Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
06 November, 08:15
#wwg1wga #TheGreatAwakening #Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #GodWins 🍿🍊

Stormy Patriot Joe
Check the “events” all on the 8th

When does Twitter go private? - 8th

How much is Elon charging the Blue Check Losers? - $8

Elon is trolling (them)

Learn our Comms - Q

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
04 November, 05:12
maybe someone already posted this. Ive been busy and havent kept up.
ok...Musk said $8.00....then there is the fact of all the things that happen on the 8th of each month....well I found it interesting....and maybe y’all have already dissected it....but still...

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Dale Bradburn @Seekeroftruth1776
26 October, 05:30
What are Fatemates ? Those individuals who are fated to encounter each other in this lifetime.
Members of the same soulpod, their meeting was pre-destined, encoded in their sacred blueprint, fundamental to their expansion in this lifetime.
Although they were fated to connect, the deeper challenge is clarifying the reasons why.
Contrary to the popular myth that fatemates are meant to spend their lives happily together, the opposite is often true.
Some are destined to travel together through time; others are destined to share the briefest of encounters before moving onto the next pop-up on the path.
Some are meant to expand together joyfully; others to polish the rough diamond of the soul by triggering and challenging each other.
The serendipity that brings them together is often easy to spot- interpreting is the real art form.
We all have a date with fate- the question is what direction it will take us...”

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
23 October, 10:00
Xi Had His Predecessor Removed from The Commie Conference

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
13 October, 01:18
cheney (ues I refuse to capitalize her name) on news spouting male bovine fecal mass about jan 6th

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
12 October, 01:00

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Liberty Jennja @Jennja
10 October, 05:20
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Hi Kim, thanks for checking, that's so kind. :) Dad is hanging in there, so are the rest of us. His spirulina powder arrived so mom started adding to his smoothies and he has been doing the baking soda mouth wash and also drinking it with water in the morning, trying to create a more alkaline environment. He has two big appointments coming up this week on Wed and Fri. Still waiting on the ivermectin to arrive. They still put a lot of faith in the modern medical mafia, but at least they've been receptive to all the alternative healing things I've been sending them. I think we'll know more next week after these appts. Made it thru today without tears so far, so that's a win! Also, spoke with my son today and he just got a new job that seems a perfect fit. He has a huge heart, background in psychology and loves working with kids. He'll be a residential counselor for kids who have been thru some very tough things. This was an answered prayer and boosted my spirits! 😊🙏🏼

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
26 September, 02:34
ok... this may seem simplistic, but I am working on it. 2020 saw cancel culture come after me and they cleaned my plows. 30 year career thrown away by a narcissist in power. gone.
in the middle of a pandemic. i couldnt even grt a job at McDonalds. no one was hiring for anything....
unemployment. i hated it. then I lost my son in late Dec right before Christmas. i was devastated. i couldnt get to him because I had no job....(remember the narcissist cancel culture (insert bad word)).
so I deal with it. yes Im still bitter.
Revenge?? no, in this situation, I refuse revenge. let karma work it out. I trying to heal.
and the Bible says you have to foegive to he forgiven.
so Im meditating and i get the question:
“but would you let them fo hungry?” would not...Ive seen hunger.
you got someone to forgive?
ask yourself...would you let them go hungry?
i refuse to give that part of my humanity up.
but seems like...the vatican...the royals...deep

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
08 September, 05:39 what are we being distracted from?
and I trust absolutely nothing coming out about the gueens death. and yes I have read she been dead for a while...theres always hidden meanings and agendas

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
07 September, 04:24
ohhhhh......Jude 19.....huge.....

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
03 September, 10:25
ok... Im just curious....the speech that biden gave.....and the Marines in the background....
anyone scrutinize them? were they real? CGI? there for another reason? something strikes me as off about them?

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MATTHEW Bissanti @markerdragon
01 September, 08:42
🤔[Forwarded from Love Wins]
September 3rd dont go near any vaccinated people.


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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
24 August, 06:03
gotta share this.
woke up this morning, Im off for a few days but couldnt sleep. decided to get up, checked my phone for the time....5:55....
things that make you go “hmmmm”...

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
21 August, 09:34
just saw a whooping cough vax commercial.
and the saga never ends

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Maddy McCullough @Missingmaddy
19 August, 02:21

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
17 August, 10:19
x22on Rumble stopped mid way and now wont reboot.
Ive got lousy internet but everything else is loading.

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
15 August, 06:52
there truly truly some people that will never wake up.
with every piece of evidence...nothing but denial.
I tried....

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
14 August, 08:33
x-22 report.
did I miss something or they not current tonight?

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Mark Strauss @StraussForHouse
11 August, 02:26
I was just told by a business associate he and his wife were looking for Life insurance. So far they are being told his Vaxx status was a high-risk factor, they have not been able to get insurance so far.
DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR GOOGLE SEARCH'S, besides, when you google the question, however you word it only 2021 search results show up.

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
09 August, 10:12
whoa...wait...something in passing...something about one thing the are after Trump there something about “mutalating government record/paperwork” and cant hold office. what about piglosi and tearing the state of the union adress.....

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
23 July, 02:13
wonder if groorner would work?
worked for corney.....

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
18 July, 04:08
Im in the middle of a drought in major AG area.
its dry.
lakes... reservoirs....drying up (or at
least thats what we are told).
and we were told to “watch the water”.

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
11 July, 07:10
then robberies....

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Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
22 April, 07:36

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
06 July, 07:06
now....Georgia Guide Stones
but dont get distracted. they will retaliate. stay focused.
i must say...I am truly amazed....speechless....
but think about...dont get distracted.

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
30 June, 10:19
the news tonight...even the local...the propoganda was unreal...actually sickening.
something has to give. the spin doctors were in overtime

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Jeffro Bodean @Jeffro_Bodean
25 June, 07:01
Lubumashi showing up on anyones radar?
its in the Congo and spelling may be off.

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nasty 123 @Nasty1
14 June, 06:51
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
Well said. I totally agree with you. Its a pretty shit plan if this is the plan.

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
13 May, 08:59
🙏 🙏 🙏

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Martin Geddes donated @martingeddes
31 May, 05:16
Other people go to the movies as entertainment. I can’t. I find the movie theatre experience claustrophobic and overwhelming. I don’t trust the medium and dislike feeling emotionally manipulated. I can’t just let go and uncritically watch; it’s constant vigilance and exhausting. Won’t go even if you paid me. I guess I have accumulated too much autist trauma from a psychopathic society and its propaganda merchants.

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