Polls that get VK in trouble 2 of 3
I asked this back in the twitte4r days.
Do you think technologies will be needed for humanity to survive?
*Cant tell how many people voted so if you vote please press the 'like' button.
I asked this back in the twitte4r days.
Do you think technologies will be needed for humanity to survive?
*Cant tell how many people voted so if you vote please press the 'like' button.
01:54 PM - Apr 07, 2022
Only people mentioned by VincentKennedy in this post can reply
UM EK17 Q1111
13 September, 04:22
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Yes, but only those to help heal and edify the human condition... body, mind and spirit of a natural, human, God given nature. I realize that's a broad statement. Too many tecnologies in the wrong hands is a recipe for disaster, How to keep it under control is the conundrum. I feel a step back is not a bad thing though.
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13 September, 03:40
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Hi VK....I voted yes---not necessarily "need", however I believe it would be best with all things considered at this place and time. I believe there is a level of our awakening/ascension where we become the "technology" - can heal ourselves, communicate through telepathy, manifest what we need and want, etc. - it's available to us right now. 🙂
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13 September, 03:40
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Hi VK....I voted yes---not necessarily "need", however I believe it would be best with all things considered at this place and time. I believe there is a level of our awakening/ascension where we become the "technology" - can heal ourselves, communicate through telepathy, manifest what we need and want, etc. - it's available to us right now. 🙂
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Anuenue Patriot
13 September, 03:22
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Yes also because even paper and pencil is technology.
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Julie Casey
13 September, 03:08
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
We need Space Force and all the technology who continue to protect us from above keeping earth Safe and demolishing the Cabal’s satellites and all the bad guys.
Thank You President Trump !
Thank You President Trump !
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Don Quixote
15 June, 11:41
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Sadly i do. And i use a flip fone....dont use social media except AU & TS.....and have never sent an email or own a computer. Hell, i dont even know how to turn the two in the house on.🤪 I do however with my son hold several cryptos loosely recomended to me by Not A Financial Adviser....whom i respect and Trust....and thats digital. So, yes i do think so. A whole new world tho, is necessary!!!😐😏🤗
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08 April, 12:51
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
What was final poll on Future / Back question?
I was surprised it was so close to 50/50. Normal dispersion, I know, but I feel stongly pulled to go back. With knowlege I now have, I could change so much about my self, family & the world.
I was surprised it was so close to 50/50. Normal dispersion, I know, but I feel stongly pulled to go back. With knowlege I now have, I could change so much about my self, family & the world.
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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Need to survive or want to survive
Reminds me of a song :)
#TAKE5 #TrumpStyle
Reminds me of a song :)
#TAKE5 #TrumpStyle
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Veritas Vincit
07 April, 07:29
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
No. Not needed were We go 5D but im sure there gonna be a different technology there but not needed for survive anyway
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Cindy _MAGA
07 April, 07:28
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
We are going to need new healing technology
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07 April, 07:25
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
It’s how we survive now.
Energy + Frequency + Vibration = Better Technology
Energy + Frequency + Vibration = Better Technology
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Kristopher Anderson ~X~
07 April, 08:51
In response Mandy ... to her Publication
Very good point...
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07 April, 04:54
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
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William Filer
07 April, 04:54
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Why would anyone say no? I don't get it. We technonolgy now and future technology soon to feed 8 Billion people, let alone many other things. Can just use the technology we have to continue living, probably not.
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Alcyone 777
08 April, 03:19
In response William Filer to his Publication
Do you live in a city? That comment is pretty out of touch with nature, the natural world, and an understanding of your natural biology and capacity for self-healing if you remove any blocks to it- modern petrochemical poisons, heavy metals, pathogens from vaccination, negative attitude, and stress.
The modern world is why everyone is so sick- EMF radiation fields now too.
We need to get back to our roots; nature. Also, learn epigenetics, I did a post on it today with a link- you can heal any disease yourself.
Food is easy to grow, we don't need new technology for it. My father grew an abundant garden with just seeds, natural fertilizer, and grass clippings.
I also did a post today on how water can be brought to arid regions with simple new innovations.
It pulls clean drinking water out of the air. Hundreds of anons know what to do to heal ourselves, everyone and the planet with a return to nature. Just have to put seeds in the ground.
The modern world is why everyone is so sick- EMF radiation fields now too.
We need to get back to our roots; nature. Also, learn epigenetics, I did a post on it today with a link- you can heal any disease yourself.
Food is easy to grow, we don't need new technology for it. My father grew an abundant garden with just seeds, natural fertilizer, and grass clippings.
I also did a post today on how water can be brought to arid regions with simple new innovations.
It pulls clean drinking water out of the air. Hundreds of anons know what to do to heal ourselves, everyone and the planet with a return to nature. Just have to put seeds in the ground.
