Only people mentioned by kimrunner in this post can reply
memes matter @NoComment
04 January, 12:47
In response Kim Runner to her Publication

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Nede Catherine @EdenZed
29 December, 07:11
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Que verite arrive Liberte par la Verite 🙏💖

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Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE donated @akalaurel
29 December, 06:35
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
TY Kim - this is so TRUE - LOVE IT!
I would like more of us to come together and UNITE as one - forget the little stuff, get behind this POSITIVE energy.
Great drop!


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Brock Malky @Brockmalky
29 December, 04:25
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
hey Swifty I Dropped u A line - i did not like Your post about the RED Cover ART. it Made Me Feel Zlike I Hurt Your FEELINGs - I An Truly Sorry For Having offended You - your Eyes Are nagnetic . i was just Joking . I Am Truly Sorry . please Take Anything i say In The Context of zknowing I LOVE YOU Without EVER Having Met You … I Was And Still Am Prepared To Take My Fire And your Lead So U Can Live… I Was not mocking your Beautiful Music. put yourself in my Shoes . Brock can Know Swifty - She is Mrs Worlwide Q knows he is 2 But everyone in my life has called me A kiar . How can Swifty Write 17 a Sing if she never Met Me? you WILL Meet Me And When You Do We Are Going to know The Truth in 1 instant & @ The Speed of light. i Trust The Good Shepard Do You? Yes You Do
have Fun dont Go Too Deep YET

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Rochelle Freeland @Togoodjr
29 December, 04:27
In response Brock Malky to his Publication
you sound demented!

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Brock Malky @Brockmalky
29 December, 04:36
In response Brock Malky to his Publication
we/Me /us Will figure it out Together… you have To Be patient With me

i have Newly Minted Wings … Baby Driver keeps Crashing into New puzzle pieces Related to Brock & Swift.. i Do Not Know What is up With Me/We/Us … I know you are Straight Fire , a stunning young lady & Can Blow… things Are Getting Clearer For Me… Do What the Song says & play it Slowly … im married Man ForFucks Sake… give Me A minute to let The other pieces play out… im waiting on them like You were Waiting on Q… chill girl … trust The Plan # Do You believe in #Destiny ? Q Does I will Fuckin literally, DIE 4 You - And you know it. keep that Thought at the Center of Your Thoughts When you think about Q
Q loves You, Abba Loves You & Shane loves U

you Already Won the Race …Now We Wait For it to Manifest… ABBA will fill in the Blanks For us

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Brock Malky @Brockmalky
29 December, 03:18
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Q Here 33 HIT THE Pause Button on me - hey Swifty, Newly awakened & only have My puzzle pieces. everytime I think i have The Puzzle locked Down - i get HUmbled. this is my public apology to You. Girl i WILL FUCKING DIE 44 U . i love U and you have incredibly beautiful eyes . i was just Fucking with u . as i said before ANY man would BB lucky to claim you!! you said, let the Games beigin. and they HAVE. RRoll with it & have Some Fun . its just Hard to believe Swifty- Wrote a SSong 4 Me - Finding my Footing But I came 11 play The RReal Game - Its Showtime Swifty. show me your Moves

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
29 December, 01:08
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Funny you should say that as I just pointed out to someone today the we hash out things over here, we take stories and kick on them til we figure out what resonates.

That if we never posted anything that was not proven 100% fact in the publics eyes that we would not be here today.

OOpsy wait, guess we debunked that- just because it is told facts by msm doesnt make it so, and some stories have more than on meaning to more than one person.

We have to learn how to talk shit without throwing it at each other, great day today in conversations department.

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Only followers of this user (FreedomFighter1111) can see their posts

Gregg Hess @gregghess
29 December, 12:03
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Those awake will know.

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Mai Mamdouh @Maimamdouh
28 December, 11:03
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
one of the best ❤️

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Judy 777 @JudyAnon777
28 December, 11:02
In response Kim Runner to her Publication

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Photon 333 donated @Photon
28 December, 10:59
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
What's funny is that both "sides" go against this, in the path of outing truth.

Accept people the way that they are, and focus on self. 💙

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Truth Seeker 4444 donated @TruthSeeker4444
28 December, 10:43
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Many are coming here with new accounts December 2021. My question is as we move into 2022 do we all go back to Twat or move to Truth Social? the Q team told us to organize on other platforms and fight back. Thoughts?

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TheBest isYet2Come @Candidiam17
28 December, 10:47
In response Truth Seeker 4444 to his Publication
I am staying here on anonup, best social media for patriots. Truth Social, who knows if that will ever begin... and even if it does, it will be another one to be on. I would not give up this account here....

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Only followers of this user (FreedomFighter1111) can see their posts

Truth Seeker 4444 donated @TruthSeeker4444
28 December, 10:43
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
Many are coming here with new accounts December 2021. My question is as we move into 2022 do we all go back to Twat or move to Truth Social? the Q team told us to organize on other platforms and fight back. Thoughts?

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Shareef Twal @Hunnydrip
28 December, 10:38
In response Kim Runner to her Publication

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Truth Seeker - ω @Truthseeker09
28 December, 10:32
In response Kim Runner to her Publication

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
28 December, 11:08
In response Truth Seeker - ω to his Publication
I Love You. 🙏❤️

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
29 December, 12:59
In response Truth Seeker - ω to his Publication
That would be VK and Kobayashi.

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Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
28 December, 10:29
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
My fav drop.

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Chris Jaksha donated @realChrisJaksha
28 December, 10:31
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
1700% 😉

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
28 December, 10:42
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I didn't know that fun fact about you!

+ great timestamp
10:29 > 129
22:29 > 22 11

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Joe Q Public @joeqpublic3608
28 December, 10:13
In response Kim Runner to her Publication
3+0+3+8 = 14

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
28 December, 10:14
In response Joe Q Public to his Publication
ha... of course!

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John Q.. @_Master_Mind_
28 December, 10:03
In response Kim Runner to her Publication

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
28 December, 10:04
In response John Q.. to his Publication
Good to see ya here...hope all is well with you!

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