Suzy Bear @Suzyq_stayfrosty
04 May, 12:13
PRAYERS NEEDED. 🙏🙏🙏 I have a friend, Shirley D. in Mesa, AZ who had a medical procedure done to fix a heart problem, the doctor knicked her heart, then required heart surgery. Still in a coma from brain swelling due to blood clots in the brain. She is a fighter, LOVES Trump and was very active in fighting the corruption.

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Kobayashi ADMIN donated @administrator
05 May, 07:38
Had to delete a post today for the first time on AnonUp. It was a post about exposing Child Porn however it was too graphic and got contacted by our hosting company to remove. Just wanted you all to be aware.
However to be clear we are here to fight against the exploitation of children.

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Only followers of this user (pppQQQ) can see their posts

Kat Summers @KatSummers
11 November, 11:25
Can I get prayers for my cousin’s wife? She was rushed to the hospital and may not make it.

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Mama Tee donated @MamaT
22 October, 03:34

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Alcyone 777 @Alcyone
17 October, 01:26
In response Karl Wiggins to his Publication
To keep cancer at bay means killing parasites AND the biofilms that protect them. This is why they say they can do nothing for stage 4. Allopathy doesn't know how to get past the biofilms that become well formed at that stage. God/Mother Nature does.

Cancers can not survive in 7.2 PH alkaline and oxygenated tissues.

The biofilms a what you want to eliminate, the immune system will do the rest better.

Celery Juice alone works.

There are formulas out there you can buy (biocides) and if into natural foods and if not a fan of celery, Dan the Life Regenerator, who is also a Trump supporter and Patriot, took a lot of grief online for saying so, has a great juicing recipe- He is highly censored and has to watch what he says.

PURADYME ENZYMES: WEBSITE: http://www.regenerateyourlife.orgCLEAN CHLORELLA AND SPIRULINA: $234: htt...

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Pissed Off Patriot donated @Pissedoffpatriot0179
10 October, 11:16
I read a post on fookbook tonight talking about why are families don't see each other anymore. That when the grandparents passed away the families quit getting together. Of course I had to comment on it.

I said...We lost our morals and what it means to be family. We forgot that God is the center of the room. We let our Government control us. We forgot who we are as a nation. It's time to bring it all back.
People seem to forget it starts with us. We make the change. Make time to see your loved ones instead of being self centered. Society has kept us so busy that we forgot what was important.
Some things just needed to be said.

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Sabrina Patriot :) @Sabrina77
07 October, 11:50
I do not like asking for anything, however my son (whom is military) is at the hospital with his wife, they have been there 2 days now. She is almost 6 months pregnant, their first child my first grandchild. She has infection and fever, if the fever breaks they can go home. I, they really could use some prayers right now as they both have had the vax per their job requirement. Please and Thank you, for all that can pray for them.
Prayer is a powerful thing!

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
28 September, 02:46
Ian | First Person View of Storm Surge

Camera is 6 feet off the ground on Estero Blvd in Fort Myers Beach, FL.

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
02 August, 10:11
Our Father, who art in Heaven,

hallowed be thy Name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

In Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever.


PS: It is a request that everyone who reads and believes it, would paste it on their page. It's a world prayer assignment, a couple of minutes for the health of all the sick, weary, and heartbroken.

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Kat Summers @KatSummers
17 September, 11:48
Did you guys see the Kim Kardashian Instagram post with the Clintons? It's all over social media because of the comments. People are definitely waking up. That post shocked me.

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_Z_D21_ ... @_Z_D21_
07 September, 10:04

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
30 August, 04:28

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08 August, 06:57

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Double Eagle @TheKingsChick
08 April, 12:32

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Kat Summers @KatSummers
21 May, 10:30
Here’s a red pill....

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Doq Holliday @doqholliday
11 September, 07:31
I was driving to work one morning and God told me I would have a massive part in the revival of America some day.

I didnt know what it meant at the time but the message from God was overwhelming and powerful and I could not deny it.

Fast forward many years and here we are.

We have a lot of work to do but the days ahead in the not so distant future will be bright and filled with hope.

You have been chosen for a reason as well. Never forget it.

You have an obligation as a Patriot, to help restore this country and then assist in healing and liberating the world.

God did not send a message of destruction that day. It was a message of hope, filled with a strong sense of responsbility, that I would personally have to carry out.

God doesn’t lie when he commands us to go foward and perform His will.

He gives us power & strength.

All of the souls ruined by 9/11 & previous evil wars that were created by the cabal are crying to us to fix what was taken from them.

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Kat Summers @KatSummers
16 August, 04:54
Does anyone know where to purchase HCQ?

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Lisa Hill @Lisa_Mayeaux_Hill
01 June, 12:21
MJTruth, [01.06.21 10:43]
[ Photo ]
From Sidney Powell

Fam— The link allows you to sign the petition for a full forensic audit as well as volunteer.

Pennsylvania had a MASSIVE amount of fraud.

Please take the time to help in anyway you can. We can’t complain if we won’t do anything about it.

Please & Thank you!

**** Only PA residents can sign. But please share it on any social media platforms you’re still on.

Here is the link

http://www.auditthevotepa.... Spread the word Patriots. This is an excellent resource for the PA audit.

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