Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
30 June, 08:24
6.30.21: Magnetism, Br@in Bl@@d Clots, Nan @TECH and more! Their PLAN is SICK! Pray!
And We Know

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Cowboy w2b @Cowboyw2b
29 April, 06:47
How many needless deaths does there need to be, before people (e.g. Cuomo, Fauci...) get prosecuted?


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Lisa Groenewoud @VictoryOfTheLight369
30 June, 08:25
#URGENT & #Important
Re: Telephone/Text/Email Scams/

I was alerted to scammers sending text/email messages asking unsuspecting men/women to call a specific number.

Know this...

Canada 2.0, will never send a text messages or call to ask for your bank account details or money before you can receive your GESARA funds.

Remember this...
When GESARA has been rolled out in Canada (we have the system in place already) I will make an official public statement/announcement.

You don't have to pay one penny to anyone in order to benefit from GESARA (The same around the world).

Until then, please protect your money and secure your bank accounts (set up a transaction alert notification with your bank - get an email or text for every transaction).

Peace and Prosperity. Or perish.

I don't play Politics.

HRH Romana Didulo, romanadidulo
Head of State and Commander-in-Chief,
Head of Government of Canada,
Queen of Canada
#wwg1wga 🙏🇨🇦 🇺🇸🌎

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
30 June, 08:15
🔴"Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant


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Suzy Bear @Suzyq_stayfrosty
30 June, 08:15

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30 June, 04:10

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JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
27 June, 11:35
I love the anon’s so much! 😂 Really enjoy your Sunday patriot.


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Double Eagle @TheKingsChick
30 June, 07:15

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Lisa Hill @Lisa_Mayeaux_Hill
30 June, 03:57

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Divine Dirtclod donated @Divinedirtclod
30 June, 08:26

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
29 June, 07:38

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
29 June, 09:48

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
29 June, 07:16

"Remember when they were getting ready to take pictures of dead Corona patients and one was still smoking a cigarette. Never forget!"

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Only followers of this user (Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

Anne Green @Anne72
30 June, 07:28
In response Chris Webb to his Publication

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Joyce Chandler @JoyceChandler
30 June, 08:28

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Patriot AztekJade @AztekJade
29 June, 07:39

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
30 June, 08:29
McAllister TV

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Double Eagle @TheKingsChick
30 June, 07:14

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Ice Kates donated @IceKates
30 June, 08:30
You're not getting away that easy Serial Rapist Cosby!

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My Balcony Garden NEWS ℹ️ @mybalconygarden
30 June, 08:30
☠️ 😈 ☠️

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
30 June, 08:31

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Nede Catherine @EdenZed
30 June, 10:58
In response TheStormIsUponUs @stormis_us to his Publication
ouiiii 😎

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
30 June, 08:31
Is The FBI Running Patriot Groups To Discredit The Movement? History And Case Studies...

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P.Q.Anon PCP @PQAnon
30 June, 08:28
👇 👀🧠👀🧠👀🧠👀🧠 👇

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Lisa Groenewoud @VictoryOfTheLight369
25 June, 07:40
Teresa Stone, [25.06.21 19:30]
[Forwarded from Mike Pompeo]

"Be patient, I'm coming" ❤️

Join us: PompeoChannel

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The Mac @TheMac
25 June, 08:36

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25 June, 05:29
Excuse my language:
What THE FUCK is a Latinx?!?!?!?!?
This POS is one of the biggest racists of the 20th and 21th century. I'm starting to feel as if the people that voted for him are okay with his racism. I mean, is anyone that voted for him even aware of "The Crime Bill" that he proudly got passed in the early 90s?!?!?!?🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

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Diane Goldman @DGold
25 June, 07:40

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
25 June, 06:29

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