John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
Lucky for you God loves you so much that if you believe in him and his son you only have to do one thing to ascend!

You don't have to meditate to increase your vibration,
You don't have to know about chaukra's,
You don't have to know anything about astrology,
You don't have to what age we are entering,
You don't have to know anything!
The one thing you MUST do if you fit the very top criteria is......
Yup that's it.
That is the ONLY way you ascend.
No human leaves this realm alive.
And for all those who think the bible is fake than maybe you can explain to me
how something written 2k years ago is taking place right now?
There's no picking and choosing what's true and what's not folks.
The bible says it all, you just didn't read it.
I would start.
Yes I would.
09:32 AM - Jan 09, 2022
Only people mentioned by Jamesbridgebuilder in this post can reply
Shane Mark @Painiscomingagainbaby
09 January, 09:34
In response John Qpublic to his Publication
so its always been him that presence you feel when your alone? and james when would we have enough people to win and keep our freedom? the whole world? or has it always been the CME thats going to hit soon? and we win by dying and those who beileve in the lord win and those who want the light die dont win

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
10 January, 11:22
In response Shane Mark to his Publication
Shane I feel God no matter where I am but I have those man to man conversations with him when I am by myself. I talk out loud just like he was standing there. It is amazing therapy because I have no worries when I am finished.

Now the tough part.
The simplest best answer is all of this is to cover up a Neutron Star. We know it as planet X or Nirubu.
It is approaching from the opposite side of the sun so be are blind to it atm.
Even though we can not see it its gravity is playing havoc with the planets in our system. It is so dim we may not be able to see it but the gravity tells us that it indeed is there.
It will wipe out 95% of humanity and throw us into a 200 to 2k year ice age.
It will cause the magnetic poles to flip and the earth will go with it. Antarctica will be on the equator, and yes solar flare hell will break lose. Mercury and Mars will change places and possibly collide again. You can see the damage on Mars still from last time.

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Shane Mark @Painiscomingagainbaby
09 January, 09:34
In response John Qpublic to his Publication
so its always been him that presence you feel when your alone? and james when would we have enough people to win and keep our freedom? the whole world? or has it always been the CME thats going to hit soon? and we win by dying and those who beileve in the lord win and those who want the light die dont win

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Shane Mark @Painiscomingagainbaby
09 January, 09:34
In response John Qpublic to his Publication
so its always been him that presence you feel when your alone? and james when would we have enough people to win and keep our freedom? the whole world? or has it always been the CME thats going to hit soon? and we win by dying and those who beileve in the lord win and those who want the light die dont win

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Ana Tate @Anatated
09 January, 11:37
In response John Qpublic to his Publication
Do you know? You make God smile. We spend so much time on this plane not understanding what is real. We spend so much time, focusing on the impermanent. We spend so much energy on our understanding of love, the imperfect image, the counterfit. So many never realize, it doesn’t matter what our perception is. Our perception does not change who God is. Our perception doesn’t change what God does. Our ability to love, without His love, is incomplete. We nvest in the things that are only meant for this world. Those things that are not heavenly. When we search for those things that matter to God, we can then draw nearer to Him. God hates death and He doesn’t want to lose anyone. Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly. Jesus asked for mercy for the deceived. Who are we to contradict Him? Glory to God for all He has shown your heart. No fear, deny them their feast.

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
09 January, 12:36
In response Ana Tate to her Publication
Thank you Ana that means so much to me.
Honestly I am this way because of people like you.
Spared a kind word when they didn't have to.
People who took the time to tell the truth no matter how painful I felt it was.
That pain and kindness taught me empathy, that empathy gave no other conclusion than my empathy was non existent to what God feels. That broke my heart and gave me a love I had never known. It gave me the ability to trust what I can't see because he said I could.
If he says we're good than we are good.
We all will die someday, that is a fact. Some hold on to this life afraid of everything because they don't know his love. I want them to, no matter who.
It is fear that kills everything so I am going to do as he asks me to and live and enjoy his bounty.
I'll die when he wants me and not one second sooner.
To me that is the greatest freedom I could ask for.
God bless you sister.

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
09 January, 10:01
In response John Qpublic to his Publication
but not all... Enoch, Ezekiel...etc...

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
09 January, 12:41
In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication
True, very true. Point taken Jason but I am sure you are the same as I am.
The word of God is the word of God.
It is that I call the bible no matter it's form.
To me brother there have been many days when you were the bible.
May God bless you eternally for that.

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Aga Gie @AgaG
09 January, 09:51
In response John Qpublic to his Publication
and what about people who had near death experience? and they came back...

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
09 January, 10:03
In response Aga Gie to her Publication
Near death can be spiritual too, doesn't have to be near death, but perception of such as well. How many are pushed so far that they believe they are going to die, The world is awakening.

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John Qpublic @Jamesbridgebuilder
09 January, 12:48
In response Aga Gie to her Publication
Jason speaks a lot of truth.
In my opinion we create what we deep down inside feel we deserve.
Even if it was something 80 years ago if we still hold onto it than we deserve hell for it.
Many times we do not even realize it's there.
God wants to love you, nothing more. He just asks for the same back.
Guilt is meant to teach and love is meant to forgive.
Really doesn't the fact that people see anything at all when they die just prove his existence?
If he didn't wouldn't they just see nothing?
It's a simple question but it only has one answer.
God is with you fren and trust me he has a great sense of humor.

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
09 January, 09:48
In response John Qpublic to his Publication

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