Ché Trust-The-Plan @humunu
09 August, 10:03
"Trust The Science" [Banned by Youtube]

Great summary of facts condensed into 6 minutes by a medical doctor.


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Patriot Woman @PatriotWoman76
10 August, 06:36
I don't care what your position is on Covid, masks, or vaccines. Just please watch this 6 minute video.
Dr. Daniel Stock, a functional family medicine physician at Noblesville, Indiana delivers a lesson to the Mt. Vernon Community School Board on viruses, masks and "vaccines" and lets them know that they are relying on non-factual information from the State Board of Health and the CDC.

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Dennis 369 @Dennis369
20 July, 05:41

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Ché Trust-The-Plan @humunu
06 July, 12:26

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CM_ Patriot @IMPatriotRU
23 April, 10:02
can't watch it only once

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John Q.. @_Master_Mind_
04 May, 10:35
Those of US who have been shamed and ridiculed for years, made to feel crazy, or lost everything in this fight for Truth will - in the End - receive the greatest of rewards...

[witnessing, playing a role and having the deepest of
knowledge/understanding of 'The Greatest Story Ever Told']

We become the Story-Tellers of the Future.
Those who once labeled you crazy will seek you out.
The Honor of a Lifetime.

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
22 May, 01:47
HCQ is the smartest drug in history. It allows the virus to attack cancer cells, but not normal cells

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14 June, 08:57
The Epoch Times did this excellent segment on how the CCP invested $400 million into Staple Street Capital, the parent company of Dominion Voting Systems, a month before the 2020 election.

Full Documentary:

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MzMidniteRider333 ... @MzMidniteRider333
11 June, 09:04
In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication
400,000 Ballots Missing in Maricopa (If Rate Is Consistent). Let that sink in.
20% of 2,100,000 is 420,000... Margin of victory was 10,457 votes. How do you explain 400,000 missing ballots?
1 pallet has 50,000 ballots... 8 pallets missing?! Each box has 1200 ballots = 333 boxes... 🤨 🧐 😳 🤯

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03 June, 11:30

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Mac 691 @Mac691
29 May, 02:11
Secrets Of The Multi-Billion Dollar Human Trafficking Industry - Sex Sla... via YouTube
@vincentkennedy @qjmoss @PunishDem1776 @LoveTump @ellestar @AWISHNSTAR @MrDeeds1111 @DianAandDennis
Secrets Of The Multi-Billion Dollar Human Trafficking Industry - Sex Slaves - Crime Documentary - YouTube

Sex Slaves is a gripping documentary expose inside the global sex trade in women from the former Soviet Bloc. The film takes viewers into the shadowy, multi-...

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MATTHEW Bissanti @markerdragon
29 May, 02:09

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day a bridge shall collapse, pray my children, pray, and a major road in London one that has made headlines before there shall be an incident as I the Lord God Adonai dig into England’s secret ties and a shocking discovery shall shake-up and shift that country yet again.

There is much jockeying for position going on and I the Lord shall jostle them and upset their plans that whos WHO is involved in for they are looking for something more effective in secret something a bit more rare.

As in the country of the eagle, the leadership shall release another scare upon the people says the Lord of Hosts expect a mockingbird to be accelerated as they attempt yet another scare however this shall cause sections and cornerstones of news networks to crumble and cave causing quite a fall says the Lord this day.

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MATTHEW Bissanti @markerdragon
29 May, 02:07
Another new Amanda Grace prophecy

I the Lord of Hosts am triggering many chain reactions in government, in nations, and chemically as well.

A scandal with leadership out of Israel, things are not as they appear however, I the Lord will defend My firstborn as the Arabs and the Persians have made agreements in secret says the Lord.

Hearing Indonesia.

Watch Spain amidst all of this says the Lord of Hosts things shall bubble over as a boil takes place.

There is much trading places happening says the Lord of Hosts. The heads of those who lead in secret are switching much including with people, watch for these switches says the Lord of Hosts this day.

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MATTHEW Bissanti @markerdragon
29 May, 02:05
Another Amanda Grace new prophecy

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day another unlikely union shall form between two countries however it shall be a shield for another to protect the darkest of plans for another.

For I THE LORD THY GOD shall pierce the plans of middle east nations and I the Lord shall PIERCE the plans of the wicked in the nation of the Eagle, and I the Lord shall PIERCE the plans of the leadership of Canada with their secret oaths and endebtedness to the council says the Lord of Hosts.

A scandal, a scandal of great proportion shall hit the leader of Canada says the Lord of Hosts this day.

Hearing Slovakia.

Watch the Panama canal.

The Gulf of Mexico says the Lord watch that area.

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MATTHEW Bissanti @markerdragon
29 May, 02:03
Amanda Grace Prophecy

And the Spirit of the Lord says this Day...I the Lord God am going to take their cornerstone, I am going to knock it out of joint says the Lord of Hosts. For the Cornerstone of the plans of the wicked is compromised down to those who constructed such a wicked foundation for a plan that has manipulated, constricted, and IMPLANTED Fear into the nations says the Lord of Hosts.

