STL Anon @STLAnon
11 August, 06:32

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
11 August, 05:47

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
11 August, 06:29
🔴Hunter Biden Tells Hooker Russians Stole Different Laptop, 'Have Videos Of Me Doing F*cking Crazy Sex!'

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11 August, 04:09
Hunter Biden film drop. Another distraction from what’s going on. Arizona must be getting ready 👀


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Jimbo 66 ✓MAGA! @Jimbo0566
11 August, 03:42
Well well, another one to add to my boycott list. 💩

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Dan Auito @DanUSCG
11 August, 04:03
In response Dennis 369 to his Publication
The Punisher! ⚔️😎⚔️

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
11 August, 04:08
🔴“They’ve completely failed to develop an AIDS vaccine. They failed to develop a West Nile vaccine and a Zika vaccine. Every time there’s an outbreak, Fauci goes to Congress and requests a bunch of money to create a vaccine and this is his first big win.” — Dr. Robert Malone, MD

#TheDefender : SIGN UP TODAY-->

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Rich Webster @RAW68PLUMBER
11 August, 04:05
Let’s do this ASAP!

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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
11 August, 04:08
#wwg1wga #TheGreatAwakening #Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #GodWins

Rep. Senfronia Thompson’s warrant has been delivered 💥

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11 August, 12:26

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Sabrina Gal @Sabrinagal
11 August, 02:49

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11 August, 02:36

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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
11 August, 03:04
In response Robert Travers to his Publication
You are a narrow minded half wit, you don't even mention Linda Paris, Dilara Esengil or Sarge do you? because they know way more than you and probably because two are women and you won't like WOMEN knowing more than you would you? And you've mugged yourself right off by Ezra Cohen (if you even know who he is) sharing Real Raw News story about the military refusing vaccines. You have clearly got 'women' issues, especially with Janine, rather than the others I mentioned. You clearly have a problem with your sister or whoever it was and you are, quite simply a narrow minded bigot probably with a very tiny appendage. You are probably the type of 'man' who, now Ezra Cohen is sharing the same story, if that was followed by Trump doing the same you would still rubbish it because you have a massive ego. Demanding respect lo lol lol. Those are the words of a controller and an abuser. Who the f*** do you think you are that warrants anyone's respect? lol. More like nothing's parasite

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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
11 August, 02:14
So, some trolls on here want to rubbish Real Raw News and ignore what others say who have forgotten more than they have ever known. Then Ezra Cohen shares their story today. Are the Ego trolls going to say Ezra Cohen is a know nothing clown too?? lol

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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
11 August, 01:44
3 days of evidence, 24 hours a day. Mike Lindell, what a guy :)

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Alberta Patriot @AlbertaPatriot
11 August, 11:20

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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
10 August, 06:43
An interesting listen, since these two (and sarge) have a great amount of experience, knowledge and contacts. Every open minded person should give it a listen.....unless of course you have 'women'

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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
10 August, 06:41
When an ex marine varifies a story about the marines you tend to at least listen and use your own judgement.....unless of course you have a massive chip on both shoulders lol

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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
10 August, 06:38
Interesting when you think people are awakened on here and then you find the odd troll or two with either

A. A massive ego
B. Total bigot
C. 'women' issues - especially when women are giving information - they can't handle that
D. Delusions that those that many of us do listen to and follow have information inferior to theirs
E. All of the above


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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
07 August, 04:00
When Tarot by Janine, Linda Paris, Sarge, Delara Esengil and others, with better contacts than many on here saw that Real Raw News is legitimate then their word is good enough for me. When you get people making angry knee jerk statements, in capitals, saying it is FALSE then they show themselves up to be no more awakened than democrats and it makes you wonder why they are on here? No knee jerk reaction should be made with either good or bad. Many of us have learnt to take a breath, a step back and do our own research with the help of those more learned than ourselves. Knee jerk, aggressive reactions are very worrying, not least for the person or persons making them...............

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Joyce Chandler @JoyceChandler
06 August, 08:16

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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
06 August, 05:24

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Penny Shra @PenelopeDinkledong_S
04 August, 12:46

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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
05 August, 08:42
NYETSO - "Cascading"
"I’ll still be here
By your side
Though we both fear
All the things inside
We just need to be strong
And somehow get along
When we’re cascading down
Don’t say you’re falling down
Don’t leave me
I need you here and always by my side
It was not the way it’s meant to be
Don’t say you’re falling out
Hold the line with me
I need you here to be my ears and eyes
I cannot do it on my own
Don’t give in to falling down
Don’t give up on me
I need to feel there’s something in my life
That’s worth all this eventually
Don’t say you’re falling down
Don’t leave me
I need you here and always by my side
It was not the way it’s meant to be"



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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
05 August, 08:39
NYETSO - "Martha's Vineyard"
"Come on live with me
Breathe with me
Our time will come again
Stay with me
Pray with me
And learn to live again
It’s the only way
Right here today
We have no other choice
We will see it through
Just me and you
And have a life and voice"



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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
05 August, 08:34
NYETSO - "How we fall"
Till the end
When we have to drift away
I'll see you laugh i'll see you cry
Don't look away
I'll show you something
Of how we fall"



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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
05 August, 08:22
NYETSO - "A mutual friend"
"You'll never realise
Or ever have open eyes
Happy ever till the end
Just you and your mutual friend
When the truth is plain to see
Don't you ever come looking for me
Take your poison till the end
And enjoy your mutual friend"



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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
05 August, 08:20
NYETSO - "Speak the truth"
"In the dark there's a shining candle
Waiting for your use
Something that they just can't handle
I know you speak the truth
I see that you are breaking
But please make that stand
Never forget what brought you
We'll always hold your hand"

For Judy Mitkovits



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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
05 August, 08:17
NYETSO - "The shipping forecast"
"Don't think the rocks will set you free
The sirens will be waiting there for you
And don't believe the things you see
The dark will take a hold of men like you
Uncharted seas will save your soul
Before the waves come crashing down on you
Your days adrift will take their toll
But time is never running out on you"



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cleanair cleanearth @cleanaircleanearth
05 August, 08:14
NYETSO - "Swimming against the tide"
"If everyone just ended all resistance
And gave up trying never took that risk and
Believed the lies that make the truth seem so unreal
So jump back in and stop that tide from turning
And make a thousand voices sound a million
And never ever let it drag you down to size
You and me
I guess we'll always be
Swimming against the tide"


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