Julie Boe @JulieB
28 July, 08:02

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Captivating Defender @CaptivatingDefender
27 July, 03:31

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Captivating Defender @CaptivatingDefender
21 July, 03:31

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Dale Bradburn @Seekeroftruth1776
04 July, 08:35
THEY ADMIT: Huge COMET like PLANET 9 Heading Our Way! Alien Deception @ Lil Nas X BET Awards & MORE - YouTube

My Novel "THE CALLING" is AVAILABLE Now! :) The 2nd edition re-release is now a #1 Amazon Best Seller for New Releases... Get your copy today. https://www.a...

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Salt + Light @SaltandLight
17 March, 12:48
Why can't people see this? Why are we still ok with this?

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Auntie_M 369 @Auntie_M
09 March, 07:32

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J.J. Jameson @jjj
09 March, 03:24
In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication
The last aspect I want to address is the polarizing and antagonistic way in which communication happens. Almost everything I read here is fuelling an "Us vs. Them" narrative, and it is made very clear that you don't want to be "Them". Sometimes it is the left, sometimes it's billionaires, sometimes it's non-religious folk, sometimes it's other people like you and me that question the wrong thing or speak up. There is always an enemy in the line of sight, dangled in front of you as both a deterrent to show that if you're not "Us", you're "Them" and as this imminent danger, that you need to be angry at or protected from.

So, in summary, you have a group that shuns dissenters, a leader that is absolute, an ever-present enemy and a feedback loop that makes joining the party a one-way trip.

Would you call it a cult?


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J.J. Jameson @jjj
09 March, 03:24
In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication
So your old support network is slowly becoming smaller and shakier, while there is a group waiting with open arms for you to double down on those views. This can be a dangerous dynamic that ends up spiralling people *deep* into this group very fast, and as stated above, it is very hard to escape from. Doubly so now that your old support network is already crumbling.


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J.J. Jameson @jjj
09 March, 03:22
In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication
Another component that is extremely present on Telegram in particular, is that any individuals who do show doubt, or want to discuss things in a less reinforcing way, are often shunned and/or removed from communities. If you spent time acquainting people in a group and you don't want to lose them, you are forced to go along with *everything* they say. That is how you get praise and establish yourself as a "Truther". You can't accept some things and refute others. That is interpreted as "not being awake yet," or even as you being a shill for the left.

This type of conditioning in itself is highly suspect, but it only gets worse by the type of messages that it is actually applied to.

A lot of the things shared in these groups, as well as here, is very controversial. Let's put aside truth for a moment. Things are controversial. So controversial, in fact, that Q "followers" and co. are often becoming estranged from friends, familiy, etc.


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J.J. Jameson @jjj
09 March, 03:21
In response Earnest T Bass to his Publication
Great question! I appreciate you asking. This will be a long one, so I apologize in advance.

The definition for cult is not clear cut, so let me rephrase your question before giving you my take. Do I think Q and Trump "followers" exhibit cult-like qualities?
Yes, I do. What do I mean by that?

Something that I observe a lot in these communities is the complete inability to admit mistakes and failures, and a complete lack of perspective towards other viewpoints or causes beyond one's preferred belief. So, in the eyes of some people Q, Trump, or other individuals are infallible. If something is amiss, an explanation is quickly found. The facts are reinterpreted and twisted to match with the image of infallibility.

But here's the thing: Everyone messes up. Everyone. If you cannot admit that about someone, that is where the cult starts in my opinion.


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Behold A Man @Rwchkn
09 March, 02:24
the more im told that we have to go slow because no one understand whats at stake, the more hope I lose, its every day , we have to go slowl we cant go to fast. why not ? is the world really that much if a powder keg ? should we be worried or not? it seems like one mistep and we are all dead? thought it was under control ? the people are under control, the situation is not, if it was in control we wouldnt need to worry, either were not worrying enouugh or were worryimg too much, its all under control but we cant do anytning unless your all going to die, we have to go so slow or everyone will die, but dont worry its just a show, its a fake death so dont worry, but keep worrying because the world is at stake, but mot reallt tho we saved you, keep warching the movie, the danger isnt real but make sure to watch out for all the danger, and whatever you do, dont go fast because we could all die, but its fake danger, dont letmit confuse you, the danger isnt real, dont panic or you could die.

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
08 March, 07:01

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Valkyrie Queen @ValkyrieQueen
06 March, 12:04
If you are scrolling thorough posts here and not using decerning judgement on the validity of things - you might as well go back to drinking the MSM branded Kool-aid. If you question a post and someone gets upset...I'd be willing to bet they are posting for their ego and little more.

Help one another but do it with some integrity... stop spreading lies just to create fear and anger. None of us win from that approach.

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Sabrina Gal @Sabrinagal
06 March, 08:44

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Anthony Michael @AnthonyMichael
06 March, 11:52
you dont get a clean garden by denying the weeds that exist.
chanting "there are no weeds!" will never work.
you have to find them, point them out, and rip those sum bitches OUT.

its not all sunshine and rainbows, sometimes you have to do the work.

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Anthony Michael @AnthonyMichael
06 March, 11:50
people walking around thinking they are awake because they watched a cabal documentary.

meanwhile they are stilll running automatic programming all day, still attatched to the matrix and dependable on its systems, slipping unconcious and running personality patterns, and can barely maintain a healthy environment in their body with a healthy weight and nutritional habits.

I think we all need to collectively just handle our OWN shit personally, and then once we organize and can be disciplined in our OWN lives, we can then start to clean up the world.

