Aunt Ro# @AuntRo
09 October, 06:33
can we be any more clear!!!

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Mother of Dr Precipice @MotherofDrPrecipice
09 October, 09:31
"Trump" A General who's name was Raising Cane. Old Testament.. Cain and Abel...

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The Ultra-Minotaur @theminotaur
07 October, 08:56

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
07 October, 08:24

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We Are One @SherrylovesUSA
07 October, 10:57

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
07 October, 10:52

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joann ferguson donated @joann212
07 October, 10:26
The people's bridge...

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CabalKrusher ... @CabalKrusher
07 October, 10:53

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Here KittyKitty @HereKittyKitty
07 October, 10:56

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Here KittyKitty @HereKittyKitty
07 October, 10:56

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
07 October, 06:34

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
07 October, 04:12
🔴Leaked Emails Reveal Pfizer Execs Sought To Conceal Use Of Aborted Fetal Cells In Covid-19 Vaccine Program

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Patriot Sam @PatriotSam7
06 October, 09:05
Code Monkey!

"To do what's right, you must indict!"

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
07 October, 04:14
🔴Used-Car Prices Hit Record High As Dealership Inventory At Historic Low

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
07 October, 03:34
Do your own research and find the Truth if you want to be free. 🐸

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
07 October, 04:04
Geico is owned by Warren Buffet

Nod to the lizards, right! Right in our faces for years!

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sercorimo ... @sercorimo
07 October, 04:09

White Rabbit Patriot
Where Have We Heard This Before? 🤔
12:25 PM · Oct 7, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
06 October, 06:23

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Phyllis Diller @PhyllisDiller
06 October, 06:18

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
06 October, 05:58
I know most people on here are Super Smart so forgive if you think I am stating the obvious ! These Clowns are working to an agenda which were all well aware but they are also constricted by a timeline ! This is why the carrot is now the stick but as you know you don`t mess with my Mule! In Australia they are going to try it first like Wuhan turning 5G to 60 ghz which made the graphene vibrate in the body and brain and kill lot`s of people! on the 11:11 they are going to try to chemtrail graphene Worldwide see Microsoft 11 Advert of this warning ! They are at the end of the line and we have to hold it ! If you see a Chemtrail Sky go indoors or wear a mask ! This is my take of their play and have posted this info before ! October 15th and November 11 be very aware ! Stay Safe Evil is digging its own grave. We are the Good and the New World Order the Bad and any democrat covers the rest !

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
03 October, 03:34
Oct 03, 2018 3:06:51 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 322

What a wonderful day.

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
03 October, 03:35
Oct 03, 2018 3:27:16 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 323
Sessions meeting Huber THE SAME DAY as POTUS_ALERT.
Sessions meeting Huber THE DAY PRIOR to >>>
What must be understood prior to?
Think GJ information.
What are the odds of that?

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Foreign Affairs Intelligence Council @IntellUK
03 October, 03:27
Images of what’s in the vaccine at 400X magnification

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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
02 October, 07:11

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
02 October, 08:55
🔴India govt. declares most populated state Uttar Pradesh officially COVID free after widespread use of ivermectin ... Uttar Pradesh has a 5.8% vaccinated rate

TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
02 October, 08:56
Q anon76⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐®

If you haven't been jabbed yet, it is clear. you don't want it. They know that. They just don't care. If you've made it this far and you are thinking of giving up, remember this. They are squeezing you because they know you're weak. They know if they squeeze, you'll cave. When you don't hand yourself over, they freak out and squeeze harder. The longer you hold out, the crazier they get. The crazier they get, the crazier they look. The crazier they look, the more people notice. The more people notice, the more people wake up. The more people wake up, the more fearful they become. The more fearful they become, the crazier they get. The crazier they get, the more people wake up. And on and on until they essentially destroy themselves. Be brave, be strong and DO NOT COMPLY. It's literally the only thing we can do. Don't give that away so easily.

Make them have to fight you for it.

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Beverly Hayes @beverly1111
02 October, 08:30
In response Lady 4Trump to her Publication
that we were for Freedom then, shows where most of us oldies still stand! i never considered myself D or R or Liberal! i considered myself and friends for Freedom above all else! yea and against establishment for what they were trying to do to us! My Dad was a WWII Vet!! guess I’m still here for a reason!

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Griffin Maple @Gramps_patriota
02 October, 08:40
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
i just saw a young man being given remdesivir and decadron for covid and admitted into the hospital. Not even a breathing treatment was offered to him. I cried all the way home from the hospital knowing he might not make it back out. i wish there was more we could do. These doctors have to pay for the damage they are inflicting on these patients.

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God Wins donated @GR2021
02 October, 08:50
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
We lost a patriot friend couple weeks ago. Mother of 3 children ages 12-18. She was unvaxxed, she never vaxed her children with childhood vaccines, loved God, Trump and country. The hospital initially put her on oxygen and then intubated her on doctors orders... she had cardiac arrest and passed away. They killed her!

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Kindred Spirit @OccamsRazQr
02 October, 08:53
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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