTIONS AGAINST MAN. When the whole world finds out they launched a virus to steal an election, the Great Awakening will begin. They sealed their fate!

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
11 May, 08:22

Routers used for elections should be LOCAL AREA NETWORK ONLY.
There is no reason to have election machines connected to the internet, or other networks.
Did the Soros’ Sheriff inadvertently admit that the Dominion machines were connected to other networks (and possibly the internet) via a self-admittedly shared router with the police department?

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Carrie Adams @UpInHeights
08 May, 10:34
These energetic relationships, the frequency/pulse of the earth and the solfeggio frequencies (music) have been used by ancient civilizations for 5000

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My Name is ⬅️MarQ➡️ @Babyjoe_tweeters
05 May, 08:07

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
25 April, 10:05

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Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
25 April, 10:19

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Norman Bowes @Normanby
18 April, 12:20
Trump won - spread far and wide

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
18 April, 01:42

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NoMercy 2Q21 @NoMercy2Q21
18 April, 05:30
🔥👇🔥👇🔥🙏🔥👇🙏Lin Wood:
Their days are numbered!
This has been described as “The Great Awakening”
The devil’s children are going to be exposed!!
Every lie will be revealed!!

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Only followers of this user (Cordlesssss) can see their posts

Veronica Wolski @ThePeoplesBridge
14 April, 10:02
Hey CNN....
You're barking up the wrong tree if you think Patriots are afraid.


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Jlight 1111 @Narrowpath
14 April, 10:30

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
12 April, 07:40

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
12 April, 07:43
Do not volunteer & willingly go taint for body-vessel. ✨👁✨

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Denise Gee @Aynaia
12 April, 12:32
In response Theresa McManus to his Publication
Animals are better st judging humans than WE are sadly.

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Juana Talk @TheWayUBC
11 April, 04:51
👇👇👇👇👇 😊😊😊😊

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