Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
13 March, 06:44
In response Harold Holman to his Publication

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
06 March, 05:31
In response Ingrid Colby to her Publication
I know world peace is on the horizon, thanks to Mr. Mehran Keshe and others.

Thank you for your nice words. I live and work in the northern part of the Netherlands, Fryslan / Frisia.

When interested, search for Keshe Foundation in the VeteransToday searchbar and you will find some great articles, old and newer ones.

This technology (plasma fields) is the secret of the good ones. I have seen the footage of the Russian planes flying over the USS Donald Cook back then.

This technology (technology for world peace) will change everything.

Keshe Knowledge Seekers Workshop 580

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
06 March, 09:33
In response Dave Mars to his Publication

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
05 March, 08:04
In response sharon pasvant to her Publication
3 days ago

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
05 February, 08:06
In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
Saw this one a few minutes ago...

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
31 January, 11:32
In response Kira Kju to his Publication
The book points out the judeo-bolsjewiks wanted to attack the Germans (which I didn't know)

I still think the Germans wanted Ukraine and the Krim

My idea (not necessarely belief) is 'The powers that shouldn't be' played them out against each other

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
28 January, 04:57
In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication
A lot of links came up promoting the use of statins 'against cancer', but also this one:

In every study with rodents to date, statins have caused cancer. Why have we not seen such a dramatic correlation in human studies? Because cancer takes a long time to develop and most of the statin trials do not go on longer than two or three years. Still, in one trial, the CARE trial, breast cancer rates of those taking a statin went up 1500 percent. In the Heart Protection Study, non-melanoma skin cancer occurred in 243 patients treated with simvastatin (a total of 10,269) compared with 202 cases in the control group (a total of 10,267).

Manufacturers of statin drugs have recognized the fact that statins depress the immune system, an effect that can lead to cancer and infectious disease, recommending statin use for inflammatory arthritis and as an immune suppressor for transplant patients.

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
24 December, 07:14
In response HTG TheolddoG to his Publication
Jij ook!

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
24 December, 07:07
In response HTG TheolddoG to his Publication
Deze foto van een gedeelte van een samenvatting is geen snelle scroll inderdaad. Daar moet je even voor zitten.

Vermoedelijk gaat er een hele wereld voor je open. En daar doe ik deze kennis van plasmatechnologie eigenlijk mee te kort. Uiteindelijk gaat er een hele unikos voor ons open?

Ik heb bijna alle knowledge seekers workshops gevolgd en proberen te begrijpen. Iedereen pakt ervan op, wat ie met zijn vermogen op dat moment aankan. Hopelijk ben ik op de goede weg. Het heeft mijn leven in elk geval echt verrijkt.

Op YouTube zijn o.a. de workshops en op Telegram scoor ik de uitgeschreven (complete) Keshe Foundation workshops als PDF.

En nu houd ik er over op, anders heb ik het gevoel dat ik aan het pushen ben 😊

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
24 December, 06:32
In response HTG TheolddoG to his Publication
Keshe Foundation

Misschien vind je onderstaand voorbeeld wel interessant. Enkele dingen waarover gesproken werd in een Knowledge Seekers Workshop door Mehran Keshe.

Elke donderdag op YouTube by the way.

'technology for peace'

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
24 December, 06:21
In response HTG TheolddoG to his Publication
Lijkt wel een beetje op onderstaand filmpje

De Iron Dome stelde ineens niet veel voor.
De duurste raketten konden de 'plasmabollen' niet bereiken (de 'plasmabollen' schiepen tevens voor zichzelf een beschermend veld?)

Destijds was er veel beeldmateriaal met deze 'plasmabollen'. Veel beeld (met die bollen in 'star formation') is nu foetsie op internet, viel me zojuist op 😜

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
21 December, 04:53
In response Resistance Chicks to her Publication
You are right. Domain for sale.

Googled it:

hardyorganicsdotcom • Instagram photos and videos › hardyorganicsdotcom
Organic Heirloom Rare Plants and Seeds. We offer discounts to teachers, law enforcement, military and all rescue services our heroes!

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
18 December, 05:36
In response Yvonne McNeil to her Publication
A seed needs a good environment to grow

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
15 December, 04:32
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
25 November, 07:13
In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
24 November, 09:39
In response Just Mee to his Publication

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
25 September, 11:21
In response CM_ Patriot to her Publication

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
30 July, 05:47
In response Alexis Hightower to her Publication
Their own soul, born from the one, born in the one, born as the one, will judge them, there is no escaping.

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
20 July, 06:22
In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication
Thanks for info.
I noticed this problem with other links.

Here in the Netherlands RT links still show up.

And I noticed that on my old mac a lot of links don't work. And on my newer nokia phone they do.

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
11 July, 04:08
In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication
I am not sure, but I know that a lot of people who are speaking out against injustice in the Netherlands and get attention, find themselves in the same position as the AfD in Germany.
Also not being able to open an account after that with any other bank. Some have a bankaccount in Lithuania now.

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
18 June, 06:42
In response arba happihr to her Publication
baby diapers?

coffee filters?
tobacco paper?

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
05 June, 08:35
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
“And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!”

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
21 May, 04:59
In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
08 May, 07:11
In response Chesterton Lives to his Publication
Thank you for your nice words.

Hope you enjoy this song.

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
19 March, 11:02
In response Belinda Kaysac to her Publication
do not underestimate the belgian royals

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
03 March, 04:54
In response arba happihr to her Publication
(the creation comes from the same beauty as nothingness and generosity to be in all)

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
02 March, 08:14
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
527th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; February 29, 2024 - YouTube

Keshe Foundation's public broadcasts:Public Teaching in English - Knowledge Seekers Workshopevery Thursday at 9:00 AM CET/CESTKeshe Plasma Reactor Groupevery...

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
01 March, 06:46
In response Dave Mars to his Publication
I feel the same as you

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
26 February, 11:21
In response Rompt Theodoor to his Publication
Behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death.

One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
19 February, 09:47
In response Freedom Fighter to her Publication
Thanks for posting
(my computer is from 2011, so I am familiar with computer troubles)

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