sercorimo ...
07 February, 09:07
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Hyssop Cedar
07 February, 09:56
In response sercorimo ... to her Publication
💭 I see that and I think who are the grey’s!?!
Nephilim: Giants of history or present day greys
This book will not only tell you, who they are, what they are, but will reveal a deception, so beyond belief that your perception of reality will be forever altered!
Every single belief you now hold is the result of a perverted reality designed to keep you in a pitch-black “prison”, of dumb-downed, presence of mind.
There will be no turning back, once you discover the genuine nature of the position in space and time that you presently occupy.
But, you will be armed with the truth. What you choose to do with that fact, is your decision and yours alone. You can choose to ignore it, but you cannot say you were not warned!
Nephilim: Giants of history or present day greys
This book will not only tell you, who they are, what they are, but will reveal a deception, so beyond belief that your perception of reality will be forever altered!
Every single belief you now hold is the result of a perverted reality designed to keep you in a pitch-black “prison”, of dumb-downed, presence of mind.
There will be no turning back, once you discover the genuine nature of the position in space and time that you presently occupy.
But, you will be armed with the truth. What you choose to do with that fact, is your decision and yours alone. You can choose to ignore it, but you cannot say you were not warned!
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Craig Robert Steele
15 February, 03:00
In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication
Memory is NOT "Stored" in the Brain. It is ACCESSED through the Heart in Quantum Resonance and Coherence with the Quantum Heart of God that is the Source of our Individual and Collective Consciousness.
The Nervous System/Brain (i.e. the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil/Left Hemisphere/Right Hemisphere) is an Antenna that Simultaneously Receives and Transmits the Information that is Holo-Fractally Encoded in Photonic Light
Memory is NOT "Stored" in the Brain. It is ACCESSED through the Heart in Quantum Resonance and Coherence with the Quantum Heart of God that is the Source of our Individual and Collective Consciousness.
The Nervous System/Brain (i.e. the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil/Left Hemisphere/Right Hemisphere) is an Antenna that Simultaneously Receives and Transmits the Information that is Holo-Fractally Encoded in Photonic Light
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01:26 PM - Feb 20, 2024
In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication
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Craig Robert Steele
20 February, 02:28
In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication
Holo-Fractal Space and Time
“I Stood on a Lofty Mountain and Saw a Gigantic Man and I Heard as it were a Voice of Thunder; and Drew Nigh for to Hear; and He Spake unto me and Said: “I AM Thou and Thou Art I; and wheresoever Thou Mayest Be I AM THERE. In All Am I Scattered and whensoever Thou Willest, Thou Gatherest Me; and in Gathering Me, Thou Gatherest Thyself.” -THE APOCRYPHAL GOSPEL OF EVE
“It was the Boundless in You. The Vast Man in Whom You are All but Cells and Sinews; He in Whose Chant all of your Singing is but a Soundless Throbbing. It is in the Vast Man that You are Vast. And in Beholding Him, I Beheld and Loved You.” -Kahlil Gibran, THE PROPHET
"The Body of Christ is the Body of the Universe Transformed and Transmuted into the Holy Spirit of Life and Love Itself."
-Craig Robert Steele, GOD IS WITH(IN) US
Holo-Fractal Space and Time
“I Stood on a Lofty Mountain and Saw a Gigantic Man and I Heard as it were a Voice of Thunder; and Drew Nigh for to Hear; and He Spake unto me and Said: “I AM Thou and Thou Art I; and wheresoever Thou Mayest Be I AM THERE. In All Am I Scattered and whensoever Thou Willest, Thou Gatherest Me; and in Gathering Me, Thou Gatherest Thyself.” -THE APOCRYPHAL GOSPEL OF EVE
“It was the Boundless in You. The Vast Man in Whom You are All but Cells and Sinews; He in Whose Chant all of your Singing is but a Soundless Throbbing. It is in the Vast Man that You are Vast. And in Beholding Him, I Beheld and Loved You.” -Kahlil Gibran, THE PROPHET
"The Body of Christ is the Body of the Universe Transformed and Transmuted into the Holy Spirit of Life and Love Itself."
-Craig Robert Steele, GOD IS WITH(IN) US
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Mirella Petkovic
17 March, 03:31
In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication
“Just look around! This immense universe is functioning so perfectly well that nothing can be added to it. It needs no improvement. Seeing this, one relaxes. If stars can go on dancing and flowers can go on blooming and birds can go on singing, why not you? You also belong to this universe. You are part of it. In fact, you are the most valuable part of it, the greatest flowering is going to happen in you—the flowering of consciousness, the golden flower of being.” ― Osho ✨💫
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