deb glidden @NHDeb
06 June, 10:40
https://thispersondoesnote... refresh page to see more

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Robert Combs @RobCombs
06 June, 03:07

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Mystical Mrs @MysticalMrs
06 June, 02:39
[Forwarded from Denise Smith]
A great letter to an employer about the jab to protect your rights.

Dear Boss,

Compelling any employee to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates federal and state law.

First, federal law prohibits any mandate of the Covid-19 vaccines as unlicensed, emergency-use-authorization-only vaccines. Subsection bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III) of section 360 of Title 21 of the United States Code, otherwise known as the Emergency Use Authorization section of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, demands that everyone give employees the "option to accept or refuse administration" of the Covid-19 vaccine. ( ... ) This right to refuse emergency, experimental vaccines, such as the Covid-19 vaccine, implements the internationally agreed legal requirement of Informed Consent established in the Nuremberg Code of 1947. ( ). As the Nuremberg Code established, every person must "be able to exercise free power of choice,

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deb glidden @NHDeb
07 May, 05:56

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
28 April, 10:06
PAY ATTENTION, PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please be vigilant of your surroundings !!!

TakeTheOath 🦅

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Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
12 April, 07:48

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Veronica Wolski @ThePeoplesBridge
01 May, 07:40
I do believe We are....


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deb glidden @NHDeb
17 April, 04:27
Support Windham, NH election integrity. It's a start

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KLoves Anons @KLovesAnons
09 April, 03:45

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
09 April, 11:48
NY State Legislators Agree To $2.1 Billion Fund For Undocumented Workers

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Cowboy w2b @Cowboyw2b
09 April, 11:14
Pompeo, “Your rights should never be infringed by the government.”

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deb glidden @NHDeb
09 April, 08:11

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
08 April, 12:24
In response r363l l10n to her Publication
Senate Bill SB43 mandates an audit of Windham’s disturbing November 3, 2020 general election results that produced a massive discrepancy between the machine vote tally for the State Rep race on election day and a hand recount 9 days later. The recount showed a difference of 1,363 votes for the State Rep race being shifted with only 10,006 ballots were cast. That is a big discrepancy – and we need to know why!

🔗GP https://www.thegatewaypund...

Granite Grok has a list of emails for all of the New Hampshire representatives along with a template letter.

🔗You can see the emails and letter here.

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Only followers of this user (MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

deb glidden @NHDeb
03 April, 07:15
History repeats itself. Nazi Germany and today

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Tom Carr @RiseAgain17
03 April, 01:24
“Once You become Fearless, Your life becomes Limitless”
I can honestly say, the only thing I fear, is the old way this world was for thousands of years, before President Trump and the light alliance ended the dark agenda of enslavement!
Thank You to President Trump and all the light alliance, for freeing humanity, and creating World Peace on Earth!
(As soon as enough people, awaken to the fact they are now free, and stop letting fear, and systems control them! #RiseUp )

#wwg1wga ♒️

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Zanne Anon @Zanne63
02 April, 02:21

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Regina MAGA @HaveFaith
30 March, 04:01

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Law & Physics @physics171
30 March, 05:10

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Law & Physics @physics171
30 March, 05:13

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Free Music @FreeMusicJukebox
28 March, 10:10

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Marie Nutz @IrishAwake
25 March, 03:09

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deb glidden @NHDeb
21 March, 04:52

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21 March, 08:25

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deb glidden @NHDeb
21 March, 12:37

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
21 March, 10:33
New #4VKM just always, there are great crumbs.
Go watch it for yourself and see...Doooo it! :)
Vincent Kennedy - Grid Iron Gang Saves America III: To The Moon! - YouTube

Link to Conspiracy Horsemen Interview

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John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
19 March, 05:28
If you can hold on tight and not get the jab, you'll walk out of this movie 10x greater than when you were before. You aren't losing America, but rather America is being reborn. You are feeling the birthing pains, but the baby is on the way. 1776 had it's challenging moments, but freedom is never free. Don't forget that.
thanks ghostezra

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
15 March, 03:01

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Tom Carr @RiseAgain17
14 March, 12:59
The Socratic method, is what is responsible for awakening humanity over the past few years. Humanity became indoctrinated, and under mind-control of the dark, demonic agendas. The only way to properly share the truth, was to help others learn to think, by giving them the best information possible. Symbolism is the main way to prove history, and was the main component to prove what was really happening in our world. This is the true nature behind the 17 movement. Many still do not understand how this movement continues to grow stronger when there is constant attacks and false information regarding what it really is about. It is a peace, truth and love movement, and will be known in time for one of the main reasons we achieved world peace, and we were able to finally evolve our collective human consciousness together!
We are all one!
Where we go one we go all!
#wwg1wga 🌎✌️
#AgeOfLove ♒️

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Only followers of this user (carlacoelho) can see their posts