Everyone wants to fix the world without first making their own bed

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Anthony Michael @AnthonyMichael
06 March, 11:35
I would love to be here pointing out how much we are winning, how much we are awakening people, how we are taking control back of our country.

BUT that doesnt seem to be the case. So excuse me for being a little pissed off at the people who gained fame and fortune on the back of this movement just to either 1) disappear during the hardest time or 2) sit here spewing more unverified and dangerous bullshit.

we are ALL desperate for JUSTICE AND TRUTH.

and that creates opportunity for a lot of people WITHOUT integrity to take advantage.


as of now, until we are further notified, we are getting our fucking ass kicked and everyone is cool with it.

So I am going to continue to call out bullshit , and attempt to HELP PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE until we are able to sort all this crap out.

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Captivating Defender @CaptivatingDefender
01 March, 07:03

Please listen to this from Lance Wallnau. We need to realign and/or focus our attention in our movement for the truth.

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Captivating Defender @CaptivatingDefender
25 February, 04:14

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Only followers of this user (Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

Barbara Hathaway @BarbaraH
23 February, 02:58

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dan7gtar Q-Tip @dan7gtar
23 February, 03:55
Alright Frenz, my brother (real flesh and blood bro) created an account here. Show him some of that patriot love that you've all shown me!


follow him and give this post a repost!

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Paul Atreides @Terrible_Resolve
22 February, 02:22
Three maxims were inscribed on a column in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi:

1. Know thyself
2. Nothing in excess
3. Surety brings ruin

Phoebus Apollo is one of the Greatest Mythological Gods of the Greek Pantheon. The Mythological god of music, medicine, prophecy, archery, Athletes, war, philisophy and science.

Apollis is what Carl Jung would call an Archetype: Legendary figures caughts in msnkinds celluar memory and collective unconscious.

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Paul Atreides @Terrible_Resolve
22 February, 02:29
JUS AD BELLUM: The Christian just war tradition is the history of how just war theory has been conceived and applied in Christian thought and ethics.
The Christian tradition of just war theory began in the fifth century with Augustine. Augustine’s view of justice in warfare can be summed up by his statement that, “We do not seek peace in order to be at war, but we go to war that we may have peace. Be peaceful, therefore, in warring, so that you may vanquish those whom you war against, and bring them to the prosperity of peace.”
JUS AD BELLUM is rooted in Romans 13:3-4: “For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have its approval. For it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, because it does not carry the sword for no reason. For it is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong.” WE ARE JUSTIFIED IN TAKING OUR REPUBLIC BACK, BY FORCE.

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Paul Atreides @Terrible_Resolve
22 February, 02:34
Grave this on your memory: A world is supported by four things...
1. The learning of the wise
2. The justice of the great
3. The prayers of the righteous
4. The valor of the brave.
But all of these things are as nothing without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!

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Paul Atreides @Terrible_Resolve
22 February, 02:46
The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.
- Nikola Tesla
Med Beds?
Project Looking Glass?
Galatic Federation?

Patriots. Really?

Let's make a pact. Focus on getting factual, evidence based, scientificalky falsifiable infor matuon out to the copper tops. Ket's beat the CIA at THEIR own game. The objective is to control the narrative, right?

How do any of the above items help the cause in controlling the narrative? THEY DON'T.

Prove it AFTER we get the Republic back, because these things CANNOT be brought forth if we fon't have our Republic back!

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Paul Atreides @Terrible_Resolve
14 February, 08:32
TThe Main Stream Media MUST be broken. it must be. They are the greatest obstacle to truth and unity. The Liberal responses are ABSOLUTE travesties. You want to know the enemy? Look no farther than the twitter. Trumps attorney speaks truth. EVIDENCE TAMPERING IS NOT JUSTIFIABLE. Yet CBS would argue the opposite for their viewers.TAKE DOWN THE MSM. DO THAT, AND WE CAN GET OUR FELLOW CITIZENS BACK. Where's the planning for that? Or de we have to do it ourselves? SERIOUS QUESTION.

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Paul Atreides @Terrible_Resolve
20 February, 02:25
I still do not understand how the Schuman Resonace & its measurement at the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) range is an indicator of any of rise or "connectivity" in human consciousness on the globe. At 7.83 Mhz, the resonance is well understood as electrical activity taking place from the earth's surface to the ionosphere;which is basically a closed wave guide. One must concede that lightning storm activity, earth quakes, solar flates and the sunspot cycle (accurately predicted since the early 1940s to occur every 11 years - military operators have to learn this cycle because it has a negative effect on communications plans and must be mitigated) affect the Schuman Frequency.
How does this tie in with elevated human consciousness? Both the Schuman Resonance & the Human brain are closed systems.
Is the proposition that thinking positive thoughts directly changesw the Schuman Resonance, & that human consciousness "good" levels are able to be read by tracking this frequency? NOPE.

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Paul Atreides @Terrible_Resolve
15 February, 11:58

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Paul Atreides @Terrible_Resolve
16 February, 12:20
A warrior can quote verse. The devil can quote verse better than a pastor or bishop. This plan has cost people jobs, cost oeople money, cost lives within the U.S. and Mexico. Q says Biden's EO are temporary - why cause temporary suffering? With evidence: THERE IS NO NEED. It feels like an attempt to lull us into docility by moving the goal posts EACH AND EVERY TIME. In God's time? That's a cop out. We have Free Will and a moral compass to guide us, God trusts the righteous to act. This whole platform is an echo chamber: done with battle on twatter, I come here AND NOTHING HAPPENS.

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