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Jason Webber
07 April, 04:45
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
That is actually a complex question. I believe people who took the CON-VID vaccines and received the Cabal version and not the placebo - and I believe they represent abour 30-40% of humanity - WILL need technology to survive.
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07 April, 04:15
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I voted no but on the fence because of medbeds
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Mike Anon
07 April, 04:05
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Med beds.
The fallout from the mRNA shots could be catastrophic even to those who haven't been jabbed.
The fallout from the mRNA shots could be catastrophic even to those who haven't been jabbed.
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07 April, 03:17
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
WE live in a system aka Advance Crystalline Technology Of Mother Earth. So yes we need her technology for humanity to survive, as we are the walking/talking Earth, guardian-garden keepers...All are connected to her Majestic System/Kingdom. 💎💡🌋🌄🏞️
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Serious Reesy
07 April, 03:01
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
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ElleK Right
07 April, 02:59
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Depends on what is considered technology
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memes matter
07 April, 02:39
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Its said we will need tech to be on a level playing field with AI, but nothing is a sophisticated as humans
Love is the nr 1 reason we are here, last i checked tech isnt needed for that
Love is the nr 1 reason we are here, last i checked tech isnt needed for that
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fuck off all
07 April, 02:36
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
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07 April, 02:18
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
What is considered technology ? Do we need phones and videos , not really . Wood , stone and water manipulation methods and or devices yes . Build a structure for element protection introduce a heating element (also used for cooking) and flowing water , even if just nearby . Then add food resource and production /management and a human society will flourish . 10 People or 10 million . Growth being only limited to resource management .
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07 April, 02:20
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
As transitional tools out of the demon matrix
healing technology & money will feel miraculous.
If you're dying of cancer, pray you get into a Med Bed.
If you're homeless, impoverished or hungry,
pray you get food, a home & eternal relief from lack.
Wherever Earth & her Kingdoms have been decimated,
pray she gets restoration to her Divine blueprint
by however means we can help.
But once we reclaim our Divinity — no more need for tech or $
healing technology & money will feel miraculous.
If you're dying of cancer, pray you get into a Med Bed.
If you're homeless, impoverished or hungry,
pray you get food, a home & eternal relief from lack.
Wherever Earth & her Kingdoms have been decimated,
pray she gets restoration to her Divine blueprint
by however means we can help.
But once we reclaim our Divinity — no more need for tech or $
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Craig Robert Steele
07 April, 02:35
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
The TORUS IS THE UNIVERSAL KEY to the Holo-Fractal Universe. A Torus is a Self-Enfolding/Unfolding Sphere Composed of 12 Strings of Spinning Light. Everything, from Atoms, to Cells, to Suns, Solar Systems, Galaxies are Toroidal Expressions of the Universal Torus.
The Human Being, whose Center is the Human Heart, is a HoloFractal Expression of the Universal/Planetary Heart as it Expresses Itself through the An-ATOM-ical, Ener-GENE-tic Structure of the Human Being--the Adam Kadmon of Jewish Mysticism/DaVinci's Vitruvian Man!
We Currently Stand on the Threshold of a Personal and Planetary Shift--a Planetary Pentecost, if you will, wherein Each and Every One of Us will Learn to Consciously Embody and Celebrate this Knowledge in One-self and One Another.
The Human Being, whose Center is the Human Heart, is a HoloFractal Expression of the Universal/Planetary Heart as it Expresses Itself through the An-ATOM-ical, Ener-GENE-tic Structure of the Human Being--the Adam Kadmon of Jewish Mysticism/DaVinci's Vitruvian Man!
We Currently Stand on the Threshold of a Personal and Planetary Shift--a Planetary Pentecost, if you will, wherein Each and Every One of Us will Learn to Consciously Embody and Celebrate this Knowledge in One-self and One Another.
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07 April, 02:16
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Define "survive".
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Relentless Italian
07 April, 02:13
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
If your talking about Advanced Technology..like Med beds to get rid of ALL THE DAMAGE DONE TO OUR BODYS! THEN YES... WE DO!
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Justice Peacefully .
07 April, 02:12
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
NO! we can make it
Critical thinking is all that is needed! i m o🤔
Critical thinking is all that is needed! i m o🤔
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Doq Holliday
07 April, 02:12
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Apparently people are going to be getting AIDS among other things from these jabs. So maybe it gets to the point that they have to make the decision to use tech in some fashion to heal them to repair thr damage that has been done.
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George Edmiston
07 April, 10:17
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
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We are Geronimo
07 April, 02:12
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I interpreted the question to be:
Will technologies be needed to undo the poisoning of people, food and the planet that has been done in order to save humanity.
Will technologies be needed to undo the poisoning of people, food and the planet that has been done in order to save humanity.
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