
Oil is Not a Fossil Fuel! The Real Science of Abiotic Oil and ... - New Human New Earth Communities
Where does Oil really come from? Is it a “fossil fuel” as you have been led to believe? No! Absolutely not, everything you have been taught and preached and sold by the establishment is a 100% fictitious lie! Learn More Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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0:00 Elections20:55 Breaking Big Story44:00 Todd Callender- The transhumanism push is an agenda to annihilate humanity- Vax injections are just one of many vectors for attempted extermination- We have passed the false flag window for globalists to try to stop the election- Next window is AFTER the e.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Food Writer Who Wished Death Upon "Anti Vaxxers" Dies Suddenly
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Pelosi Attacker Pleads Not Guilty As MSM Narrative Completely Implodes
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Brazilian President Plans Military Audit & May Arrest Criminal Judges
article: Vish - https://twit Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Lefty Jab Addicts Want Covid AMNESTY For Their Crimes Against Humanity
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LeBron Attacks Twitter Over The N-Word & Gets Fact Checked By Elon Musk
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Looks like we're getting some of that "historical repetition."

PIR 10-02-22 Special PIR ALERT!
“Valentina Matvieko has hinted to us the whole world can wait until October 4th while until October 3rd until 3am negotiations will proceed between the Washington bosses and the Kremlin via Riyadh. If Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Doesn't matter I have tears running down my cheeks, I keep on singing.
This is one of my favorites for hard times.
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IT'S NOW TIME FOR THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT TO BE SEEN JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES P.O. BOX 1252 BETTENDORF, IA 52722 JGMI WEBSITE: TELEGRAM: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Lefty Freaks Out in Walmart After Being Called Out For Cutting In Line
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Russians Are Trolling Europeans By Live Streaming Thier Stoves Burning 24/7
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Russians Are Trolling Europeans By Live Streaming Thier Stoves Burning 24/7
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Nothing that doesn't Glorify God The Father, will not be allowed. The enemy howls their threats of disaster but The Hand of God controls their movements & unless He Himself gives it Life, it can't be birthed as the child of Wrath they wish it to be. He had moved their "movement" up but in the Spiritual realm whereby aborting their "dreams/nightmares" before they're birthed (heard/followed) into action here in the material world. Ideals are their golden children (thought/words/agendas) they cannot blow living life into those (Pinocchio) children (make events manifest naturally) God-breathed - no matter how hard they try.
Everyday is a miracle as He moved the Battle to Higher Ground, the Spiritual Realm - airfield of #truth & where all lies are aborted, exposed - not actual human child born, but of words *hence wor[l]d. Man's dis-Abled Mind.
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I bet it made a great cowboy toilet tissue as well, soft on the butt, and great for hemorrhoids, and saddle sores.
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People need to realize some of our best medications were used on the animal kingdom first.
Remember, in hard times to watch the animals, mammals specifically, watch what they eat for food, and watch how they heal their wounds.
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I use it myself in a nebulizer treatment for Chronic Bronchitis, COPD. Thins mucus so it can easily be coughed up and out. I have yet to find any disease that it does not help.
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WTF? You don't need a general surgeon for this procedure, just a good nurse with a syringe who can deflate the little balloon on the inside & then remove the tube like a straw. Alcohol wipe & a BandAid, that's all it is...
But I'm finding myself pressing my lips together in a most unattractive way & expressing my disapproval with my eyes, but saying nothing.
Doc knows NOTHING about antineoplaston & calls Ivermectin "horse wormer, won't help you at all." I was spitting mad, so glad they left.
In comes the other nurse, to say that (surprise, surprise!) the general surgeon's earliest appointment was 2 week from now, but that they will see us on the same day, so kill 2 birds...
Then she doubled down with the lies.
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DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT) DMSO - The magic bullet for cancer
DMSO is usually used as a topical application to the skin. DMSO is said to penetrate the skin and help get the cesium chloride, and many other alternative cancer treatments, into the cancer cells. DMSO should not be taken orally. Even when taken with enough liquids it will cause stomach problems.
DMSO also protects healthy cells from radiation.
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Looks like the doc is going to fight us about the radiation; he's already making ominous statements, etc. I asked him if he was aware of the huge successes Dr. Brezynski is having with Antineoplaston & he said he never heard of it. So I told him there are several very interesting writeups & clinical abstracts on it at the NIH library, (and then bit the hell outta my tongue not to add, "Which you should have already come across in your continuing education, since you're a cancer surgeon who should know these things." He dismissed me without a 2nd glance.
Wayne told him he wanted the stomach tube out, that we have not used it in over a week & it is a major problem to him being mobile & impeding his rehab. Doc says no, leave it until after radiation. Wayne said he wanted it out now, that he had not finished researching radiation & we weren't going to use it...
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REVERSALS ARE COMING JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES P.O. BOX 1252 BETTENDORF, IA 52722 JGMI WEBSITE: TELEGRAM: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

EPISODE 40 –PEDOPHILE-IN-CHIEF? Delaware Law Protects Joe Biden from would-be Child Rape Charges
Delaware Statute of Limitations was updated in 2007 and its readjusted laws refuse Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley any legal recourse should she attempt to move forward with a lawsuit against her father, Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
we were allowed to call older people by their first name, but we had to put Miss or Mr in front of it to show respect.
Makes me sad to see what this world has become 😔
Hoping for a return to old-fashioned values and morals when this 💩 show is over with.
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This lady is way more dark than Hunter... She's still pulling strings... It will be very interesting to see how she ends.
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---> looking dreamily into space
I think one of the more important things to maybe come out of this is for more people to produce their own food & get local farmer's markets & orchards really going again
I especially miss not having an orchard close to me
I'm thinking about trying to plant a few fruit trees & some nut trees & start my own orchard
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My best friend was from a family of six kids; most weekends they'd load up the ski boat,
& a cooler filled with sandwiches and soda pops, and all the kids -- and they always included my brother and I. Guess they figured they already had six, what's two more 😂
We played outside all the time, and were always barefoot. We all loved swimming in my grandmother's pool; one day we stationed my best friend as a lookout while we climbed on the roof to dive into the pool (got caught too 😬).
Made several attempts at trying to fly with an old blanket. My friend held two corners, I held the other two, and we would run really fast and jump high in the air ---- nothing 😐😆
Sassed my mom ONCE as a teenager; the look in her eyes made me think I might not live to see another day 😶😏
🥰 Those were the days; most kids now don't know what they're missing.
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Who propped him up and why?
He is the one the world holds responsible for creating the atomic bomb.
What was he trying to tell us with this comment? I bet the Germans selected him to be a frontman for an agenda of the Zeta Reticculi Greys. They gave him the intelligence he took credit for. I have no doubt.
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