Bettina Patricia Peter @Lionesseheart
26 April, 02:32
Just watched Dr Christine Northrup talking about womens effects in the vaxxines
wanted to pist it and looked (🙈) if I would find it on youtube - silly idea I know
i came across a video about circumsation
what I wondered about for ever
and I watched and she was talking about the 70s 80s
Question 1. ‚what do they do with the skin ???
today we know they use it for cosmetics
Question 2 : was circumcision propagaded to harvest this skin ???
And it was very much propagaded and still is
What was the reason behind ??
It us the most senditive skin part of male ?
Find that reason
ooo and by the way a jewish (khazarian?) tradition

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

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Bettina Patricia Peter @Lionesseheart
05 April, 01:29
cairoMummy Parade

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Bettina Patricia Peter @Lionesseheart
05 April, 01:28
is it just me or did anyone else wonder about this "parade" in Cairo that looks like a freakin ritual to me. Bringng mummies to the new museum. Why make duch a parade ? Dress up the cars ? my next thaught easter what do they want to ressurect ??🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ and the lights on the obelisk kust jumps in your face

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Mary Gessler donated @MaryG
28 March, 07:42
This is my first post. I hope it turns out to be a good one.

Last year POTUS said he thought that Easter would make a good timeline to end the Pandemic in our Country. He didn't say which Easter at the time.

Today Don Jr. posted a clip on FB from the debates where Biden noted that POTUS said he hoped that the Pandemic would be over by Easter.

We know there are no coincidences. Please, pray with me that this upcoming week is the one we've all been waiting for.

#TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins

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Bettina Patricia Peter @Lionesseheart
26 February, 06:26
By the way
FFP 2 Mask used all day in Germany Ubahn for example
Gematria - to hell

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
25 February, 09:38
JFK was presented with a pair of lanterns, replicas of the ones that hung in the Old North Church of Boston on the night of Paul Revere's ride...ya don't say?! :)

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Bettina Patricia Peter @Lionesseheart
21 February, 06:04
Found this think this us important !!
did nit know that

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Q2Infinity 5D Earth @Patriot_iss
20 February, 01:31
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
U.S. Defense Secr. Cohen [ON ECO-TERRORISM]:

"[T]errorists are engaging in eco-terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves

World-wide weather engineering started by the Russians on 7-4-76 -- as a quirky sense of humor and "bicentennial gift" to the U.S.

The weapons have been used to shoot down aircraft, etc. worldwide also, mostly as tests, and have also destroyed ICBMs shortly after launch

The world is a secretly armed camp, armed to the teeth with unpublicized highly secret weapons, waiting to explode like a powder keg at the touch of a match. These developments have eluded most of the scientific communities of Earth (who are still mostly using a decrepit, hoary old U(1) electromagnetics theory put together in 1864

…The plan is that the world economy is to be strained to the breaking point, so that it will begin seriously collapsing about 2008

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Bettina Patricia Peter @Lionesseheart
19 February, 05:58
Weird energies! Just helped someone and dit if for myself too.
Be carefull as it feels that old vows ir anything dark from old and ancient lifes are activated to pull you into something.
Stay in the pure frequency your heart if you can go in nature or listen to nature sounds 3 hrs background it will bring your nervous system back to good

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Bettina Patricia Peter @Lionesseheart
11 February, 03:23
Tiday 11.2.2021 is new Moon or black moon
Today are also 6 planets lined up in one row in Aquarius : sun moon venus jupiter mercur saturn
the last time they had been there together was 1962 when the hippie movement started wasnt it about freeing from stuff ?
today is the lunar chinese new year
lets say this is a day full of numbers (ones &twos, 11 22 , all summing up to 9 and 9 is fullfillment?)
and star constellations and stuff we know this weirdo club loves ......

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Bettina Patricia Peter @Lionesseheart
24 January, 12:43
Missed all these Anons on Twatter.... Now I signed up here to be updated again. Hello everybody !!

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