Only people mentioned by Rugby369 in this post can reply
Pike Bishop @Pike_Bishop
30 March, 10:40
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
If and when that day comes, I'll be more than happy to help inform normies - in a non-threatening, pleasant, non-vindictive manner.

There are a couple, however, that are owed this:

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
29 March, 09:48
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

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LightAngel9 ... @lightangel9
29 March, 10:27
In response The Qonspiracist to his Publication
That poor kid!! Cannot stand this photo!!

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Only followers of this user (HopeAlways888) can see their posts

BeaglesSay,... Biden crime family donated @Milldee
29 March, 03:09
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

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Happy Days @Sun2516
29 March, 05:59
In response BeaglesSay,... Biden crime family to her Publication
I see it as crazy to watch CNN and believe it.
I do not care about I told you so’s -
I just will not forget that they chose to side with CNN.
I know many of us have family that acted like we were stupid.
MSM is the devil.

That hurt will not go away for me.
I just do not mention it.
I would blow my top.

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Hyssop Cedar @Hyssop_Cedar
29 March, 11:01
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
15 hours ago
In response SuezQed !!! to her Publication
There is no Real or Fake when it comes to Q.
Q is True.
Not saying truthful, just true, and it can't be denied.
We all individually got what was needed from each drop. Ultimate goal of waking us the fook up.

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29 March, 11:35
In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication
Q was very vital to all of many had forgotten how to use discernment. Discernment is one of the wonderful gifts we get from God. It got to the point that no one was paying attention to some serious issues..the world as we "thought" we knew it was circling the drain. I would not call myself a follower of anyone or anything...that is exactly how we got to where we are now by "blindly" following and believing. This death cult has taken advantage of our good nature and our ability to trust. I will forever be grateful.....for anons worldwide working together to take this death cult down!!! I do recall on the chans before Q came out there was PDanon, MegaAnon, HollywoodAnon, and SentAnon...all of them provided amazing info that I knew down deep made prefect sense that it wasn't in my imagination that things were VERY wrong and twisted. I have gone down some massive rabbit holes.. exposing this stuff was necessary.

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AJS CSC @munchkin823
29 March, 10:53
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
So glad I got on the right boat......

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TxGirl4Trump -UM donated @TexasGirl4Trump
29 March, 10:50
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
My Friends sent me this in a Group Text Yesterday!!! 🤣😂

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Lois Lane @Desrev01
30 March, 11:21
In response TxGirl4Trump -UM to her Publication
Definitely want this shirt. Rocks

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Patriot Sam @PatriotSam7
30 March, 11:25
In response TxGirl4Trump -UM to her Publication

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Happy Days @Sun2516
29 March, 09:30
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
They can discover the truth and deal with it -
We had to deal with being looked at as Crazy 😜
Our look to them 👇

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29 March, 09:21
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
I remember when Trump said "Tippy Top" on Easter with the white bunny and we all freaked the fuck out. Those little clues were so rare, amazing and encouraging.

We have come a long way.

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Autmama 123 @autmama
29 March, 08:53
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
My go to line to my husband and parents is I was right and do you still think I needed the medicine you put me on? Their answer is always yes because I couldnt handle what I was seeing. When they come to me scared Iand they dont believe whats going on I tell them to take one of my pills. A few weeks ago the doctor they had brought me to (general practitioner) says he no longer trusts the CDC.

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CeeCee Rider @Tatonka
29 March, 08:49
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
From your lips to Gods ears

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⭐️⭐️⭐️Pepe Le Q~17⭐️⭐️⭐️ @TheQuietStorm17
29 March, 07:47
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
I said quite literally the same thing yesterday myself!! I truly believe we are about to go through our very own tribulation as a country so there will be a period of reckoning for the normies really, and then we begin the true battles at hand therefore after the tribulation. I could be wrong but it’s guna get pretty fucking ugly out there!?

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29 March, 07:50
In response ⭐️⭐️⭐️Pepe Le Q~17⭐️⭐️⭐️ to his Publication
thanks for sharing!!!😊 I think we are all starting to feel that vibe..its getting louder and louder.

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TalYah 2022 @dawn95
29 March, 08:32
In response ⭐️⭐️⭐️Pepe Le Q~17⭐️⭐️⭐️ to his Publication
that is certainly no coinky dink... God bless Dan, et al.

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Back to the Future @Backontrack
29 March, 07:13
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
The only people paying attention are those wide awake.
Q was for them and to distract the enemy.

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manny iamdjanggo @iamdjanggo
29 March, 06:38
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

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BeaglesSay,... Biden crime family donated @Milldee
29 March, 06:37
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

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Mocheezeplz ... donated @Mocheezeplz
29 March, 02:28
In response BeaglesSay,... Biden crime family to her Publication
Starting to think there is a reason Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is running for Governor in Arkansas. We need someone in office that will be able to expose what the Clintons have done in that State.

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Diana DJT @Diana
29 March, 04:48
In response BeaglesSay,... Biden crime family to her Publication
Cutest meme ever❤️🐸🐸🐸🐸❤️❤️Such great Patriots 🇺🇸💥

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Chris Rivers @Cmrivers75
29 March, 06:31
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
and when this happens anons shouldnt be i told you so’s. our true work begins by being there for others. be the lighthouse that we are.

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29 March, 06:47
In response Chris Rivers to his Publication
you know what... im going to have to say.... this... ok... there is NOTHING wrong with some " I told you so's"... some of us have gone through HELL with some of these "normies' making us feel like in the coming days taking a few "I told you so's".. aren't going to hurt a damn fact its going to FEEL PRETTY DAMN GOOD TO BE VINDICATED AFTER ALL THESE YEARS... ya some of us have been doing this for over a decade..being called anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist etc etc... just sayin'

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Raymond ....... @Twitmo4life
29 March, 03:19
In response Chris Rivers to his Publication

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