Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
19 January, 07:21
In response FIGHT FAKE NEWS to his Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
03 December, 03:42
In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
19 October, 01:16
In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication
that is creepy!

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
15 October, 01:15
In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
01 October, 02:35
In response NEO ONE to his Publication
😱I think I'm going to be sick.... This is disgusting!! I looked it up and verified my state of Idaho is one of the 20 states that allows this. OMG 🤮

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
29 July, 08:31
In response Cabal Crusher to his Publication
😢soo sad!

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
29 July, 06:07
In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication
Very good point!

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
26 July, 09:30
In response NEO ONE to his Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
20 July, 03:02
In response Kaytie Pearson to her Publication
.... just to add a teeny question...? When you say "Trump is not handling this correctly". What do you mean by that? As "Joe Biden Jr." is the supposed to be the "Commander in Chief"? What is it you are expecting Trump to do...? 🤷‍♀️

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
20 July, 02:54
In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication
If you listen carefully to what Trump says about "the right to try"... he specifically has said that if you are looking at no other choice, you have the right to take whatever medicine you believe may help you. (if there are no other options) and this includes the 'vaccine'. Take note that Trump also commented that himself and his team are NOT taking the 'vaccine' at this time.... Apparently the natural immunity has quite the longevity that was previously dismissed.

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
19 July, 01:58
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
I recommend that anyone who can watch this full documentary "A Thousand Pieces" should watch it! Very, very good info! Another good documentary is "The Plot Against the President" both can be found on vimeo. 😉

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
19 July, 01:52
In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication
😱WOW!!! Super creepy! Also not lost on me... "CYM = Caring is youth. Youth is money. Money is Freedom. "
Can they be anymore blatantly obvious?!

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
13 July, 03:17
In response Lisa Hill to her Publication
🤔Hmmm... well by the end of this lamestream news video, I am not sure what to believe.... sure sounds like they are blaming it on the American military for not providing air support, and leaving the Afghans to fend for themselves. Interesting that the reporter said at one point she was told this was just faked government propaganda..? 🤔

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
13 July, 02:58
In response Lisa Hill to her Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
28 June, 11:23
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
How are people so willing to be an experiment??? Do they secretly have a death wish...? Or do they really believe in this shit?

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
26 June, 10:31
In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication
Thank you for sharing!!

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
26 June, 10:28
In response r363l l10n to her Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
22 June, 07:29
In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication
This should be shared far and wide...! Across ALL platforms!

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
22 June, 06:53
In response Lisa Hill to her Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
22 June, 06:43
In response Kaytie Pearson to her Publication
Something that I just can't get completely out of my head that I heard about a year ago... The Acronym for COVID: "Certification Of Vaccine ID"

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
22 June, 06:08
In response Lion ess to her Publication
Hahahahaha!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I love this one!

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
22 June, 06:07
In response Anon One to his Publication
🤔 Hmmm... that is creepy! This also makes a very good point and gets a person thinking... I have my theories. 😉

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
22 June, 06:00
In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
22 June, 04:58
In response Lisa Hill to her Publication
Still trying to scare people into taking the DNA altering, experimental jab.... Sad to think of how many will fall for it.

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
16 June, 08:00
In response JesusIsThe SonOfGod to his Publication
Disgusting!🤮 I refuse to make my children wear a mask, as far as anyone else is concerned.... "We have a medical reason NOT to wear a mask" thanks to HIPPA, no one can ask what medical reason that is. In my opinion, I think breathing fresh air and filling our lungs with oxygen is medical reasoning at its best. 😁

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
11 June, 02:11
In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
07 June, 01:40
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
🇺🇸True Hero!!❤️

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
05 June, 04:24
In response Beverly Chase to her Publication
This is horrifying!!! However, we have known this for a long time.... I would love to see this go viral and mainstream!

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
04 June, 08:53
In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

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Kaytie Pearson @PatriotPearson
04 June, 08:03
In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

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