Only followers of this user (MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Michael M... donated @MycoalM
23 September, 05:13
Concerned parent follows the money and the schools mandating of masking and vaccination.

She schools the school board.

She’s a total boss.

Legend πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Kuntuzangpo 1776 @Kuntuzangpo1776
21 September, 07:37

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Bernadette Ducasse @Saint_Bernard
16 September, 03:54

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
31 August, 03:29

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patroitgirl17 @patroitgirl17
31 August, 05:49

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ChΓ© Trust-The-Plan @humunu
22 August, 08:26
In response ChΓ© Trust-The-Plan to his Publication
Andy Ngo:

"Antifa are retreating & throwing explosives in the process after launching an attack on the right-wing rally in northeast Portland. They’re being chased & hit. Video by @ TaylerUSA."

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Purpose Prophet @mountainminder
15 August, 02:00
Oklahoma Anthem chills
The Energy there must have been biblical.
LET OUR PEOPLE GO. WE R not asking any longer.

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JesusIsThe SonOfGod @JesusIsTheSonOfGod
09 July, 01:34

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Wes Hamrick @Snotamer
09 July, 06:46
Who killed Ashley Babbitt? Michael Leroy Byrd....https://www.fastbackground...

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The Best Is Yet To Come! @TheBestIsYetToCome
08 July, 10:26

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08 July, 10:47

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
08 July, 11:27

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Mindful Soul @Mindfulsoul
26 June, 04:31

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Yol Ubsa @yolsync
11 June, 02:42
In NY.

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The Best Is Yet To Come! @TheBestIsYetToCome
12 June, 01:50

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
09 June, 01:16
πŸ”΄He was right about EVERYTHING.

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Lisa Rose @Lisar71
01 May, 02:40

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Mike Adcox @Sigp220
07 May, 10:23

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Canadian Patriot Drain the Swamp @DarktoLight2021
09 June, 04:00
In response President Elect Kraken to his Publication
Well they are part of the "club" ... check out their logo! DS shites!

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Indy Go7 @IndyGo
09 June, 03:53

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The Best Is Yet To Come! @TheBestIsYetToCome
06 June, 03:18
β€œJesus answered, β€œI am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭14:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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Jimbo 66 βœ“Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
02 June, 02:12
#winner πŸ‘πŸΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Qayla Marie @QaylaMarie
26 May, 10:04
For laughs πŸ˜†

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Salliari Stevens @Sally
18 May, 04:11
Xiden's current puppet master. #arrestobama has done nothing but destroy and divide this country. #obamaisapedophile and has committed atrocious #CrimesAgainstHumanity .

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Dan Auito @DanUSCG
13 May, 07:51

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Only followers of this user (USAalways) can see their posts

Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
10 May, 06:40

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
05 May, 10:29

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Its Me You Need @IMYN
02 May, 01:42
WOW!!! πŸ‘ŠπŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™Œ

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