Martin Geddes @martingeddes
We are stronger than the censors, for our mission is driven by a zest for life and creativity, and theirs by an empty dullness. The censor's indifference to others costs them their ability to love, and no material reward can ever compensate for that.

So long Twitter, hello Anonup. We will regroup as often as is necessary until we win over the censors.

Yes, I am here… and this is my first post.
08:30 PM - Jan 24, 2021
Only people mentioned by martingeddes in this post can reply
Radiant Patriot donated @stunninglyboring
08 April, 05:54
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Only been a year?
Rather feels like most of a lifetime,
this time of Awakening and girding up our loins to do battle
against Unthinkable Evil.

From the Wikileaks pizzagate dump until now, my mind boggles.
Yet out of every apparent catastrophe (my own perspective) great blessings and wisdom eventually flow.

This Life Is So Not Easy
And, yeah. I'll say we were born for this time.

Bless you, Martin Geddes.

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08 April, 02:44
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
One Year later and we are still here Martin.
With the only difference that AnonUp is much bigger as before.
Great to be still here with those great Patriots.
And to Twitter. Mmmh.... it's the same whore as a year ago.

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Rita N-C donated @Angels8817
08 April, 12:02
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
So many of us gone within just a few short days! Said then and now - they are the losers in the long run! Was great to find you and read your truths again.
Also find AU a great place to be and seems to be busier now - so many great posts!

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Craig Robert Steele @QuantumChristian2022
08 April, 11:41
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
This is the Post that Got Me Permanently Banned on Twitter, on January 9, 2021--Two Months After the Stolen Election


We Need to Remain on Twitter & STAND OUR GROUND!
We Need to Make Sure that Every Digital Warrior that
is Banned or Suspended is Instantaneously Replaced
by 1,000 More! We must Confront the TWITTERATI on
their Own Playing Field and Claim it for the People!

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Craig Robert Steele @QuantumChristian2022
08 April, 11:54
In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication
I Lost that Battle, Almost Immediately, but NOW We are are Individually and Collectively Preparing for the FINAL CHARGE in which we will RECLAIM Our GOD-GIVEN FREEDOMS, Restore Our Republic, and fulfill Our Destiny to become "A LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS" (Isaiah 42:6). TOGETHER, We will Co-Create a New, Heart-Centered World based on Love, Mutual Understanding--a World of Personal and Planetary Brotherhood and Sisterhood--what Christ referred to as the Kingdom of Heaven.

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BAM BAM @Q_TheRealMcCoy
08 April, 12:14
In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

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Paula Taylor @paulamjohns
15 June, 11:10
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
I missed you Martin - so many others I have lost contact with. Happy to see you here - God Bless - Let's get this shit done!

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GnarlyOld Dude @OklahomaRed
18 April, 10:02
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Welcome, sir. Glad you finally made it!

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Fear Not @fearnot
09 March, 02:52
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
I am a big fan of Mr. Geddes:)

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05 March, 03:03
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Many of us are transplants from the censorship & biase agenda driven TWitter. Welcome & enjoy the ride. JPLloyd

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Truth Seeker - ω @Truthseeker09
04 March, 04:55
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Welcome on Annon wessel Martin💂‍♂️🤗

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Rabbit Roulette @RabbitRoulette
05 February, 09:22
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
so thaankfuk you are here!! I just fished your book. AMAZING!! ✨

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Rabbit Roulette @RabbitRoulette
05 February, 09:25
In response Rabbit Roulette to her Publication
ok wtth. THANKFUL!!! Not thankfuk. holy cow. 🍻 thats typing after two pints for you.

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white light @prOjectWhiteLIght
04 February, 04:15
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
#freespeech is more than 'allowing' someone the #Freedom to say what they want, it is also 'allowing' others the freedom to hear it...

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Chrissy Webb @Christine2Q2Q
01 February, 03:10
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

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Ginger Buchanan @GingerB4
30 January, 10:24
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
How refreshing! It's great to see you again.
So much LOVE!

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Mini Lewis @MRSFBA
29 January, 04:27
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
before I add my own 'like' you have 1, 717 😍✨🙏

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Barbara Thornbury @Dadgumbug
28 January, 11:04
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

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Grace Scharff @Grace444
28 January, 06:37
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Hi & def stronger together!!
God Bless! God is GOOD!

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Cynthia Foley @angelnflite
27 January, 10:45
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Welcome & Hello !!!

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Serving those Who serve @1871_2021
27 January, 09:53
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
I am hangin on at Tw*+T*r as long as I can - offering red pill or red suppository as needed to those who are responding to truth.

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Kathy Wunderlich @KountryKat14
27 January, 03:24
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
💗🙏🇺🇲glad you're here

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John 812 1776 @4TruthNHonor44
26 January, 11:10
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Glad to see ya Back Brother definitely a much needed voice to keep us going strong. Cheers

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EK17 QKraken @GaDawg1
26 January, 08:38
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
so glad to see you here Martin. ive been banned from Twitter for at least 6 months.ooking forward to your witty and truthful posts. WWG1WGA 😎🇺🇸

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Martin Timberlake @LuckyTimberlake
25 January, 11:47
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Good to see you Martin, they kicked me out of Twitter the same day as the president
I'll take that as a badge of honor. I just found this site myself great to see you here. I always hunted you down on Twitter.

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Keila Anon @Only1KeyLaG
25 January, 10:30
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
welcome Martin! Im so glad you are here. my 4th account was suspended on twitter. not going back there

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Mic Band-Z @Bandido45
25 January, 09:59
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Never giving up

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Lauren M Bradley @Lauren_M_Bradley
25 January, 09:57
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Love U

so glad U here


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25 January, 09:34
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Love you Martin!

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Victoria ~ Z Skywalker @Victoria1144
25 January, 09:22
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Good to see you back and here! (twatter booted me twice in 6 days) are you still on patreon? they shut down my page.

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Manor Farm @DakotaWheatLady
25 January, 09:21
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
Fren!!! ...wondered when you'd drop by!

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Steampunk Patriot @nickpoma
25 January, 09:21
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
That's a beautiful sentiment Mr. Geddes. You always have such delightful comments. I can say from my experience on Twitter that I had to re-follow you several times under a few diverse personas. It is good to see you again, and I feel confidant that we will not have to suffer such indignaties again.

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ice mtn @icemtn17
25 January, 07:18
In response Martin Geddes to his Publication
😍Hi Martin! So glad to see you here. Been missing your wisdom, insights and those lovely photographs.

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