The IMPLANTS the molecular code and construct, the molecular chain shall be dissected more and more and the secrets of not only the wicked and corrupt, but drug companies, health organizations, billionaire backers and secret scientists that are within labs within a lab, a heavily guarded area that is removed, separated from the rest of the lab, there shall be more than one exposed says the Lord of Hosts this day

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MzMidniteRider333 ... @MzMidniteRider333
22 May, 08:08
The TV and MSM never touched this story, and won't. In fact we broke the news to our local law enforcement that this was taking place in our home, here in Guadalupe County Texas. He is currently being held in Los Angeles Ca. We have not been granted permission to search his property

Naason Joaquin Garcia Jr, has been arrested, at the same time as Jeffrey Esptien, for "raping children on film on tablets and phones" as stated by the Los Angela's DA when his defense lawyers asked for bond to be reduced from $50Mil. They raised it to $90Mil

Naason owns the Silver Wolf Ranch, a 500 acre estate that has been a property of mystery and conspiracy here in town for decades. He is the leader of the La Luz Del Mundo Church, and over 6mil people believe he is "related to Jesus" defending him blindly. The three women posted have been arrested along side him for grooming the children for him, the same as Ghislane did for Esptien

You Are The News now. Tell The World

#wwg1wga #ENDHumanTraf

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Lady 4Trump donated @Dollface
21 May, 02:30
#wwg1wga #TheGreatAwakening #Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #GodWins

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08 May, 07:25

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
19 May, 12:32
May 19, 2018 6:41:54 PM EDT
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 000000 No. 90


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downscale ⓌⓌⒼ①ⓌⒼⒶ @downscale
17 May, 03:51

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Melissa Markoutsis @Rrocksss
17 May, 07:44
FB and Instagram won’t allow me to post this.. says it goes against their standards... SHARE IT FAR AND WIDE

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Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye) @i4ni2th4a2th
17 May, 08:58
If you want to know more about current 2021
levels of quantum mechanic “TIME TRAVEL” capability watch the mini series DEVS.

It is reminiscent of remote viewing (Star Gate/Project Yellow Book) whistle blower Bill Wood’s testimony on the secret government “time travel” program.

According to BW both players (Q & CABAL) know the game is over. It’s only a matter of time before we do this and they are forced to do that and then we are forced to do this and then eventually... inevitably... and in ALL scenarios... checkmate (WHITE HATS WIN). Yes there are moves left on the table but based on the rules of the game bad guys have already lost & good guys already won (technically). Going Forward in Order to Look Back.

There’s no version of “reality” where the Q-TEAM timeline doesn’t unfold into the Great Awakening.

Somethimes the future can find the past.
Past Predicts Future - Future Proves Past.

“Time travel is fun.” - Q

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
17 May, 05:20

"Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, & Ron Wyden Talk About How Easy It Is To Hack American Elections!" 🇺🇸

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Kuntuzangpo 1776 @Kuntuzangpo1776
14 May, 10:09

From Covid Red Pills

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12 May, 07:42
Hamas = DS
Mossad = DS
Hezbolah = DS
W.H.O. = DS
British Royal Family = DS
Beijing Biden Family = DS
The Vatican = DS
D.C. = DS
U.N. = DS
E.U. = DS
Australia = DS
The House of Saudi = DS
Muslim Brotherhood = DS
Planned Parenthood = DS
Hollywood = DS
Dali Lama = DS
David Soros = DS
The Clinton Foundation = DS
Bill Gates = DS
Faucci = DS
Mother Theresa (Faucci's biological mother) = DS
The Taliban = DS
The FED = DS
Merkel, Trudeau, Macron = DS
Zuck & Dorsey = DS
Thousands of corporations = DS


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TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us @stormis_us
13 May, 12:10

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
11 May, 12:38
Nurse says she saw doctor ‘sneaking’ COVID shots to kids WITHOUT the knowledge or consent of parents. Doctor said if the parents aren’t ok with it, “maybe they shouldn’t be parents” 😳👇🏼

MICR records show nearly 30 kids got the shot from this clinic.


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10 May, 06:18
100 year old supressed technologies, products of Nikola Tesla & various black budget programs, from Dark to Light.

Join Q17_Awakening

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
03 May, 09:09
Please pray OUT LOUD with us every night at 8:09 & then repeat the post immediately following the prayer also out loud to help manifest (co-create) the future we want for this Earth.

Thank Dennis1776 for the beautiful artwork he added to Nana's prayer as well.
There is so much power in our praying and manifesting in many voices of many of God's children. We all have an inner direct connection to God. Nana has found mine, I hope you can find yours.

We are souls (light energy beings) inside these earth suits. Some are old souls that chose to be here for this Greatest Time in Earth's history, some are younger growing their soul awareness, but each and every one of us are here right now at this time for a reason.

Find your God connection and find your reason.
In service to the One God of the Universe in Love & Compassion.
This is where we need to be.

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Denise Bel @DeniseExcited4Justice
30 April, 03:32
They found 90 people in TX Home after tracing down kidnapping lead.

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