Kiersten Castellano @KCast1193
23 March, 10:20
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
true story. the Lords draining that swamp too. te worse one..imo..paula white. God didnt want POTUS to be a part of any of that shit!

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Kiersten Castellano @KCast1193
23 March, 10:18
In response Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye) to his Publication
i agree w Ezra..create a telegram channel. we need anons like you over there. tons of normies and newbies. they eat this up. your good at it!!!!

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Kiersten Castellano @KCast1193
23 March, 06:59
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
when we all start losing hope..listen to this snippet from our POTUS .. itll give you strength (2 min)

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

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Kiersten Castellano @KCast1193
23 March, 05:47
In response dan lee to his Publication
go back and read all the q drops again. dont let the enemy out that lie in your mind. reject it in the name of Jesus. i get like that too. its not a ploy... fight like a Flynn. Gods got this.

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Kiersten Castellano @KCast1193
23 March, 05:44
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Doq... ive been following you forever..the day the Lord red pilled me.. instantaneous last Feb. we are at a point..imo..that all the white hats...alliances.. trump. flynn...lin wood...sidney..all of them...r literally waiting on the Lord to do His thing. He gets all the glory...if trump acts out of turn..he wont see the promised land. there's still more souls the Lord is graciously waiting for them to use their free will.. those of us awake should be pushing into the Lords promises..find patriots who know the Bible in lightt of Q.. u wanna listen to a kick ass decode of the book of revelations in light of the q drops? itll blow ur mind. we've all been lied to about everything..even the 'end times'. what a deode. u'll like it. u can listen to some chapters free. not boring at all. 'end times and a 1000 years of peace'. shes been in this movement for about 5 yrs. from houston.

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