Only people mentioned by Cowboyw2b in this post can reply
Margie 64504317 @Margie64504317
19 February, 10:24
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Me nor mine will never take up arms against our brothers & sisters in the service. However...that being said..."NOBODY will EVER take our firearms away from us!"
I truly do not believe that it will get to that point though. I believe in "The Plan", I trust our Military, I trust God, and I trust myself.
Don't let others get you too riled up & do not make rash decisions out of anger. If the tipping point were to come, there are MANY Patriots that will do what they must to protect their families.

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Nature Girl @Naturegirl
14 February, 09:49
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

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D_Anon Pullella @D__ANON
14 February, 01:53
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
i dont really agree with this. We are trying to make rational arguments and wake people up so we dont have to go to war with our countrymen..... Were winning that war, no doubt

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Cynthia Ramain @TxDeplQrableDiva
14 February, 12:59
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

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Diane Labrecque @TEAM_JESUS
13 February, 11:42
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Now THAT Is The Best Statement Pronounced So Far! And So True!

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Ghost in the Kachime @Kristamatic
13 February, 11:34
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
While i dont disagree in principle, i think if this guy had any idea about how oppressed we actually are as americans, everybody sick, working three jobs, autistic kids, alzheimers parents, many of us with no light at the end of the tunnel, he'd get off his high horse and come try to help save US. But as usual, americans have to dig everybody else out of their mess, and everybody else feels entitled to our blood and treasure. sigh. roll up your sleeves patriots, here we go again.

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Trump Fan9923 @Trumpfan9923
13 February, 11:48
In response Ghost in the Kachime to her Publication
we are sick , working three jobs with loved ones that have alzhemiers because (they) the evil cabal has poisoned our water, food and vacinated us with poisons. Wake Up! The world depends on a Great Awakening!

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Dear Reader @DearReader
14 February, 08:51
In response Ghost in the Kachime to her Publication
Why do you think americans are more oppressed than the british?

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God, Love and Truth Win @TrumpIsStillMyPresident
13 February, 11:29
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Love this!! Too many sit back with their eyes closed. Im getting tired of trying to wake these people up. Still today I got told I got told I need to open my eyes, and face REALITY!!! SERIOUSLY?? After watching that bogus trial, I'M the one that needs to wake up?? Ugh!!! Its unreal to me.

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Ramon Rivera @JKrackKorn
13 February, 11:26
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
The world needs POTUS and we all stand with him. Be patient. You are not forgotten!

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not new @dassme
13 February, 11:21
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
Ain't this the truth!

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Arthur Smith @KINGARTHUR3378
13 February, 11:10
In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication
I'm Game!

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